Galactose oxidase, produced by fungi of the genus Fusarium, is an enzyme of great biotechnological importance. The gaoA gene has been recombinantly expressed in several hosts but has yet to be in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This work aimed to express the Fusarium graminearum GaoA enzyme in S. cerevisiae. The full-length and the truncated F. graminearum gaoA gene were subcloned into a yeast expression vector. The GaoA enzyme expression level in S. cerevisiae was higher when the truncated gene, which codes for the mature form of the enzyme, was used. After purification of the expressed enzyme on a Sepharose® 6B column, the obtained yield of the pure and active enzyme was 16.7 mg/L. The purified protein showed a KM of 9.8 mM, lower than that of the wild-type enzyme, and a kcat/KM of 2.9 × 107 M-1s-1, higher than that of the wild-type enzyme. The expressed recombinant protein used several common substrates for galactose oxidase, such as galactose, raffinose, and 1,3-dihydroxyacetone dimer. In addition, it had increased activity on guar gum, lactose, and Arabic gum compared with the wild-type enzyme. The obtained enzyme's characteristics are compatible with the galactose oxidase biotechnological applications.
Proteínas Fúngicas , Fusarium , Galactose Oxidase , Proteínas Recombinantes , Saccharomyces cerevisiae , Fusarium/enzimologia , Fusarium/genética , Galactose Oxidase/genética , Galactose Oxidase/química , Galactose Oxidase/metabolismo , Saccharomyces cerevisiae/genética , Saccharomyces cerevisiae/enzimologia , Proteínas Recombinantes/genética , Proteínas Recombinantes/química , Proteínas Recombinantes/metabolismo , Proteínas Recombinantes/isolamento & purificação , Proteínas Recombinantes/biossíntese , Proteínas Fúngicas/genética , Proteínas Fúngicas/química , Proteínas Fúngicas/biossíntese , Proteínas Fúngicas/metabolismo , Proteínas Fúngicas/isolamento & purificação , Expressão Gênica , Especificidade por Substrato , Clonagem MolecularRESUMO
Soybean utilization is limited by the presence of raffinose oligosaccharides (RFO), which are not digested by humans and cause gastrointestinal discomfort. This study explores the potential of α-galactosidases from Penicillium griseoroseum for RFO hydrolysis in soymilk. Two distinct α-galactosidase enzymes, designated α-Gal1 and α-Gal2, were purified using a combination of ion-exchange chromatography and native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Both enzymes exhibited characteristics of multimeric proteins and displayed similar biochemical properties. Optimal activity was observed at a pH range of 4.5-5.0 and a temperature range of 40-45 °C. Notably, α-Gal1 demonstrated high thermostability with a half-life of 16 h at 40 °C. The α-galactosidases displayed different substrate affinitiesfor the substrates ρ-NP-αGal, o-NP-αGal, rD-raffinose, d-stachyose, and mD-melibiose. The Michaelis-Menten constant (Km) values for α-Gal1 were 1.06, 1.31, 28.74, 19.88, and 4.77 mmol/L, respectively, while those for α-Gal2 were 0.8, 1.26, 30.46, 21.74 and 5.01 mmol/L, respectively. Both α-Gal1 and α-Gal2 were strongly inhibited by metal ions (Agâº, Cu2âº, Fe2âº, and Hg2âº) and moderately inhibited by d-melibiose. Importantly, both enzymes efficiently hydrolyzed RFOs, achieving complete d-stachyose elimination from soymilk after a 6-h incubation. These findings propose the promising application of these α-galactosidases in industrial soymilk production, potentially enhancing its nutritional value and alleviating gastrointestinal issues in consumers.
Penicillium , Rafinose , Leite de Soja , alfa-Galactosidase , Leite de Soja/química , alfa-Galactosidase/metabolismo , alfa-Galactosidase/isolamento & purificação , alfa-Galactosidase/química , Hidrólise , Penicillium/enzimologia , Especificidade por Substrato , Concentração de Íons de Hidrogênio , Rafinose/metabolismo , Temperatura , Cinética , Estabilidade Enzimática , Oligossacarídeos/metabolismoRESUMO
We present here a mutational analysis of the purine transporter from Phanerochaete chrysosporium (PhZ), a member of the AzgA-like subfamily within the Nucleobase Ascorbate Transporters family. We identified key residues that determine its substrate specificity and transport efficiency. Thirteen PhZ mutants were generated and heterologously expressed in Aspergillus nidulans. The growth of mutant strains in the presence of purines and toxic analogues and the uptake rate of radiolabelled hypoxanthine were evaluated. Results revealed that ten mutants showed differences in transport compared to the wild-type PhZ: six mutants completely lost function, two exhibited decreased transport activity, and two showed increased hypoxanthine uptake. Subcellular localization and expression level analyses indicated that the differences in transport activity were not due to trafficking issues to the plasma membrane or protein stability. A three-dimensional model of PhZ, constructed with the artificial intelligence-based AlphaFold2 program, suggested that critical residues for transport are located in transmembrane segments and an internal helix. In the latter, the A418 residue was identified as playing a pivotal role in transport efficiency despite being far from the putative substrate binding site, as mutant A418V showed an increased initial uptake efficiency for the transporter´s physiological substrates. We also report that residue L124, which lies in the putative substrate binding site, plays a critical role in substrate transport, emerging as an additional determinant in the transport mechanism of this family of transporters. These findings underscore the importance of specific residues in AzgA-like transporters and enhance our understanding of the intricate mechanisms governing substrate specificity and transport efficiency within this family.
