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Pract Neurol ; 24(1): 66-69, 2024 Jan 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37852755


Late-onset Pompe disease manifests predominantly in the proximal lower limbs and may be mistaken for an inflammatory myopathy. A 46-year-old man with acromegaly had an 8-year history of progressive weakness. His myopathy was initially attributed to the acromegaly, but severe progression prompted a muscle biopsy, which suggested an inflammatory myopathy. However, his weakness progressed despite treatment for polymyositis. His muscle ultrasound scan pattern was more suggestive of Pompe disease than polymyositis, and Pompe disease was confirmed by genetic and enzymatic testing. Patients with apparent polymyositis, which persists despite treatment, require reconsideration of the diagnosis, with particular attention to treatable genetic causes.

Acromegalia , Doença de Depósito de Glicogênio Tipo II , Miosite , Polimiosite , Masculino , Humanos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Doença de Depósito de Glicogênio Tipo II/diagnóstico , Polimiosite/diagnóstico , Polimiosite/patologia , Erros de Diagnóstico
Hematol., Transfus. Cell Ther. (Impr.) ; 45(4): 483-494, Oct.-Dec. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528646


ABSTRACT Objectives: To verify the association between the ABO blood type and the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 disease severity. Methods: This review was conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA), using the 2020 PRISMA Checklist and flow diagram, and articles selected for review were analyzed using the Newcastle-Ottawa Quality Rating Scale. The research question was: "Would the ABO blood group influence the risk of infection and clinical course of patients infected with SARS-CoV-2?", The following databases were used: Embase, PubMed, Virtual Health Library (VHL), Web of Science, Science-Direct and Scopus. The protocol for this review was registered in the Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO), number CRD42021245945. Results: We found 798 articles across PubMed, Embase, Scopus, Web of Science, Science Direct and Virtual Health Library and 54 articles were included in the final analysis. Among 30 studies evaluating the risk of COVID-19 infection, 21 found significant correlations with ABO blood groups, 14 of them revealing an increased risk in blood group A and 15 studies showing a decreased risk in blood group O. Most studies found no significant correlation with disease severity or mortality. Conclusion: The qualitative assessment of available information suggests that blood group A may be a risk factor for COVID-19 infection and that blood group O may have a protective effect. We were unable to determine a clear association between the ABO blood group and mortality. These conclusions are based on highly heterogenous evidence.

Hematol Transfus Cell Ther ; 45(4): 483-494, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36467112


OBJECTIVES: To verify the association between the ABO blood type and the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 disease severity. METHODS: This review was conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA), using the 2020 PRISMA Checklist and flow diagram, and articles selected for review were analyzed using the Newcastle-Ottawa Quality Rating Scale. The research question was: "Would the ABO blood group influence the risk of infection and clinical course of patients infected with SARS-CoV-2?", The following databases were used: Embase, PubMed, Virtual Health Library (VHL), Web of Science, ScienceDirect and Scopus. The protocol for this review was registered in the Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO), number CRD42021245945. RESULTS: We found 798 articles across PubMed, Embase, Scopus, Web of Science, Science Direct and Virtual Health Library and 54 articles were included in the final analysis. Among 30 studies evaluating the risk of COVID-19 infection, 21 found significant correlations with ABO blood groups, 14 of them revealing an increased risk in blood group A and 15 studies showing a decreased risk in blood group O. Most studies found no significant correlation with disease severity or mortality. CONCLUSION: The qualitative assessment of available information suggests that blood group A may be a risk factor for COVID-19 infection and that blood group O may have a protective effect. We were unable to determine a clear association between the ABO blood group and mortality. These conclusions are based on highly heterogenous evidence.

Motriz rev. educ. fís. (Impr.) ; 21(3): 256-262, July-Sept. 2015. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-761646


The objective of this study was to verify the short- and long-term effectiveness of the Elementary School Postural Program in the performance, generalization, and perception of daily school activities. The final sample consisted of 61 subjects divided into experimental (14 years ±0.93; ♀=22; ♂=10) and control group (15.38 years ±0.97; ♀=16; ♂=13), all participants attended a Brazilian public school in Porto Alegre, State of Rio Grande do Sul. The postural program included 20 sessions over a 10-week period. In each session, participants discussed and practiced routine actions that typically occurred at schools. Eight other meetings were required for the completion of the pre- and post-tests. The experimental group performed significantly better than the control group in the short-term evaluations, although there were no significant statistical differences in the long-term follow-up evaluations. The children demonstrated a good behavioral response to the postural program; nevertheless, the knowledge had not been completely mastered after a year.

