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Arch. argent. pediatr ; 122(3): e202303026, jun. 2024. ilus
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1554938


El maltrato infantil es definido por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) como "el abuso y la desatención que sufren los niños menores de 18 años. Incluye todo tipo de maltrato físico y/o emocional […] que resulte en un daño real o potencial para la salud, la supervivencia, el desarrollo o la dignidad del niño". Al examinar los rastros corporales del maltrato físico, siguiendo los mecanismos de lesión más frecuentemente implicados, es posible detectar patrones radiológicos típicos. La evaluación imagenológica del hueso en reparación permite inferir cronologías para correlacionar con los datos obtenidos en la anamnesis. Los profesionales de la salud deben detectar oportunamente lesiones radiológicas sospechosas y activar de forma temprana el resguardo del menor. Nuestro propósito es realizar una revisión sobre las publicaciones recientes referidas al estudio imagenológico en niños de quienes se sospeche que puedan ser víctimas de violencia física.

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines child maltreatment as "the abuse and neglect that occurs to children under 18 years of age. It includes all types of physical and/or emotional ill-treatment [...], which results in actual or potential harm to the child's health, survival, development or dignity." By examining the bodily traces of physical abuse, following the most frequently involved mechanisms of injury, it is possible to identify typical radiological patterns. The imaging studies of the bone under repair allows inferring a timeline that may be correlated to the data obtained during history taking. Health care providers should detect suspicious radiological lesions in a timely manner and promptly activate the safeguarding of the child. Our objective was to review recent publications on the imaging studies of children suspected of being victims of physical violence.

Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Child Abuse/psychology , Violence , Radiologists
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031626


Retiform hemangioendothelioma (RH) is a rare vasogenic malignancy with a high local recurrence rate and rare distant metastasis. Hepatic RH in infants is extremely rare. Here we report a case of liver RH in a 7-month-old infant.

Psicol. USP ; 35: e210095, 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1558730


Resumo A pesquisa teve como objetivo estudar o impacto da ausência do brincar precoce no desenvolvimento psíquico do bebê, quando ele se encontra privado de trocas lúdicas na relação bebê-cuidadora, no contexto das creches. A correlação dos resultados dos instrumentos IRDI, MPPE e AP3 no acompanhamento longitudinal de cinco bebês, dos 8 meses de vida aos 4 anos de idade, apontou que a ausência do brincar precoce resulta no empobrecimento do brincar simbólico e entraves no processo de subjetivação da criança.

Abstract This study investigate the absence of early play, that is, the deprivation of playful exchanges with caregivers in the nursery environment, and its impact on the psychic development of infants. Results from a longitudinal study with five infants, from 8 months to 4 years of age, collected by the IRDI, MPPE and AP3 instruments showed that the absence of early play results in the impoverishment of further symbolic play and in obstacles to the child's subjectivation process.

Resumen La investigación tiene como objetivo estudiar el impacto de la ausencia del juego precoz en el desarrollo psíquico en bebés, cuando estos se encuentran privados de intercambios lúdicos en la relación bebé-cuidador/a. En el ámbito de las guarderías, la correlación de los resultados de los instrumentos IRDI, MPPE y AP3 en el acompañamiento longitudinal de cinco bebés de ocho meses a cuatro años indicó que la ausencia del juego precoz provoca empobrecimiento del juego símbolo e impedimentos en el proceso de subjetividad del niños.

Résumé Cette étude s'intéresse à l'absence de jeux précoces, c'est-à-dire à la privation d'échanges ludiques avec les soignants dans l'espace de la crèche, et à son impact dans le développement psychique des nourrissons. Les résultats d'une étude longitudinale auprès de cinq nourrissons, suivis de 8 mois à 4 ans, recueillis à l'aide des instruments IRDI, MPPE et AP3, ont montré que l'absence de jeux précoces entraîne un appauvrissement des jeux symboliques ultérieurs et des obstacles au processus de subjectivation de l'enfant.

Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Play and Playthings , Child Care , Child Day Care Centers , Child Development , Psychological Tests , Developmental Disabilities/psychology , Early Intervention, Educational/methods
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219679


Aim: Cookies from rice, banana and cashew-nut flour blends were prepared as alternative to gluten-free baby-led food for children. Place and Duration of Study: The study was carried out in the Chemistry Laboratory, Department of Science Laboratory Technology, University of Medical Sciences, Ondo, Nigeria and Food Processing Laboratory, Department of Food Technology, Auchi Polytechnic, Auchi, Nigeria between August, 2022 and January, 2023. Methodology: Baby-led weaning cookies were formulated from flour blends as 100% raw rice (RRC), 50% rice and 50% wheat (RWC) and 40% rice, 20% cashew and 40% unripe banana (RCB) and their physical properties, sensory attributes, proximate properties, mineral compositions, vitamin profiles and anti-nutrients were determined and compared with 100% commercial cookie (CMC) with the view to substituting wheat flour with suitable flour blends with enhanced nutritional quality. Results: The peak diameter (10.40±0.20 mm), thickness (6.37±0.06 mm) and weight (17.65±0.04 g) were obtained in RCB. Spread ratio was highest (2.66±0.11) and lowest (1.42±0.01) in CMC and RWC respectively while spread factor decreased from 100% in CMC to 77.19% (RRC), 53.46% (RWC) and 62.47% (RWC). The grittiness, texture, aroma, taste and general acceptability of RCB were significantly similar to those of CMC (P < 0.05). Na, K, Mg and Zn contents increased in RCB. Proximate compositions (%) of the cookies formulated varied significantly from CMC. Peak crude protein (14.49±0.59), crude fibre (4.03±0.02) and fat (32.22±0.00) in RCB, ash (3.28±0.02) and carbohydrate by difference (58.15±0.13) in CMC and moisture (18.19±0.11) in RRC. The peak values of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) and water-soluble vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12, C) were most abundant in RCB. The proportions (mg/g) of phytate, oxalate, tannins and phenols in the cookies formulated were comparatively lower than the lethal dose, implying that the cookies would be safe for consumption. Conclusion: RCB cookie had excellent nutritional quality, which, as a novel baby-led weaning cookie, could serve as a suitable alternative to commercial cookies.