Proteínas Fúngicas , Phanerochaete , Phanerochaete/genética , Phanerochaete/metabolismo , Proteínas Fúngicas/genética , Proteínas Fúngicas/metabolismo , Purinas/metabolismo , Aspergillus nidulans/genética , Aspergillus nidulans/metabolismo , Análise Mutacional de DNA , Especificidade por Substrato , Modelos Moleculares , Transporte Biológico , Mutação , Proteínas de Transporte de Nucleobases/metabolismo , Proteínas de Transporte de Nucleobases/genética , Proteínas de Membrana Transportadoras/genética , Proteínas de Membrana Transportadoras/metabolismo , Sequência de AminoácidosRESUMO
Acetylxylan esterases (AXEs) are essential enzymes that break down the acetyl groups in acetylated xylan found in plant cell walls polysaccharides. They work synergistically with backbone-depolymerizing xylanolytic enzymes to accelerate the degradation of complex polysaccharides. In this study, we cloned the gene axeA, which encodes the acetylxylan esterase from Aspergillus nidulans FGSC A4 (AxeAN), into the pEXPYR expression vector and introduced it into the high protein-producing strain A. nidulans A773. The purified AxeAN, with a molecular weight of 33.5 kDa as confirmed by SDS-PAGE, was found to be active on ρ-nitrophenyl acetate (ρNPA), exhibiting a remarkably high specific activity (170 U mg-1) at pH 7.0 and 55 °C. AxeAN demonstrated stability over a wide pH range (5.5-9.0), retaining >80% of its initial activity after 24 h. The KM and Vmax were 0.098 mmol L-1 and 320 U mg-1, respectively, using ρNPA as a substrate. We also evaluated the synergistic effect of AxeAN with an endo-1,4-ß-xylanase from Malbranchea pulchella (MpXyn10) in the hydrolysis of four different xylans (Birchwood, Beechwood, Oat spelt, and Arabinoxylan) to produce xylooligosaccharides (XOS). The best results were obtained using Birchwood xylan as substrate and MpXyn10-AxeAN as biocatalysts after 24 h of reaction (50 °C), with a XOS-yield of 91%, value 41% higher when compared to MpXyn10 (XOS-yield of 63%). These findings showed the potential of the application of AxeAN, together with other xylanases, to produce xylooligosaccharides with high purity and other products with high added value in the field of lignocellulosic biorefinery.
Acetilesterase , Aspergillus nidulans , Proteínas Recombinantes , Xilanos , Aspergillus nidulans/enzimologia , Aspergillus nidulans/genética , Acetilesterase/genética , Acetilesterase/metabolismo , Acetilesterase/química , Proteínas Recombinantes/isolamento & purificação , Proteínas Recombinantes/genética , Proteínas Recombinantes/química , Proteínas Recombinantes/metabolismo , Xilanos/metabolismo , Concentração de Íons de Hidrogênio , Especificidade por Substrato , Clonagem Molecular , Expressão Gênica , Temperatura , Cinética , Estabilidade Enzimática , Peso MolecularRESUMO
The kallikrein-related peptidase KLK2 has restricted expression in the prostate luminal epithelium, and its protein target is unknown. The present work reports the hydrolytic activities of KLK2 on libraries of fluorescence resonance energy-transfer peptides from which the sequence SYRIF was the most susceptible substrate for KLK2. The sequence SYRIF is present at the extracellular N-terminal segment (58SYRIF63Q) of IL-10R2. KLK2 was fully active at pH 8.0-8.2, found only in prostate inflammatory conditions, and strongly activated by sodium citrate and glycosaminoglycans, the quantities and structures controlled by prostate cells. Bone-marrow-derived macrophages (BMDM) have IL-10R2 expressed on the cell surface, which is significantly reduced after KLK2 treatment, as determined by flow cytometry (FACS analysis). The IL-10 inhibition of the inflammatory response to LPS/IFN-γ in BMDM cells due to decreased nitric oxide, TNF-α, and IL-12 p40 levels is significantly reduced upon treatment of these cells with KLK2. Similar experiments with KLK3 did not show these effects. These observations indicate that KLK2 proteolytic activity plays a role in prostate inflammation and makes KLK2 a promising target for prostatitis treatment.