O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a eficiência em curto e longo prazo da escola postural para o ensino fundamental na performance, generalização e percepção das atividades escolares diárias. A amostra final foi composta de 61 participantes divididos em grupos experimental (14 anos ±0,93; ♀=22; ♂=10) e controle (15,38 anos ±0.97; ♀=16; ♂=13), todos provenientes de uma escola pública de Porto Alegre, RS. O programa postural foi composto de 20 sessões, totalizando 10 semanas. Em cada sessão os participantes do grupo experimental discutiram e praticaram as atividades escolares diárias. Além desses encontros outros 8 foram necessários para a realização dos pré e pós testes. O grupo experimental foi significativamente melhor que o controle nas avaliações em curto prazo, contudo não foi observada diferença significativa na avaliação de longo prazo. As crianças parecem apresentar boa resposta comportamental ao programa, mas esse conhecimento não foi incorporado ao longo de um ano.

El objetivo de este estudio fue verificar la eficiencia en corto y largo plazo del programa de educación postural para la escuela primaria en el rendimiento, generalización y percepción de las actividades escolares diarias. La muestra final consistió en 61 participantes divididos en grupo experimental (14 años±0,93; ♀ = 22; ♂=10) y control (15.38 años±0,97; ♀ = 16; ♂=13), todos de una escuela de Porto Alegre, RS. El programa postural consistió en 20 sesiones durante 10 semanas. En cada sesión, los participantes en el grupo experimental discutieron y practicaron las actividades escolares diarias. Además, otras 8 sesiones fueron requeridas para la realización de los testes. El grupo experimental fue significativamente mejor que el control en corto plazo, pero no en largo plazo. Los niños parecen tener una buena respuesta de comportamiento con el programa postural, pero este conocimiento no se ha sido incorporado más de un año.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Ensino Fundamental e Médio , Equilíbrio Postural/fisiologia , Postura/fisiologia , Técnicas de Exercício e de Movimento
Rev. bras. ciênc. mov ; 19(4): 51-59, out.-dez. 2011. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-733654


Transportar carga é uma ação realizada diariamente por todos os escolares. Mochilas, bolsas, pastas são as formas mais comuns observadas. Alguns desses equipamentos favorecem a manutenção de uma postura adequada, especialmente da coluna vertebral, outros, nem tanto. Além do meio como o material é transportado, seu peso (≥10% do peso corporal) é uma variável que pode interferir no deslocamento do centro de gravidade e na flexão do tronco. A associação de flexão da coluna e transporte de carga pode ser um fator desencadeante de patologias da coluna vertebral. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a forma como os escolares da Rede Municipal de Ensino Fundamental de Porto Alegre transportam o material escolar, bem como o peso transportado. Este é um estudo descritivo-exploratório transversal. A amostra foi composta de forma aleatória por 430 escolares, estratificados (faixa etária e sexo) pelas quatro regiões administrativas da cidade. Os participantes foram fotografados com o seu material escolar e foram pesados com e sem esses equipamentos. A diferença de peso serviu para identificar o peso transportado. Observou-se que os participantes utilizam majoritariamente a mochila nas costas com apoio sobre os dois ombros para a realização dessa tarefa, não havendo diferença entre meninos e meninas ou entre as faixas etárias. Esses resultados são equivalentes aos encontrados em estudos realizados com outras populações. Foi observado também que o peso médio do material escolar foi de 5,46% do peso corporal, sendo que 8,5% dos participantes transportavam mais de 10% do peso corporal. Esses resultados são inferiores aos observados em outros estudos com outros grupos. Apesar de valores inferiores aos dados internacionais, ações no âmbito da comunidade escolar devem ser realizadas com o objetivo de propor alternativas para diminuir a prevalência de escolares transportando uma carga que pode ser nociva a sua saúde.

Carrying a load is action taken daily by all students. Backpacks, purses, briefcases are the most common forms observed. Some of these items help to maintain a proper posture, especially the spine, others less so. In addition, its weight (≥ 10% of body weight) is a variable that can interfere with the displacement of the center of gravity and trunk flexion. The association of spinal flexion and heavy load can be a triggering factor for diseases of the spine. The objective of this study was to determine how the students of the Municipal Elementary School in Porto Alegre carry school supplies, as well as the weight carried. This is a cross-sectional descriptive exploratory study. The sample consisted of 430 participants randomly stratified (age and sex) by four administrative regions of the city. The participants were photographed with their school supplies and were weighed with and without the equipment. The weight difference was used to identify the weight carried. It was observed that the participants mainly use the backpack with support on both shoulders to this task, with no difference between boys and girls or between age groups. These results are equivalent to those found in studies of other populations. It was also observed that the average weight of school supplies was 5.46% of body weight, and 8.5% of participants carried over 10% of body weight. These results are lower than those observed in other studies with other groups. Eventhough these results are lower than international data reported, actions within the school community should be conducted in order to propose alternatives to reduce the prevalence of students carrying a load that can be harmful to your health.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Criança , Postura , Coluna Vertebral , Saúde
Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 15(1): 145-165, jan.-mar. 2009.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: lil-552645


A intenção neste estudo foi compreender, a partir de um olhar da Antropologia do corpo e da saúde, as motivações daqueles que procuram uma educação postural. Método: A análise das informações foi realizada a partir de 50 entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas com participantes do programa de extensão “Escola Postural” da ESEF/UFRGS. Resultados: A análise das informações permitiu identificar o argumento principal para justificar o interesse em participar de um programa de educação postural: a vontade de ter boa postura. Conclusão: A importância dada à boa postura demonstrou uma interseção permanente entre saúde, estética e moral.