Pensar Prát. (Online) ; 26: 73799, 20230227.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1435944


O objetivo do estudo é apresentar um ensaio de análise sobre as primeiras manifestações de um bebê no contexto das brincadeiras de aventura. Para tanto, analisamos narrativas de registros em vídeo sobre as primeiras brincadeiras, em contexto de aventura, de um bebê do gênero feminino, com menos de 1 ano de idade. As análises foram construídas com base em estudos de Kleppe, Melhuish e Sandseter (2017), Le Breton (2009) e Goldschmied e Jackson (2008). Concluímos que a qualidade das oportunidades para brincar oferecidas aos bebês poderá tornar as experiências em situação de risco controlado uma aventura, sendo os adultos os responsáveis por oferecer e dar segurança para o brincar em contexto de aventura na infância.

The objective of the study is to present an analysis essay on the first manifestations of a baby in the context of adventure play. To do so, we analyzed narratives of video recordings about the first games, in the context of adventure, of a female baby, under 1 year old. The analyzes were built based on studies by Kleppe, Melhuish and Sandseter (2017), Le Breton (2009) and Goldschmied and Jackson (2008). We conclude that the quality of the opportunities to play, offered to babies, may turn experiences in a controlled risk situation into an adventure, and adults are responsible for offering and providing security for opportunities to play in the context of adventure in childhood.

El objetivo del estudio es presentar un ensayo de análisis sobre las primeras manifestaciones de un bebé en el contexto de los juegos de aventura. Para ello, analizamos narraciones de grabaciones de video sobre los primeros juegos en el contexto de la aventura, de un bebé de sexo femenino menor de 1 año. Los análisis se construyeron con base en estudios de Kleppe, Melhuish y Sandseter (2017), Le Breton (2009) y Goldschmied y Jackson (2008). Concluimos que la calidad de las oportunidades del juego ofrecidas a los bebés puede convertir experiencias en una situación de riesgo controlado en una aventura, siendo los adultos los encargados de ofrecer y brindar seguridad a las oportunidades del juego en el contexto de la aventura en la infancia.

Estilos clín ; 28(1)2023. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1435202


Este artigo analisa a singularidade linguística e psíquica de dois bebês, com desfecho de linguagem distintos, aos dois anos. Para análise, utilizaram-se a entrevista inicial e continuada, os Indicadores Clínicos de Referência/Risco ao Desenvolvimento Infantil (IRDI), os Sinais Enunciativos de Aquisição da Linguagem (SEAL), além de filmagens da interação entre mãe e bebê. Os resultados indicaram que em apenas um dos casos houve superação do sofrimento psíquico e atraso na linguagem a partir do segundo ano de vida. Tanto o exercício das funções parentais quanto às condições dos bebês são fatores importantes em sua constituição psíquica e linguística, o que traz reflexões interdisciplinares importantes acerca da singularidade na relação entre esses dois aspectos do desenvolvimento infantil

Este artículo analiza la unicidad lingüística y psíquica de dos bebés con un resultado distinto del lenguaje a los dos años. Para el análisis se utilizó la entrevista inicial y continuada, los Indicadores Clínicos de Referencia/Riesgo para el Desarrollo Infantil (IRDI), los Signos Enunciativos de Adquisición del Lenguaje (SEAL), así como imágenes de la interacción entre madre y bebé. Los resultados indicaron que solo uno de los casos había superado la angustia psicológica y el retraso del lenguaje a partir del segundo año de vida. Tanto el ejercicio de las funciones parentales como las condiciones de los bebés son factores importantes en su constitución psíquica y lingüística, lo que trae importantes reflexiones interdisciplinarias sobre la singularidad de la relación entre estos dos aspectos del desarrollo infantil.

This article seeks to investigate the linguistic and psychic uniqueness of two babies with distinct language outcome at two years. For analysis, the initial and continued interview, the Clinical Indicators of Reference/Risk to Child Development (IRCD), the Enunciative Signs of Language Acquisition (SEAL) were used, as well as footage of the interaction between mother and baby. The results indicated that only one of the cases had overcome psychological distress and language delay from the second year of life. Both the exercise of parental functions and the conditions of babies are important factors in their psychic and linguistic constitution, which brings important interdisciplinary reflections on the uniqueness in the relationship between these two aspects of child development