Calicreínas , Humanos , Masculino , Calicreínas/metabolismo , Calicreínas/química , Arginina/metabolismo , Arginina/química , Próstata/metabolismo , Próstata/efeitos dos fármacos , Macrófagos/metabolismo , Macrófagos/efeitos dos fármacos , Animais , Camundongos , Peptídeos/química , Peptídeos/farmacologia , Peptídeos/metabolismo , Domínios Proteicos , Interleucina-10/metabolismo , Especificidade por SubstratoRESUMO
Dienelactone hydrolase (DLH) is one of numerous hydrolytic enzymes with an α/ß-hydrolase fold, which catalyze the hydrolysis of dienelactone to maleylacetate. The DLHs share remarkably similar tertiary structures and a conserved arrangement of catalytic residues. This study presents the crystal structure and comprehensive functional characterization of a novel thermostable DLH from the bacterium Hydrogenobacter thermophilus (HtDLH). The crystal structure of the HtDLH, solved at a resolution of about 1.67â¯Å, exhibits a canonical α/ß-hydrolase fold formed by eight ß-sheet strands in the core, with one buried α-helix and six others exposed to the solvent. The structure also confirmed the conserved catalytic triad of DHLs formed by Cys121, Asp170, and His202 residues. The HtDLH forms stable homodimers in solution. Functional studies showed that HtDLH has the expected esterase activity over esters with short carbon chains, such as p-nitrophenyl acetate, reaching optimal activity at pH 7.5 and 70⯰C. Furthermore, HtDLH maintains more than 50â¯% of its activity even after incubation at 90⯰C for 16â¯h. Interestingly, HtDLH exhibits catalytic activity towards polyethylene terephthalate (PET) monomers, including bis-1,2-hydroxyethyl terephthalate (BHET) and 1-(2-hydroxyethyl) 4-methyl terephthalate, as well as other aliphatic and aromatic esters. These findings associated with the lack of activity on amorphous PET indicate that HtDLH has characteristic of a BHET-degrading enzyme. This work expands our understanding of enzyme families involved in PET degradation, providing novel insights for plastic biorecycling through protein engineering, which could lead to eco-friendly solutions to reduce the accumulation of plastic in landfills and natural environments.
Hidrolases de Éster Carboxílico , Estabilidade Enzimática , Especificidade por Substrato , Cristalografia por Raios X , Hidrolases de Éster Carboxílico/metabolismo , Hidrolases de Éster Carboxílico/química , Hidrolases de Éster Carboxílico/genética , Ácidos Ftálicos/metabolismo , Ácidos Ftálicos/química , Ésteres/metabolismo , Ésteres/química , Modelos Moleculares , Proteínas de Bactérias/metabolismo , Proteínas de Bactérias/química , Proteínas de Bactérias/genética , Conformação Proteica , Concentração de Íons de Hidrogênio , Cinética , Hidrólise , Domínio Catalítico , TemperaturaRESUMO
Inulosucrases are enzymes capable of synthesizing inulin polymers using sucrose as the main substrate. The enzymatic activity relies on the catalytic triad within the active site and residues responsible for substrate recognition and orientation, termed carbohydrate-binding subsites. This study investigates the role of specific residues within the catalytic cavity of a truncated version of IslA4 in enzymatic catalysis. Mutants at residues S425, L499, A602, R618, F619, Y676, Y692, and R696 were constructed and characterized. Characterization results, and in silico structural comparison with other fructansucrases, reveal these residues' functional significance in catalysis. Residue S425 belongs to subsite -1; residues R618 and Y692 are part of subsite +1, and residue R696 belongs to subsites +1 and +2. Residues L499 and A602 are support residues; the former favors the formation of the fructosyl-enzyme intermediate, while the latter stabilizes the acid/base catalyst during catalysis. Residues Y676 and F619 may participate in stabilizing residues at -1/+1 subsites. This study represents the first comprehensive exploration of the structural determinants essential for enzymatic function in the inulosucrase of Leuconostoc citreum, and proposes the identity of residues involved in the -1 to +2 subsites.
Domínio Catalítico , Hexosiltransferases , Leuconostoc , Leuconostoc/enzimologia , Leuconostoc/genética , Hexosiltransferases/genética , Hexosiltransferases/metabolismo , Hexosiltransferases/química , Modelos Moleculares , Especificidade por Substrato , Sequência de Aminoácidos , Cinética , Catálise , Mutação , Proteínas de BactériasRESUMO
Fungal lipolytic enzymes play crucial roles in various lipid bio-industry processes. Here, we elucidated the biochemical and structural characteristics of an unexplored fungal lipolytic enzyme (TaLip) from Thermoascus aurantiacus var. levisporus, a strain renowned for its significant industrial relevance in carbohydrate-active enzyme production. TaLip belongs to a poorly understood phylogenetic branch within the class 3 lipase family and prefers to hydrolyze mainly short-chain esters. Nonetheless, it also displays activity against natural long-chain triacylglycerols. Furthermore, our analyses revealed that the surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) enhances the hydrolytic activity of TaLip on pNP butyrate by up to 5.0-fold. Biophysical studies suggest that interactions with SDS may prevent TaLip aggregation, thereby preserving the integrity and stability of its monomeric form and improving its performance. These findings highlight the resilience of TaLip as a lipolytic enzyme capable of functioning in tandem with surfactants, offering an intriguing enzymatic model for further exploration of surfactant tolerance and activation in biotechnological applications.