This study was to comprehend, from a Body and Health Anthropological point of view, the motivations from those who search a postural education program. Method: Fifty semi-structured interviews were analyzed. Results: One main argument was identify to justify their interest in joining a postural education program: the desire to have a good posture. Conclusion: The emphasis given to a good body posture shows a permanent intersection between health, esthetic and moral.

Nuestra intención en este estudio fue comprender, a partir de una mirada hacia la Antropología del cuerpo y de la salud, las motivaciones de aquellos que buscan una educación postural. Método: El con participantes del programa de extensión “Escuela Postural” de la ESEF/UFRGS. Análisis de las informaciones se ha hecho a partir de 50 entrevistas semiestructuradas realizadas. Resultados: El análisis de las informaciones ha permitido identificar un argumento principal para justificar el interés en participar de un programa de educación postural: el deseo de tener una buena postura. Conclusión: La importancia atribuída a la buena postura ha demostrado una intersección permanente entre salud, estética y moral.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Antropologia , Estética/educação , Postura/fisiologia , Saúde , Moral , Pesquisa Qualitativa
Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 12(3): 227-241, set./dez. 2006. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1007295


O surgimento de algias lombares em crianças e adolescentes pode estar associado aos seus hábitos de postura adquiridos no período escolar. O objetivo deste trabalho foi criar um instrumento capaz de identificar a percepção que escolares têm sobre a postura adotada nesse ambiente. Foi criado um questionário com fotos sobre formas de sentar, sentar para escrever, carregar o material escolar e pegar objetos pesados e leves do chão. Após a análise da validade aparente e do resultado da análise intragrupo (r=0,91; p<0,000), conclui-se que o questionário aplicado era válido e fidedigno para a aplicação em uma população de características semelhantes

Occurrence of low back pain in children and teenagers may be due to their postural habits during school time. The objective of this paper is to build a questionnaire capable of identifying the postural perception they have during school activities. A questionnaire was build including photos of sitting down, sitting down for writing, carrying school material, and lifting light and heavy weights from the floor. After the questionnaire face validity was analyzed and the results of the intraclass correlation was found (r=0,91; p=0,000), we concluded that the tool have face validity and reliability for application in a population with similar characteristics

El dolor en las espaldas en niños se puede asociar a sus hábitos de postura adquiridos en la escuela. El objetivo de este trabajo fue crear un instrumento capaz de identificar la percepción que tienen los escolares sobre la postura adoptada en ese ambiente. Se ha creado un cuestionario con fotos sobre maneras de sentar, sentar para escribir, cargar el material escolar y tomar objetos del suelo. Después del análisis de la validad aparente y del resultado del análisis intra clase (r=0,91; p<0,000), se concluyó que el cuestionario era válido y fidedigno para la aplicación en una población con características semejantes

Humanos , Criança , Adolescente , Postura , Dor nas Costas , Serviços de Saúde Escolar , Estudantes
Rev. bras. biomec ; 4(1): 49-54, 2003.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-638178


The main purpose of this research was to verify the influence of the heel height of different styles of shoes upon the percentual of the body weight (BW) applied to both forepart and backpart of the feet on standing up. This is a descriptive study - comparative, whereas II ladies, spontaneously available, bearing the same age, body mass and height of heels have been analysed, such as: (1) -0.9 cm (negative heel); (2) 0.7 cm (no heel); (3) 5 cm, (4) 5.6 cm, (5) 7.5 cm and (6) 9 cm (the last ones positive heel) and the condition of barefooted has been adopted as reference. The percentuals of the body weight applied to the backpart and forepart of the feet, have been quantified through the vertical component (Fy) of the ground reaction force (GRF) from kinetic analysis done with two force plataforms AMTI. For statistical treatment, it was adopted the test ANOVA One way, post hoc de Tukey, the statistical package SPSS (p<0.05). Accordingly to the results obtained, one can observe that the transference of the transference of the BW from the backpart of the foot into the forepart of the foot, was not proportional to the heel heigth of the shoes. In two out of the six heel heigths (5.6 cm and 9 cm) only on the rigth foot there were significant statistical differences. On the left foot, only in one single heel heigth (5.6 cm) it was observed a transference of the percentual of the BW from the backpart of the upholding sipport, considering the ladies who had been evaluated, the four styles of shoes with different heights of heels (-0.9 cm, 0.7 cm, 5 cm and 7.5 cm) can be adapted to either styles, keeping the average percentual Fy, applied to the forepart and the backpart of the foot, on standing up, when compared to a barefooted condition...

Humanos , Fenômenos Biomecânicos , Peso Corporal/fisiologia , Postura/fisiologia , Sapatos