Cet article cherche à enquêter sur l'unicité linguistique et psychique de deux bébés, en considérant les axes structurels de la constitution du psychisme et la participation de la mère et du bébé dans les protoconversations initiales. Pour l'analyse, l'entretien initial et continu, les indicateurs cliniques de référence/risque pour le développement de l'enfant (IRDE), les signes énonciatifs de l'acquisition du langage (SEAL) ont été utilisés, ainsi que des images de l'interaction entre la mère et le bébé. Les résultats ont indiqué qu'un seuldes cas avait surmonté une détresse psychologique et un retard de langage dès la deuxième année de vie. Tant l'exercice des fonctions parentales que les conditions des bébés sont des facteurs importants dans leur constitution psychique et linguistique, cequi amène d'importantes réflexions interdisciplinaires sur le caractère unique de la relation entre ces deux aspects du développement de l'enfant

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Adult , Psychological Distress , Language Development Disorders , Mother-Child Relations , Parenting , Qualitative Research
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529043


La lactancia materna (LM), es la opción más segura para garantizar buena salud y crecimiento de los niños pequeños. Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo, retrospectivo, en un consejo popular urbano, perteneciente al Policlínico Docente "Jimmy Hirzel", municipio Bayamo, provincia Granma, período enero 2018 - diciembre 2020, con el objetivo de determinar la relación entre prácticas de lactancia materna y la morbilidad del lactante. La muestra incluyó 231 niños de 12 meses de edad, y sus madres, que cumplieron criterios de selección. Variables estudiadas: en la madre (prácticas de lactancia materna exclusiva y causas del abandono de la misma); y en el niño (morbilidad durante el primer año de vida). Las medidas de resumen empleadas fueron, de la estadística descriptiva, los números absolutos y porcientos y de la estadística inferencial, la prueba de Chi cuadrado con nivel de significación del 5%. Como resultados relevantes, el 45% de las madres ofreció a sus hijos lactancia materna exclusiva (LME) por seis meses, siendo la hipogalactia la causa principal del abandono de la misma (60/126); el 44.8% de los niños que recibió LME enfermó durante el primer año de vida, y el 90.5% de los que no la recibió. Las infecciones respiratorias agudas constituyeron la primera causa de morbilidad, afectando más a niños sin LME (76.2%). Se concluyó que las prácticas de lactancia materna se asociaron significativamente a la morbilidad del lactante (p˂0.05).

SUMMARY Breastfeeding (BF) is the safest option to ensure good health and growth for young children. A retrospective, descriptive observational study was carried out in an urban popular council, belonging to the Jimmy Hinzel polyclinic, Bayamo municipality, Granma province, period January 2018-December 2020, with the aim of determining the relationship between breastfeeding practices and infant morbidity. The sample included 231 12-month-old children and their mothers who met selection criteria. Variables studied: in the mother (exclusive breastfeeding practices and causes of abandonment); and in the child (morbidity during the first year of life). The summary measures used were, from descriptive statistics, absolute numbers and percentages and from inferential statistics, the Chi-square test with a significance level of 5%. As relevant results, 45% of mothers offered their children exclusive breastfeeding (SCI) for six months, with hypogalactia being the main cause of abandonment (60/126); 44.8% of children who received SCI became ill during the first year of life, and 90.5% of those who did not. Acute respiratory infections were the leading cause of morbidity, affecting more children without SCI (76.2%). It was concluded that breastfeeding practices were significantly associated with infant morbidity (p˂0.05).

O aleitamento materno (AM) é a opção mais segura para garantir boa saúde e crescimento para crianças pequenas. Foi realizado um estudo observacional retrospectivo, descritivo, em um conselho popular urbano, pertencente à policlínica Jimmy Hinzel, município de Bayamo, província de Granma, no período de janeiro de 2018 a dezembro de 2020, com o objetivo de determinar a relação entre as práticas de aleitamento materno e a morbidade infantil. A amostra incluiu 231 crianças de 12 meses de idade e suas mães que atenderam aos critérios de seleção. Variáveis estudadas: na mãe (práticas de aleitamento materno exclusivo e causas de abandono); e na criança (morbidade no primeiro ano de vida). As medidas-resumo utilizadas foram, a partir da estatística descritiva, números absolutos e percentuais e da estatística inferencial, o teste Qui-quadrado com nível de significância de 5%. Como resultados relevantes, 45% das mães ofereceram aos filhos aleitamento materno exclusivo (LM) por seis meses, sendo a hipogalactia a principal causa de abandono (60/126); 44,8% das crianças que receberam LM adoeceram no primeiro ano de vida e 90,5% das que não receberam. As infecções respiratórias agudas foram a principal causa de morbidade, acometendo mais crianças sem LM (76,2%). Concluiu-se que a prática do aleitamento materno associou-se significativamente à morbidade infantil (p˂0,05).

J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; 99(4): 371-378, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506627


Abstract Objective To verify the prevalence of the offer of ultra-processed foods (UPFs), and to analyze their associated factors in the child's first year of life. Methods Cross-sectional study with 119 mother-infant pairs. At 5.5 months of the child, the mothers received guidance on complementary feeding (CF) according to three methods: Parent-Led Weaning (PLW), Baby-Led Introduction to SolidS (BLISS), or mixed (a combination of PLW and BLISS). At nine and 12 months, the mothers answered a questionnaire about the offer of UPFs. The NOVA classification, which classifies foods according to the nature, extent, and purposes of the industrial processes to which they are subjected, was used to list the UPFs. Descriptive statistics and multivariate Poisson regression, following a multilevel hierarchical model according to the proximity to the outcome, were used to estimate the association between dependent and independent variables. Results The prevalence of UPF consumption was 63% (n = 75) in the first year of life. Receiving guidance on healthy CF in the BLISS method showed to be a protective factor for offering UPFs (RR 0.72; CI95 0.52-0.99). Attending less than six prenatal consultations was a risk factor for the UPFs provision (RR 1.39; CI95 1.07-1.80). Conclusion The prevalence of UPFs offered in the first year of life in this study can be considered high, and future interventions aimed at avoiding UPFs offered in this population should consider the CF method.