Esterases , Lipase , Tensoativos , Tensoativos/química , Tensoativos/farmacologia , Lipase/metabolismo , Lipase/química , Esterases/metabolismo , Esterases/química , Dodecilsulfato de Sódio/química , Especificidade por Substrato , Hidrólise , Proteínas Fúngicas/química , Proteínas Fúngicas/metabolismo , Ânions/química , Ânions/metabolismo , Estabilidade EnzimáticaRESUMO
Lipases are enzymes that hydrolyze long-chain carboxylic esters, and in the presence of organic solvents, they catalyze organic synthesis reactions. However, the use of solvents in these processes often results in enzyme denaturation, leading to a reduction in enzymatic activity. Consequently, there is significant interest in identifying new lipases that are resistant to denaturing conditions, with extremozymes emerging as promising candidates for this purpose. Lip7, a lipase from Geobacillus sp. ID17, a thermophilic microorganism isolated from Deception Island, Antarctica, was recombinantly expressed in E. coli C41 (DE3) in functional soluble form. Its purification was achieved with 96% purity and 23% yield. Enzymatic characterization revealed Lip7 to be a thermo-alkaline enzyme, reaching a maximum rate of 3350 U mg-1 at 50 °C and pH 11.0, using p-nitrophenyl laurate substrate. Notably, its kinetics displayed a sigmoidal behavior, with a higher kinetic efficiency (kcat/Km) for substrates of 12-carbon atom chain. In terms of thermal stability, Lip7 demonstrates stability up to 60 °C at pH 8.0 and up to 50 °C at pH 11.0. Remarkably, it showed high stability in the presence of organic solvents, and under certain conditions even exhibited enzymatic activation, reaching up to 2.5-fold and 1.35-fold after incubation in 50% v/v ethanol and 70% v/v isopropanol, respectively. Lip7 represents one of the first lipases from the bacterial subfamily I.5 and genus Geobacillus with activity and stability at pH 11.0. Its compatibility with organic solvents makes it a compelling candidate for future research in biocatalysis and various biotechnological applications.
Estabilidade Enzimática , Geobacillus , Lipase , Proteínas Recombinantes , Solventes , Geobacillus/enzimologia , Geobacillus/genética , Lipase/genética , Lipase/química , Lipase/metabolismo , Lipase/isolamento & purificação , Solventes/química , Regiões Antárticas , Proteínas Recombinantes/química , Proteínas Recombinantes/metabolismo , Proteínas Recombinantes/genética , Concentração de Íons de Hidrogênio , Proteínas de Bactérias/genética , Proteínas de Bactérias/química , Proteínas de Bactérias/metabolismo , Cinética , Especificidade por Substrato , Temperatura , Escherichia coli/genética , Escherichia coli/metabolismoRESUMO
The initial adoption of penicillin as an antibiotic marked the start of exploring other compounds essential for pharmaceuticals, yet resistance to penicillins and their side effects has compromised their efficacy. The N-terminal nucleophile (Ntn) amide-hydrolases S45 family plays a key role in catalyzing amide bond hydrolysis in various compounds, including antibiotics like penicillin and cephalosporin. This study comprehensively analyzes the structural and functional traits of the bacterial N-terminal nucleophile (Ntn) amide-hydrolases S45 family, covering penicillin G acylases, cephalosporin acylases, and D-succinylase. Utilizing structural bioinformatics tools and sequence analysis, the investigation delineates structurally conserved regions (SCRs) and substrate binding site variations among these enzymes. Notably, sixteen SCRs crucial for substrate interaction are identified solely through sequence analysis, emphasizing the significance of sequence data in characterizing functionally relevant regions. These findings introduce a novel approach for identifying targets to enhance the biocatalytic properties of N-terminal nucleophile (Ntn) amide-hydrolases, while facilitating the development of more accurate three-dimensional models, particularly for enzymes lacking structural data. Overall, this research advances our understanding of structure-function relationships in bacterial N-terminal nucleophile (Ntn) amide-hydrolases, providing insights into strategies for optimizing their enzymatic capabilities.