Demetra (Rio J.) ; 18: 70265, 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532570


La baja adherencia a la lactancia materna en los primeros seis meses de vida del bebé es un gran problema en Colombia. Investigar las percepciones de las madres adolescentes es esencial para el incentivo a la lactancia materna exclusiva. Así, el objetivo de este estudio fue conocer las percepciones sobre la lactancia materna y describir las características sociodemográficas de madres adolescentes lactantes que participan en el Programa de Crecimiento y Desarrollo de la Corporación Hospital San Juan de Dios UniRemington en Colombia. Se trata de un estudio observacional cualitativo transversal realizado entre 2020 y 2021 mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas. Estas se realizaron según un guión de preguntas abiertas a madres adolescentes que amamantan a bebés menores de 2 años, utilizando grabadora de audio, diarios de campo y datos sociodemográficos obtenidos de registros hospitalarios. La muestra y resultados se basearon en la saturación de datos, según las narrativas organizados en temas a partir del análisis temático junto con repeticiones de observaciones y descripciones de datos sociodemográficos. De las diez jóvenes, el 70% tenía un bajo nivel de escolarización y su percepción de la lactancia estaba relacionada con su conocimiento de los beneficios de la lactancia para la nutrición del bebé y el vínculo madre-hijo, pero con muchas dificultades esta realidad se ha convertido en una utopía. Hubo una díada de alegría y dolor en las vivencias. Se concluyó que las percepciones estaban relacionadas con la falta de apoyo médico y familiar para madres adolescentes. Se sugieren más estudios en diferentes poblaciones maternas.

Low adherence to breastfeeding in the first six months of a baby's life is a major problem in Colombia. Investigating the perceptions of adolescent mothers is essential to encourage exclusive breastfeeding. Thus, the objective of this study was to learn about the perceptions of breastfeeding and to describe the sociodemographic characteristics of breastfeeding adolescent mothers who participated in the Growth and Development Program of the Hospital San Juan de Dios UniRemington Corporation in Colombia. This is a cross-sectional qualitative observational study conducted between 2020 and 2021 using semi-structured interviews. These were carried out according to a script of open-ended questions to teenage mothers who were breastfeeding babies under 2 years of age, using tape recorders and field diaries and sociodemographic data obtained from hospital registers. The sample and results were based on data saturation according to narratives organized into themes from the thematic analysis together with repetitions of observations and descriptions of sociodemographic data. Of the ten young women, 70% had a low level of schooling and their perception of breastfeeding was related to their knowledge of the benefits of breastfeeding for baby nutrition and mother-child bond, but with many difficulties this reality has become a utopia. There was a dyad of joy and pain in the experiences. It was concluded that the perceptions were related to the lack of medical and family support for adolescent mothers. Further studies in different maternal populations are suggested.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Perception , Pregnancy in Adolescence , Breast Feeding , Adolescent Mothers , Sociodemographic Factors , Colombia , Maternal-Child Health Services , Infant Care , Mother-Child Relations
Epidemiol. serv. saúde ; 32(2): e2022603, 2023. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440089


Objetivo: mensurar a prevalência de prematuridade segundo macrorregião brasileira e características maternas, nos últimos 11 anos; comparar as proporções durante a pandemia de covid-19 (2020-2021) com as da série histórica (2011-2019). Métodos: estudo ecológico, com dados do Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos; prevalências calculadas segundo ano, macrorregião e características maternas; análise da série temporal pelo modelo de Prais-Winsten. Resultados: a prevalência de prematuridade em 2011-2021 foi de 11,1%, estável; a média no período pandêmico 11,3% (IC95% 11,2;11,4%) assemelhou-se à do período-base 11,0% (IC95% 10,6;11,5%); a região Norte (11,6%) apresentou a maior proporção entre 2011 e 2021; gestação gemelar (56,3%) e gestantes com 4-6 consultas de pré-natal (16,7%) apresentaram tendência crescente (p-valor < 0,001); observou-se maior prevalência para extremos de idade materna, gestantes de raça/cor da pele preta, indígenas e menor escolaridade. Conclusão: maior prematuridade nas gestantes socialmente vulneráveis, em gestações gemelares e no Norte; prevalência estável, sem diferença entre períodos.

Objetivo: medir la prevalência de prematuridad de 2011 a 2021, según macrorregión brasileña y características maternas, comparando los años de pandemia de COVID-19, con 2011-2019. Métodos: estudio ecológico basado en el Sistema de Información de Nacimientos Vivos. Prevalencias calculadas según año, macrorregión y características maternas. Análisis de series temporales por el modelo generalizado de Prais-Winsten. Resultados: la prematuridad entre 2011-2021 fue 11,1%, con estabilidade; la media de en el periodo de la pandemia 11,3% (IC95% 11,2;11,4) se asemejó a la media de referencia 11,0% (IC95% 10,6;11,5). Región del norte tuvo la proporción más alta entre 2011 y 2021. Embarazo gemelar y mujeres con 4-6 visitas prenatales tuvieron tendencia al aumento. Prevalencias más elevadas correspondían a la edad materna extrema, mujeres embarazadas negras e indígenas y niveles de educación más bajos. Conclusión: mayor prematuridad en situación de vulnerabilidad social, embarazos gemelares y de la Región Norte. Proporciones se mantuvieron estables, sin diferencias entre períodos.