Amidoidrolases , Amidoidrolases/química , Amidoidrolases/metabolismo , Amidoidrolases/genética , Proteínas de Bactérias/química , Proteínas de Bactérias/metabolismo , Proteínas de Bactérias/genética , Sítios de Ligação , Relação Estrutura-Atividade , Sequência Conservada , Bactérias/enzimologia , Sequência de Aminoácidos , Modelos Moleculares , Especificidade por SubstratoRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Esterases (EC 3.1.1.X) are enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis ester bonds. These enzymes have large potential for diverse applications in fine industries, particularly in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and bioethanol production. METHODS AND RESULTS: In this study, a gene encoding an esterase from Thermobifida fusca YX (TfEst) was successfully cloned, and its product was overexpressed in Escherichia coli and purified using affinity chromatography. The TfEst kinetic assay revealed catalytic efficiencies of 0.58 s-1 mM-1, 1.09 s-1 mM-1, and 0.062 s-1 mM-1 against p-Nitrophenyl acetate, p-Nitrophenyl butyrate, and 1-naphthyl acetate substrates, respectively. Furthermore, TfEst also exhibited activity in a pH range from 6.0 to 10.0, with maximum activity at pH 8.0. The enzyme demonstrated a half-life of 20 min at 70 °C. Notably, TfEst displayed acetyl xylan esterase activity as evidenced by the acetylated xylan assay. The structural prediction of TfEst using AlphaFold indicated that has an α/ß-hydrolase fold, which is consistent with other esterases. CONCLUSIONS: The enzyme stability over a broad pH range and its activity at elevated temperatures make it an appealing candidate for industrial processes. Overall, TfEst emerges as a promising enzymatic tool with significant implications for the advancement of biotechnology and biofuels industries.
Acetilesterase , Esterases , Thermobifida , Acetilesterase/metabolismo , Acetilesterase/genética , Acetilesterase/química , Concentração de Íons de Hidrogênio , Cinética , Especificidade por Substrato , Thermobifida/enzimologia , Thermobifida/genética , Esterases/metabolismo , Esterases/genética , Esterases/química , Estabilidade Enzimática , Temperatura , Escherichia coli/genética , Escherichia coli/metabolismo , Clonagem Molecular/métodos , Hidrólise , Xilanos/metabolismo , Butiratos/metabolismo , Proteínas de Bactérias/metabolismo , Proteínas de Bactérias/genética , Proteínas de Bactérias/química , NitrofenóisRESUMO
Arabinoxylan is a major hemicellulose in the sugarcane plant cell wall with arabinose decorations that impose steric restrictions on the activity of xylanases against this substrate. Enzymatic removal of the decorations by arabinofuranosidases can allow a more efficient arabinoxylan degradation by xylanases. Here we produced and characterized a recombinant Bifidobacterium longum arabinofuranosidase from glycoside hydrolase family 43 (BlAbf43) and applied it, together with GH10 and GH11 xylanases, to produce xylooligosaccharides (XOS) from wheat arabinoxylan and alkali pretreated sugarcane bagasse. The enzyme synergistically enhanced XOS production by GH10 and GH11 xylanases, being particularly efficient in combination with the latter family of enzymes, with a degree of synergism of 1.7. We also demonstrated that the enzyme is capable of not only removing arabinose decorations from the arabinoxylan and from the non-reducing end of the oligomeric substrates, but also hydrolyzing the xylan backbone yielding mostly xylobiose and xylose in particular cases. Structural studies of BlAbf43 shed light on the molecular basis of the substrate recognition and allowed hypothesizing on the structural reasons of its multifunctionality.
Bifidobacterium longum , Celulose , Endo-1,4-beta-Xilanases , Glucuronatos , Glicosídeo Hidrolases , Oligossacarídeos , Saccharum , Xilanos , Oligossacarídeos/química , Oligossacarídeos/metabolismo , Glicosídeo Hidrolases/metabolismo , Glicosídeo Hidrolases/química , Glucuronatos/metabolismo , Glucuronatos/química , Endo-1,4-beta-Xilanases/metabolismo , Endo-1,4-beta-Xilanases/química , Xilanos/metabolismo , Xilanos/química , Saccharum/química , Saccharum/metabolismo , Celulose/química , Celulose/metabolismo , Bifidobacterium longum/enzimologia , Bifidobacterium longum/metabolismo , Hidrólise , Especificidade por Substrato , Proteínas Recombinantes/metabolismo , Proteínas Recombinantes/química , DissacarídeosRESUMO
Glycoside hydrolase family 5 (GH5) encompasses enzymes with several different activities, including endo-1,4-ß-mannosidases. These enzymes are involved in mannan degradation, and have a number of biotechnological applications, such as mannooligosaccharide prebiotics production, stain removal and dyes decolorization, to name a few. Despite the importance of GH5 enzymes, only a few members of subfamily 7 were structurally characterized. In the present work, biochemical and structural characterization of Bacillus licheniformis GH5 mannanase, BlMan5_7 were performed and the enzyme cleavage pattern was analyzed, showing that BlMan5_7 requires at least 5 occupied subsites to perform efficient hydrolysis. Additionally, crystallographic structure at 1.3 Å resolution was determined and mannoheptaose (M7) was docked into the active site to investigate the interactions between substrate and enzyme through molecular dynamic (MD) simulations, revealing the existence of a - 4 subsite, which might explain the generation of mannotetraose (M4) as an enzyme product. Biotechnological application of the enzyme in stain removal was investigated, demonstrating that BlMan5_7 addition to washing solution greatly improves mannan-based stain elimination.