Objective: to measure the prevalence of prematurity according to the Brazilian macro-regions and maternal characteristics over the past 11 years; to compare the proportions during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020-2021) with those of the historical series (2011-2019). Methods: this was an ecological study, with data from the Live Birth Information System; the prevalence was calculated according to year, macro-region and maternal characteristics; time series analysis was performed using Prais-Winsten regression model. Results: the prevalence of preterm birth in 2011-2021 was 11.1%, stable; the average in the pandemic period 11.3% (95%CI 11.2;11.4%) was similar to that of the base period 11.0% (95%CI 10.6;11.5%); the North region (11.6%) showed the highest proportion between 2011 and 2021; twin pregnancy (56.3%) and pregnant women who had 4-6 prenatal care visits (16.7%) showed an increasing trend (p-value < 0.001); the highest prevalence was observed for extremes of maternal age, pregnant women of Black race/skin color, indigenous women and those with lower level of education. Conclusion: preterm birth rates were highest for socially vulnerable pregnant women, twin pregnancies and in the North; stable prevalence, with no difference between periods.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Infant, Premature , Time Series Studies , Premature Birth/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , COVID-19 , Obstetric Labor, Premature
Indian J Public Health ; 2022 Nov; 66(1): 3-11
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-223881


This review was designed to assess the pooled prevalence of early childhood caries (ECC) in India. An electronic data search was done in PubMed/MEDLINE and Scopus databases in October 2020. Epidemiological surveys assessing the prevalence of ECC were included, and data on gender, geographic region, sampling strategy, feeding habits, and dmft values were extracted. The risk of bias was assessed, and a meta-analysis was performed for pooled prevalence and mean dmft values. The selection of articles, data extraction, and validity assessment were done independently by the two reviewers(ID and RV). Athird reviewer (CJ) resolved any conflict between these two reviewers. Atotal of seventy?one studies were included for quantitative analysis. The pooled prevalence of ECC estimated from 71 studies with 69,330 participants is 46.9% (confidence interval [CI] 46.5–47.2). Males had a higher prevalence of ECC (47%, CI: 46.4–47.6,40 studies, 26,840 participants) than females (43.8%, CI: 43.2–44.2,40 studies, 24,389 participants). Region?wise analysis showed the highest number of studies (44) in southern India, with a sample size of 35,988 with a pooled prevalence of 44.6% (CI: 44–45.1). The pooled mean dmft (random effect) is 2.23 (1.97–2.48), with males having a higher proportion of 2.26 compared to 2.23 in females. The pooled prevalence of ECC was 46.9%, and the pooled mean was 2.23. The results from this study state that one in every two children in India is suffering from ECC, reflecting its public health relevance.

Subj. procesos cogn ; 26(2): 123-132, nov. 28, 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1402002


Medir el empuje que transmite la voz materna es casi inconcebible, (Didier-Weill,1998) ya que la estructura de su discurso primordial incluye una paradoja. ¿De qué manera entonces medir un espacio de encuentro que está en construcción? Este estudio explora la distancia afectiva en la díada madre-bebé desde una perspectiva intersubjetiva, durante la emisión del fenómeno sonoro denominado "tono maternés". Como parte de los avances de la investigación en curso, se destaca el valor de la interdisciplina para la obtención de los datos y el modo en que su procesamiento conduce a una posible categorización de su objeto de estudio. La consulta a expertos (del campo de la fonoaudiología y la psicomotricidad) permitió abordar un "único cuerpo suficientemente complejo"(Bernardi,2000)y de este modo cercar la realidad compartida. Se acuerda con Winnicott (1989) en la idea de que, si distintos observadores llegan a conclusiones semejantes, probablemente signifique que se ocupan de cosas reales(AU)

Measuring the drive transmitted by the maternal voice is almost inconceivable (Didier-Weill 1998). This statement is based on the idea that the primordial discourse structure is paradoxical. How then, to measure a meeting space that is under construction. One of the objectives of this psychoanalytic thesisis to explore the affective distance present in the dyad, while she emits the sound phenomenon 'babytalk'. As part of the progress, the author presents some moments of the investigation. This paper highlights the value of interdisciplinary approach to obtain the data and presents a possible categorization of the affective distance present in the early relationship.To study the real movements for the psychical constitution, it was required the dialogue with experts (from the areas of phonology and psychomotricity) to border a shared reality and address a "single sufficiently complex body (Bernardi, 2000). In agreement with Winnicott (1989), if different observers arrive at a similar conclusion, it possibly implies that they are dealing with real things(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Adult , Psychoanalysis , Psychological Distance , Voice , Affect , Maternal Behavior/psychology , Mother-Child Relations/psychology , Play Therapy , Interdisciplinary Research , Interpersonal Relations
Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam ; 25(4): 668-689, out.-dez. 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1424095


A operação de suposição de sujeito compreende um dos quatro eixos que fundamentam a pesquisa IRDI e consiste em uma antecipação realizada pelo agente da função materna de um sujeito no bebê, que não se encontra ainda constituído. Este trabalho se propõe a apresentar um relato de caso que teve como objetivo investigar como a operação de suposição de sujeito ocorre em um contexto de internação em uma Unidade de Terapia Semi-Intensiva Neonatal. Para isso, foram realizadas uma entrevista semiestruturada, a aplicação do protocolo IRDI (Indicadores Clínicos de Risco para o Desenvolvimento Infantil) e do instrumento Denver II. Observou-se que a suposição de sujeito pode ocorrer, mas neste caso clínico apresenta dificuldades para se sustentar e operar, já que a relação mãe-bebê possivelmente foi influenciada pela limitação física do bebê, sua internação prolongada e aspectos emocionais da mãe.