Bacillus licheniformis , Domínio Catalítico , Mutagênese Sítio-Dirigida , Bacillus licheniformis/enzimologia , Bacillus licheniformis/genética , Cristalografia por Raios X , Simulação de Dinâmica Molecular , Manosidases/química , Manosidases/genética , Manosidases/metabolismo , Especificidade por Substrato , Hidrólise , Tetroses/química , Tetroses/metabolismo , Proteínas de Bactérias/química , Proteínas de Bactérias/genética , Proteínas de Bactérias/metabolismo , Conformação Proteica , Mananas/química , Mananas/metabolismo , beta-Manosidase/química , beta-Manosidase/genética , beta-Manosidase/metabolismo , Modelos Moleculares , Simulação de Acoplamento Molecular , OligossacarídeosRESUMO
Triacylglycerols (TAGs) are a primary energy source for marine mammals during lipid digestion. Walruses (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) consume prey with a high content of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids; however, their digestive physiology and lipid digestion remain poorly studied. The present study aims to model and characterize the gastric (PWGL) and pancreatic (PWPL) lipases of Pacific walruses using an in-silico approach. The confident 3D models of PWGL and PWPL were obtained via homology modeling and protein threading and displayed the structural features of lipases. Molecular docking analysis demonstrated substrate selectivity for long-chain TAG (Trieicosapentaenoin; TC20:5n-3) in PWGL and short-chain TAG (Trioctanoin; TC8:0) in PWPL. Molecular dynamics simulations demonstrate that PWGL bound to tridocosahexaenoin (TC22:6n-3), the protein is considerably stable at all three salinity conditions, but fluctuations are observed in the regions associated with catalytic sites and the lid, indicating the potential hydrolysis of the substrate. This is the first study to report on the digestion of TAGs in walruses, including modeling and lipases characterization and proposing a digestive tract for pinnipeds.
Lipase , Simulação de Acoplamento Molecular , Simulação de Dinâmica Molecular , Pâncreas , Animais , Lipase/metabolismo , Lipase/química , Pâncreas/enzimologia , Morsas/metabolismo , Metabolismo dos Lipídeos , Especificidade por Substrato , Triglicerídeos/metabolismo , Digestão , Estômago/enzimologia , Sequência de AminoácidosRESUMO
Only a few halophilic archaea producing carboxylesterases have been reported. The limited research on biocatalytic characteristics of archaeal esterases is primarily due to their very low production in native organisms. A gene encoding carboxylesterase from Halobacterium salinarum NRC-1 was cloned and successfully expressed in Haloferax volcanii. The recombinant carboxylesterase (rHsEst) was purified by affinity chromatography with a yield of 81%, and its molecular weight was estimated by SDS-PAGE (33 kDa). The best kinetic parameters of rHsEst were achieved using p-nitrophenyl valerate as substrate (KM = 78 µM, kcat = 0.67 s-1). rHsEst exhibited great stability to most metal ions tested and some solvents (diethyl ether, n-hexane, n-heptane). Purified rHsEst was effectively immobilized using Celite 545. Esterase activities of rHsEst were confirmed by substrate specificity studies. The presence of a serine residue in rHsEst active site was revealed through inhibition with PMSF. The pH for optimal activity of free rHsEst was 8, while for immobilized rHsEst, maximal activity was at a pH range between 8 to 10. Immobilization of rHsEst increased its thermostability, halophilicity and protection against inhibitors such as EDTA, BME and PMSF. Remarkably, immobilized rHsEst was stable and active in NaCl concentrations as high as 5M. These biochemical characteristics of immobilized rHsEst reveal its potential as a biocatalyst for industrial applications.
Carboxilesterase , Clonagem Molecular , Halobacterium salinarum , Proteínas Recombinantes , Carboxilesterase/genética , Carboxilesterase/metabolismo , Carboxilesterase/química , Proteínas Recombinantes/química , Proteínas Recombinantes/genética , Proteínas Recombinantes/metabolismo , Especificidade por Substrato , Halobacterium salinarum/enzimologia , Halobacterium salinarum/genética , Enzimas Imobilizadas/metabolismo , Enzimas Imobilizadas/química , Enzimas Imobilizadas/genética , Concentração de Íons de Hidrogênio , Cinética , Estabilidade Enzimática , Proteínas Arqueais/genética , Proteínas Arqueais/química , Proteínas Arqueais/metabolismo , TemperaturaRESUMO
Ubiquitin-specific protease 7 (USP7) is a deubiquitinase enzyme that plays a critical role in regulating various cellular processes by cleaving ubiquitin molecules from target proteins. The C-terminal loop (CTL) motif is a specific region at the C-terminal end of the USP7 enzyme. Recent experiments suggest that the CTL motif plays a role in USP7's catalytic activity by contributing to the enzyme's structural stability, substrate recognition, and catalytic efficiency. The objective of this work is to elucidate these roles through the utilization of computational methods for molecular simulations. For this, we conducted extensive molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to investigate the conformational dynamics and protein-protein interactions within the USP7 enzyme-substrate complex with the substrate consisting of the ubiquitin tagged with the fluorescent label rhodamine 110-gly (Ub-Rho). Our results demonstrate that the CTL motif plays a crucial role in stabilizing the Ubl domains' conformation and augmenting the stability of active conformations within the enzyme-substrate complex. Conversely, the absence of the CTL motif results in increased flexibility and variability in Ubl domains' motion, leading to a reduced percentage of active conformations. Furthermore, our analysis of protein-protein interactions highlights the significance of the CTL motif in anchoring the Ubl45 domains to the catalytic domain (CD), thereby facilitating stable interactions with the substrate. Overall, our findings provide valuable insights into the conformational dynamics and protein-protein interactions inherent in the USP7 enzyme-substrate complex. These insights shed light on some mechanistic details of USP7 concerning the substrate's recognition before its catalytic action.
Simulação de Dinâmica Molecular , Ligação Proteica , Peptidase 7 Específica de Ubiquitina , Ubiquitina , Peptidase 7 Específica de Ubiquitina/metabolismo , Peptidase 7 Específica de Ubiquitina/química , Especificidade por Substrato , Ubiquitina/metabolismo , Ubiquitina/química , Domínios Proteicos , Humanos , Rodaminas/química , Rodaminas/metabolismo , Conformação ProteicaRESUMO
The (S)-norcoclaurine synthase from Thalictrum flavum (TfNCS) stereoselectively catalyzes the Pictet-Spengler reaction between dopamine and 4-hydroxyphenylacetaldehyde to give (S)-norcoclaurine. TfNCS can catalyze the Pictet-Spengler reaction with various aldehydes and ketones, leading to diverse tetrahydroisoquinolines. This substrate promiscuity positions TfNCS as a highly promising enzyme for synthesizing fine chemicals. Understanding carbonyl-containing substrates' structural and electronic signatures that influence TfNCS activity can help expand its applications in the synthesis of different compounds and aid in protein optimization strategies. In this study, we investigated the influence of the molecular properties of aldehydes and ketones on their reactivity in the TfNCS-catalyzed Pictet-Spengler reaction. Initially, we compiled a library of reactive and unreactive compounds from previous publications. We also performed enzymatic assays using nuclear magnetic resonance to identify some reactive and unreactive carbonyl compounds, which were then included in the library. Subsequently, we employed QSAR and DFT calculations to establish correlations between substrate-candidate structures and reactivity. Our findings highlight correlations of structural and stereoelectronic features, including the electrophilicity of the carbonyl group, to the reactivity of aldehydes and ketones toward the TfNCS-catalyzed Pictet-Spengler reaction. Interestingly, experimental data of seven compounds out of fifty-three did not correlate with the electrophilicity of the carbonyl group. For these seven compounds, we identified unfavorable interactions between them and the TfNCS. Our results demonstrate the applications of in silico techniques in understanding enzyme promiscuity and specificity, with a particular emphasis on machine learning methodologies, DFT electronic structure calculations, and molecular dynamic (MD) simulations.
Aldeídos , Cetonas , Aldeídos/química , Aldeídos/metabolismo , Cetonas/química , Cetonas/metabolismo , Especificidade por Substrato , Carbono-Nitrogênio Ligases/metabolismo , Carbono-Nitrogênio Ligases/química , Thalictrum/enzimologia , Thalictrum/metabolismo , Thalictrum/química , Simulação de Dinâmica Molecular , BiocatáliseRESUMO
Production of value-added compounds and sustainable materials from agro-industrial residues is essential for better waste management and building of circular economy. This includes valorization of hemicellulosic fraction of plant biomass, the second most abundant biopolymer from plant cell walls, aiming to produce prebiotic oligosaccharides, widely explored in food and feed industries. In this work, we conducted biochemical and biophysical characterization of a prokaryotic two-domain R. champanellensis xylanase from glycoside hydrolase (GH) family 30 (RcXyn30A), and evaluated its applicability for XOS production from glucuronoxylan in combination with two endo-xylanases from GH10 and GH11 families and a GH11 xylobiohydrolase. RcXyn30A liberates mainly long monoglucuronylated xylooligosaccharides and is inefficient in cleaving unbranched oligosaccharides. Crystallographic structure of RcXyn30A catalytic domain was solved and refined to 1.37 Å resolution. Structural analysis of the catalytic domain releveled that its high affinity for glucuronic acid substituted xylan is due to the coordination of the substrate decoration by several hydrogen bonds and ionic interactions in the subsite -2. Furthermore, the protein has a larger ß5-α5 loop as compared to other GH30 xylanases, which might be crucial for creating an additional aglycone subsite (+3) of the catalytic site. Finally, RcXyn30A activity is synergic to that of GH11 xylobiohydrolase.