Subject assumption operation is one of the four axes that underlie research using Clinical Indicators of Risk for Child Development (IRDI) and consists of an anticipation performed by the maternal agent on the behalf of a not yet constituted subject - the baby. This paper presents a case report that aimed to investigate how the subject assumption operation occurs in a neonatal semi intensive care unit. To do so, a semi-structured interview was conducted followed by application of the IRDI protocol and the Denver II instrument. Results showed that the subject assumption can occur, but, in this clinical case, it was unsustainable and non-operational, since the mother-child relation was possibly influenced by the physical limitation of the baby, their prolonged hospitalization, and emotional aspects of the mother.

L'opération d'"assomption sujet" comprend l'un des quatre axes qui sous-tendent la recherche utilisant les indicateurs cliniques de risque pour le développement de l'enfant (IRDI) et consiste en une anticipation effectuée par l'agent maternel pour le compte d'un sujet qui n'est pas encore constitué. Cet article présente un rapport de cas qui visait à étudier comment cette opération se déroule dans une unité de soins semi-intensifs néonatals. Pour ce faire, un entretien semi-directif a été mené, suivi de l'application du protocole IRDI et de l'instrument Denver II. Les résultats ont montré que l'hypothèse du sujet peut se produire, mais, dans ce cas clinique, elle était insoutenable et non opérationnelle, puisque la relation mère-enfant était probablement influencée par la limitation physique du bébé, son hospitalisation prolongée et les aspects émotionnels de la mère.

La operación de la suposición del sujeto es uno de los cuatro ejes que sostienen el estudio con indicadores clínicos de riesgo para el desarrollo infantil (IRDI) y consiste en una anticipación realizada por el agente de la función materna de un sujeto en el bebé, que todavía no se encuentra constituido. Este trabajo propone presentar el reporte de caso con el objetivo de investigar cómo la operación de suposición de sujeto ocurre en el contexto de hospitalización en una Unidad de Cuidados Semiintensivos Neonatal. Para eso, se realizaron una entrevista semiestruturada, la aplicación del protocolo IRDI y el instrumento Denver II. Se ha notado que la suposición de sujeto puede ocurrir, pero todavía en este caso clínico se muestran dificultades para que se sustente y opere, una vez que la relación madre-bebé posiblemente fue influenciada por limitaciones físicas del bebé, su hospitalización prolongada y aspectos emocionales de la madre.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226364


Miracle drink “Renal Support (S-5)” an Ayurvedic formulation in conjugation with other cardiovascular support (S3), Sugar Care (S10), and liver health support (S4) was scientifically evaluated on 12 humans subjects for its therapeutic potential in treating chronic kidney diseases caused due to: a) Induce of pain killers medication, and other medications, b) Chronic diabetes, c) Blood pressure. Patients suffering from renal failure due to over medications, pain killer medication and BP were advised to take 15ml of Renal Support and S3 twice a day morning and evening before food, and 15ml of S4 trice a day. As the main biomarker of kidney disease, creatinine was monitored every month till three months of treatment whereas; blood urea and hemoglobin were screened at month end. Cytotoxicity and nephroprotective activity of Renal Support were evaluated on Baby Hamster Kidney Fibroblast cells (BHK-21). Radical decline in serum creatinine content was observed from 6.31mg/dl to 1.80mg/dl (68%), 1.20mg/dl (79%), and 0.84mg/dl (82%) on 30, 60, and 90 days of treatment respectively and in 90 days of treatment most of the patients showed 50 to 83% creatinine reduction. A significant decrease in the blood urea from 91mg/dl to 30mg/dl(67%) and hemoglobin content from 7.27 to 11.77g% was observed in 30days of treatment and the majority of patients showed >50% of blood urea reduction. No toxicity of Renal Support towards BHK-21 was noticed and showed 40.92% and 47.54% nephroprotective activity. A novel, natural-based, and safe Ayurveda formulation with significant nephroprotective potential for CKD treatment was proposed in the present study.

Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam ; 25(2): 287-309, abr.-jun. 2022. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1395007


O objetivo deste estudo é descrever os Indicadores Clínicos de Risco no Desenvolvimento Infantil ao longo da psicoterapia psicanalítica pais-bebê. Participaram da pesquisa um bebê de quatro meses no início da psicoterapia, com risco no desenvolvimento infantil — avaliado a partir do protocolo IRDI — e seus pais. Foram realizadas 30 sessões de psicoterapia pais-bebê que ocorreram ao longo de nove meses, registradas em áudio e vídeo. Foi realizada a observação dos vídeos para avaliação dos IRDIs, havendo um comparativo entre quatro momentos do processo psicoterápico: na avaliação inicial do bebê, aos três, seis e nove meses de tratamento. Os resultados apontaram que houve uma diminuição dos indicadores clínicos de risco para o desenvolvimento infantil ao longo do tratamento, e, ao final dos nove meses de psicoterapia, o bebê da pesquisa não apresentava mais indicadores de risco.

Resumos The aim of this study is to describe the Clinical Child Development Risk Indicators throughout a parent-baby psychoanalytic psychotherapy. A four-month-old baby at the beginning of psychotherapy, at risk for child development - assessed using the CDRI protocol - and his parents participated in the research. Thirty parent-baby psychotherapy sessions took place over nine months and were recorded in audio and video format. Videos were watched to assess the child development risk indicators by comparing four moments of the psychotherapeutic process: initial evaluation of the baby, at three, six and nine months of the treatment. Results showed that Clinical Child Development Risk Indicators decreased throughout the treatment and disappeared completely at the end of the nine months of psychotherapy.

L'objectif de cette étude est de décrire les Indicateurs Cliniques de Risque du Développement Infantile durant une psychothérapie psychanalytique parents-bébé. Un bébé âgé de quatre mois au début de la psychothérapie et qui présentait un risque du développement infantile — constaté à partir du protocole IRDI — ainsi que ses parents ont participé à la recherche. Trente séances de psychothérapie parents-bébé ont eu lieu pendant neuf mois et ont été enregistrées en audio et vidéo. Les vidéos ont été analysées afin d'évaluer les IRDIs en comparant quatre moments du processus psychothérapeutique : l'évaluation initiale du bébé, à trois, six et neuf mois de traitement. Les résultats mettent en évidence que les indicateurs cliniques de risque pour le développement infantile ont diminué durant le traitement, si bien qu'à la fin des neuf mois de psychothérapie, le bébé examiné ne présentait plus aucun indicateur de risque.

El objetivo de este estudio es describir los Indicadores de Riesgo para el Desarrollo Infantil a lo largo de la psicoterapia psicoanalítica de padres y bebé. Participaron en la investigación un bebé de cuatro meses, al inicio de la psicoterapia con riesgo para el desarrollo infantil - evaluado mediante el protocolo IRDI - y sus padres. A lo largo de nueve meses, se llevaron a cabo treinta sesiones de psicoterapia entre padres e bebé, grabadas en audio y video. Los videos fueron observados para la evaluación de los IRDI, con una comparación entre cuatro momentos del proceso psicoterapéutico: en la valoración inicial del bebé y a los tres, seis y nueve meses del tratamiento. Los resultados mostraron que, a lo largo del tratamiento, hubo una disminución en los indicadores de riesgo para el desarrollo infantil y, al final de los nueve meses de psicoterapia, el bebé investigado ya no presentaba indicadores de riesgo.

Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 21(3): e4280, mayo.-jun. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1409484


Introducción: El abandono de la lactancia materna es uno de los problemas que enfrenta el Sistema Nacional de Salud en Cuba por las consecuencias desfavorables que representa para la salud de los lactantes. Objetivo: Identificar la relación entre el abandono de la lactancia materna exclusiva y las afectaciones en la salud de los lactantes. Material y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo de corte transversal, en 105 lactantes del Policlínico Aleida Fernández Chardiet nacidos en 2019, cuyas madres dejaron de utilizar la lactancia materna exclusiva antes del sexto mes. Las variables utilizadas fueron edad materna, tiempo de duración de la lactancia materna exclusiva, las enfermedades más frecuentes diagnosticadas en el niño y la necesidad de ingresos hospitalarios. Se aplicó la prueba no paramétrica de independencia Chi Cuadrado para demostrar la relación entre variables. Resultados: Predominó el abandono de la lactancia materna exclusiva antes de los 3 meses y no se encontró relación estadísticamente significativa entre esta y las afecciones más frecuentes de los lactantes (las IRA en 40 por ciento y las EDA en 23,8 por ciento). El 55,2 por ciento necesitó ingreso hospitalario antes del sexto mes y la relación con el abandono precoz de la lactancia materna exclusiva fue estadísticamente significativa. Conclusiones: El abandono precoz de la lactancia materna exclusiva afecta la salud de los lactantes y aunque las afecciones no tuvieron una relación estadísticamente significativa con aquella sí tienen una elevada frecuencia en estos niños de tan corta edad(AU)

Introduction: Breastfeeding withdrawal is one of the challenges faced by the Cuban National Health System due to its adverse consequences on the health of babies. Objective: To identify the relationship between exclusive breastfeeding withdrawal and health disorders in babies. Material and Methods: A descriptive, retrospective, cross-sectional study was carried out on 105 breastfed babies from "Aleida Fernández Chardiet" Policlinic who were born in 2019 and were precociously weaned from exclusive breastfeeding before the sixth month. The variables used were: maternal age, duration of exclusive breastfeeding, most frequent diseases diagnosed in the child, and need for hospital admission. The chi-squared non-parametric independence test was used to show the relationship among variables. Results: Exclusive breastfeeding withdrawal before the third month was predominant (71, 4 percent); the most frequent diseases diagnosed were respiratory diseases and diarrheas (40 percent and 23,8 percent, respectively); about half the babies required hospital admission (55,2 percent) before the sixth month; the relationship with early withdrawal of breastfeeding was statistically significant. Conclusions: Early withdrawal of breastfeeding has negative effects on the health of babies. Although the illnesses did not have a statistically significant relationship with it, a high frequency of their incidence was found in such young babies(AU)

Humans , Female , Infant , Breast Feeding , Infant Health , Time Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Maternal Age , Hospitalization
Medisan ; 26(1)feb. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1405768


Se describe el caso clínico de un neonato, producto de parto eutócico, a término y normopeso, asistido en el Hospital Distrital de Barrillas, perteneciente a la zona rural del Departamento Huehuetenango en Guatemala, que al nacer presentó escamas grandes y gruesas diseminadas en la piel, así como eversión de párpados y labios. Se le diagnosticó ictiosis arlequín, por lo que se mantuvo ingresado en la Unidad de Cuidados Neonatales de dicho centro. La evolución fue desfavorable, con persistencia de complicaciones, tales como sepsis grave y alteraciones hidroelectrolíticas, a pesar del tratamiento médico, por lo que falleció a los 6 días de nacido e igual período de hospitalización.