Endo-1,4-beta-Xilanases , Microbioma Gastrointestinal , Glucuronatos , Oligossacarídeos , Xilosidases , Glucuronatos/metabolismo , Glucuronatos/química , Oligossacarídeos/química , Oligossacarídeos/metabolismo , Endo-1,4-beta-Xilanases/metabolismo , Endo-1,4-beta-Xilanases/química , Xilosidases/metabolismo , Xilosidases/química , Humanos , Cristalografia por Raios X , Xilanos/química , Xilanos/metabolismo , Domínio Catalítico , Modelos Moleculares , Especificidade por SubstratoRESUMO
Laccases (EC are oxidoreductases that belong to the multicopper oxidase subfamily and are classified as yellow/white or blue according to their absorption spectrum. Yellow laccases are more useful for industrial processes since they oxidize nonphenolic compounds in the absence of a redox mediator and stand out for being more stable and functional under extreme conditions. This study aimed to characterize a new laccase that was predicted to be present in the genome of Chitinophaga sp. CB10 - Lac_CB10. Lac_CB10, with a molecular mass of 100.06 kDa, was purified and characterized via biochemical assays using guaiacol as a substrate. The enzyme demonstrated extremophilic characteristics, exhibiting relative activity under alkaline conditions (CAPS buffer pH 10.5) and thermophilic conditions (80-90°C), as well as maintaining its activity above 50% for 5 h at 80°C and 90°C. Furthermore, Lac_CB10 presented a spectral profile typical of yellow laccases, exhibiting only one absorbance peak at 300 nm (at the T2/T3 site) and no peak at 600 nm (at the T1 site). When lignin was degraded using copper as an inducer, 52.27% of the material was degraded within 32 h. These results highlight the potential of this enzyme, which is a novel yellow laccase with thermophilic and alkaline activity and the ability to act on lignin. This enzyme could be a valuable addition to the biorefinery process. In addition, this approach has high potential for industrial application and in the bioremediation of contaminated environments since these processes often occur at extreme temperatures and pH values. IMPORTANCE: The characterization of the novel yellow laccase, Lac_CB10, derived from Chitinophaga sp. CB10, represents a significant advancement with broad implications. This enzyme displays exceptional stability and functionality under extreme conditions, operating effectively under both alkaline (pH 10.5) and thermophilic (80-90°C) environments. Its capability to maintain considerable activity over extended periods, even at high temperatures, showcases its potential for various industrial applications. Moreover, its distinctive ability to efficiently degrade lignin-demonstrated by a significant 52.27% degradation within 32 h-signifies a promising avenue for biorefinery processes. This newfound laccase's characteristics position it as a crucial asset in the realm of bioremediation, particularly in scenarios involving contamination at extreme pH and temperature levels. The study's findings highlight the enzyme's capacity to address challenges in industrial processes and environmental cleanup, signifying its vital role in advancing biotechnological solutions.
Estabilidade Enzimática , Lacase , Lignina , Lacase/metabolismo , Lacase/genética , Lacase/isolamento & purificação , Lacase/química , Lignina/metabolismo , Concentração de Íons de Hidrogênio , Bacteroidetes/enzimologia , Bacteroidetes/genética , Especificidade por Substrato , Proteínas de Bactérias/metabolismo , Proteínas de Bactérias/genética , Proteínas de Bactérias/química , Temperatura , Biodegradação Ambiental , Guaiacol/metabolismo , Cobre/metabolismoRESUMO
The overwhelming use of PET plastic in various day-to-day activities led to the voluminous increase in PET waste and growing environmental hazards. A plethora of methods have been used that are associated with secondary pollutants. Therefore, microbial degradation of PET provides a sustainable approach due to its versatile metabolic diversity and capacity. The present work highlights the cutinase enzyme's role in PET degradation. This study focuses on the bacterial cutinases homologs screened from 43 reported phylum of bacteria. The reported bacterial cutinases for plastic degradation have been chosen as reference sequences, and 917 sequences have shown homology across the bacterial phyla. The dienelactone hydrolase (DLH) domain was identified for attaining specificity towards PET binding in 196 of 917 sequences. Various computational tools have been used for the physicochemical characterization of 196 sequences. The analysis revealed that most selected sequences are hydrophilic, extracellular, and thermally stable. Based on this analysis, 17 sequences have been further pursued for three-dimensional structure prediction and validation. The molecular docking studies of 17 selected sequences revealed efficient PET binding with the three sequences derived from the phylum Bacteroidota, the lowest binding energy of -5.9 kcal/mol, Armatimonadota, and Nitrososphaerota with -5.8 kcal/mol. The two enzyme sequences retrieved from the phylum Bacteroidota and Armatimonadota are metagenomically derived. Therefore, the present studies concluded that there is a high probability of finding cutinase homologs in various environmental resources that can be further explored for PET degradation.