The case report of a newborn baby, product of an eutocic childbirth, at term and normal weight, is described. He was assisted in Barrillas Distrital Hospital, belonging to the rural area of the Huehuetenango Department in Guatemala due to big and thick flakes disseminated in the skin when being born, as well as eversion of eyelids and lips. Arlekin ichthyosis was diagnosed, reason why he was admitted to the Neonates Care Unit of this center. The clinical course was unfavorable, with persistence of complications, such as serious sepsis and hydroelectrolitic disorders, in spite of the medical treatment, reason why he died after 6 days of being born and same period of hospitalization.

Infant, Newborn , Ichthyosis , Skin , Eyelids , Lip
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-954934


Shaken baby syndrome, also known as abusive head trauma, is one of the deadliest and most devastating forms of child abuse.This paper reviewed the risk factors, cognitive status and preventive measures of shaken baby syndrome, in order to provide reference for the prevention of shaken baby syndrome and further research on shaken baby syndrome.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-955827


Objective:To investigate the efficacy of Yupingfeng powder combined with extensively hydrolyzed milk formulas in the treatment of milk protein allergy in infants and its effects on immune function, interleukin-10 (IL-10) and IL-22 levels. Methods:Eighty infants with milk protein allergy who received treatment in Hangzhou Children's Hospital from January 2020 to January 2021 were included in this study. They were randomly assigned to Yupingfeng powder and conventional treatment groups, with 40 infants per group. An additional 80 infants who concurrently received health examination in the same hospital were included in the control group. The conventional group was treated with extensively hydrolyzed milk formulas. The Yupingfeng powder group was treated with Yupingfeng powder combined with extensively hydrolyzed milk formulas. All infants were treated for 30 successive days. Clinical efficacy, serum total immunoglobulin (IgE), milk specific IgE (sIgE), peripheral blood CD 4+CD 25+ Treg, IL-10 and IL-22 levels were compared between groups. Results:Total response rate in the Yupingfeng powder group was significantly higher than that in the conventional treatment group [92.50% (37/40) vs. 72.50% (29/40), χ2 = 5.54, P < 0.05]. Serum total IgE and milk sIgE levels in the Yupingfeng powder group were (132.93 ± 14.61) IU/L and (0.62 ± 0.14) IU/L, respectively, which were significantly lower than (150.27 ± 16.22) IU/L and (0.85 ± 0.17) IU/L in the conventional treatment group ( t = 5.02, 6.61, both P < 0.05). The expression of CD 4+CD 25+ Treg in the Yupingfeng powder group was significantly higher than that in the conventional treatment group [(13.29 ± 1.40)% vs. (11.84 ± 1.27)%, t = 4.85, P < 0.05). CD 4+CD 25+ Treg expression in the Yupingfeng powder group was not significantly different from that in the control group [(13.40 ± 2.03)%, t = 0.31, P = 0.759]. IL-10 in the Yupingfeng powder group was significantly higher than that in the conventional treatment group [(34.57 ± 4.07) μg/L vs. (22.19 ± 2.15) μg/L, t = 17.01, P < 0.05]. IL-22 level in the Yupingfeng powder group was significantly lower than that in the conventional treatment group [(2.20 ± 0.42) ng/L vs. (5.28 ± 0.79) ng/L, t = 21.77, P < 0.05]. IL-10 and IL-22 levels in the Yupingfeng powder group were not different from those in the control group [(35.53 ± 3.85) μg/L, (2.13 ± 0.53) ng/L, t = 1.26, P = 0.209; t = 0.73, P = 0.468]. Conclusion:Yupingfeng powder combined with extensively hydrolyzed milk formulas is highly effective on milk protein allergy. The combined therapy can improve the immune function of infants, enhance IL-10 level, and decrease IL-22 level.

Chinese Journal of Dermatology ; (12): 599-602, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-957697


Objective:To investigate pathogenic genes and inheritance patterns in 3 consecutive collodion babies in a family.Methods:The proband was diagnosed as a collodion baby due to extensive dry and chapped skin all over the body at birth. Phenotypes of the proband's parents were normal, but their first and second children presented with dry and chapped skin at birth and died a few days after birth. DNA was extracted from peripheral blood samples of the patient and her parents for whole-exome capture sequencing, and candidate mutations were verified by Sanger sequencing.Results:Compound heterozygous mutations in the ALOX12B gene were identified in the infant, including a missense mutation c.1405 C>T (p.R469w) inherited from her father and a frameshift mutation c.68_69insC (p.L24fs) inherited from her mother.Conclusions:The infant was diagnosed with hereditary ichthyosis, which was inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. The missense mutation c.1405 C>T and frameshift mutation c.68_69insC in the ALOX12B gene may contribute to the clinical phenotype of this infant, and the frameshift mutation had not been reported in China or other countries.