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SEMERGEN, Soc. Esp. Med. Rural Gen. (Ed. Impr.) ; 50(3): [102150], Abr. 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-232206


Objective: Psychotropic medicines use alters according to socio-economic factors and perceived stress. The study aimed to assess the prevalence of use of psychotropic medicines and supplements (PMS) without medical advice, including storage at home, and its relationship with socio-demographic characteristics and perceived stress in primary care patients. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional sample of adult attendees in an urban primary care unit in Crete, Greece, were surveyed during regularly scheduled appointments during a three-week period in October 2020. A questionnaire was distributed to investigate PMS use during the last 12 months. The validated Greek version of Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-14) was adopted to measure perceived stress. Results: Of 263 respondents (mean age 46.3±14.5 years; 66.5% females), 101 (38.4%; 95%CI 33.1–43.7%) recalled having psychotropic medicines stored at home cabinets and 72 (27.4%; 95%CI 22.4–32.3%) reported using PMS without medical advice in the last 12 months. Conclusions: This study revealed a high prevalence of PMS use without medical advice, including storage at home. People>59 years of age, experiencing irregular sleep and scoring high in PSS, displayed increased prevalence of storing PMS at home or using them without medical advice. The findings could potentially inform primary care providers to focus on patients most likely to be users of PMS without medical advice.(AU)

Objetivo: El uso de medicamentos psicotrópicos cambia según los factores socioeconómicos y el estrés percibido. El estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la prevalencia de uso de medicamentos y suplementos psicotrópicos (MSP) sin consejo médico, incluido el almacenamiento en el hogar y su relación con las características sociodemográficas y el estrés inferido en pacientes de atención primaria. Materiales y métodos: Se encuestó a una muestra transversal de asistentes adultos en una Unidad de Atención Primaria Urbana en Crete, Grecia, durante citas programadas regularmente durante un periodo de tres semanas en Octubre de 2020. Se distribuyó un cuestionario para investigar el uso de MSP durante los últimos 12 meses. Se adoptó la versión griega validada de la Escala de Estrés Percibido (Perceived Stress Scale 14, PSS-14) para medir el estrés percibido. Resultado: De 263 encuestados (edad media 46,3 ± 14,5 años; 66,5% mujeres), 101 (38,4%; IC 95%; 33,1-43,7%) recordaban tener medicamentos psicotrópicos almacenados en los armarios de sus casas y 72 (27,4%; IC 95%; 22,4-32,3%) informó haber usado MSP sin consejo médico en los últimos 12 meses. Conclusiones: Este estudio reveló una alta prevalencia de uso de MSP sin consejo médico, incluido el almacenamiento en el hogar. Las personas mayores de 59 años, que experimentaron sueño irregular y puntuaron alto en PSS, mostraron una mayor prevalencia de almacenar MSP en casa o usarlos sin consejo médico. Los hallazgos podrían informar potencialmente a los proveedores de atención primaria para que se centren en los pacientes con mayor probabilidad de usar MSP sin consejo médico.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Psicotrópicos/efeitos adversos , Medicamentos sem Prescrição , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Armazenamento de Medicamentos , Prevalência , Transtornos Mentais , Atenção Primária à Saúde , Grécia , Inquéritos e Questionários , Estudos Transversais , Saúde Mental
Cuad. bioét ; 34(110): 51-71, Ene-Abr. 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-220484


The phenomenon of ageism in healthcare is a significant threat to elderly people’s well-being. Thereis a literature gap regarding the topic of ageism among dental professionals in Greece. This study aimsto contribute to filling this gap. A cross-sectional study was conducted using recently validated in Greece15-item ageism 6-point Likert-scale. The scale has been previously validated in the environment of seniordental students. Purposive sampling was used to select participants. A total of 365 dentists responded tothe questionnaire. As to the internal consistency of the scale, Cronbach’s alpha found to be very low (α =0.590) to support the reliability of a total of 15 Likert-type questions (items) of the scale. However, the fac-tor analysis resulted in three factors that achieved high reliability towards validity. The demographic com-parison with these factors and single items revealed statistically significant gender differences in ageism(with males being more ageist than females), and differences related to other socio-demographic factors,which however, were related to factors or items individually. The study revealed that the Greek version ofthe ageism scale for dental students had not further validity and reliability among dentists. However, someitems were distributed into three factors that presented significant validity and reliability. This is of greatimportance for the ongoing research on the topic “ageism in dental healthcare”.(AU)

El fenómeno de edadismo en la asistencia sanitaria supone una seria amenaza para el bienestar de laspersonas mayores. Existe un vacío respecto a la literatura sobre la cuestión de edadismo entre los profesio-nales de la odontología en Grecia. El presente estudio pretende colaborar a llenar dicho vacío. Se llevó acabo un estudio transversal mediante una escala de Likert, recientemente validada en Grecia, con 6 puntosy 15 ítems relacionados con el edadismo. La escala se validó previamente en el entorno de los estudiantesde último año de Odontología. La selección de los participantes se realizó a partir de un muestreo inten-cional. Respondieron al cuestionario un total de 365 dentistas. En cuanto a la consistencia interna de laescala, el alfa de Cronbach resultó ser demasiado bajo (α = 0,590) para respaldar la fiabilidad del total de15 preguntas (ítems) tipo Likert de la escala. Sin embargo, el análisis factorial dio lugar a tres factores quealcanzaron una fiabilidad alta en términos de validez. La comparación demográfica con estos factores ycon los ítems individuales reveló diferencias de género estadísticamente significativas en el edadismo—loshombres discriminan por razón de edad más que las mujeres—, mientras que las diferencias relacionadascon otros factores sociodemográficos estaban relacionadas con factores o ítems individuales. El estudioreveló que la versión griega de la escala de edadismo para estudiantes de Odontología no tenía validez niera fiable entre los dentistas. Sin embargo, algunos ítems se distribuyeron en tres factores que presentaronuna validez y una fiabilidad significativas. Esto es de gran importancia para la investigación en curso sobreel tema «Edadismo en la salud bucodental».(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Odontólogos , Rede Social , Etarismo , Idoso , Grécia , Inquéritos e Questionários
Enferm. intensiva (Ed. impr.) ; 33(4): 165-172, Oct.- Dic. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-211195


Objetivos: Se ha asociado la depresión perinatal de la madre a un vínculo madre-hijo deficiente. Se ha reportado el efecto adverso de la deficiencia de dicho vínculo. El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar y comparar los síntomas depresivos posnatales y el vínculo madre-hijo en una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatales (UCIN), y las madres con neonatos sanos, respectivamente. Y, en segundo lugar, explorar la asociación entre la sintomatología depresiva y los vínculos en ambos grupos. Métodos: En este estudio de casos se seleccionó a madres que se encontraban en el periodo posparto temprano, que habían dado a luz en el mismo centro perinatal de Grecia. Los casos consistieron en 88 madres de neonatos que fueron hospitalizados en la UCIN y 100 controles, consistentes en madres de neonatos sanos a término. Para la recopilación de los datos se utilizaron cuestionarios que incluían datos demográficos y variables perinatales. Para la evaluación del vínculo y la situación posnatal, se utilizaron la Mother to Infant Bonding Scale, el Postpartum Bonding Questionnaire y la Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Resultados: Existió una diferencia significativa entre las puntuaciones sobre el vínculo de las madres de la UCIN y el grupo control (t=–2,696, p=0,008). Las madres de la UCIN presentaron menores puntuaciones en términos de vínculo con los neonatos, en comparación con el grupo control, y presentaron puntuaciones más altas de depresión en comparación con los controles (χ2=28,588, p=0,000). Las puntuaciones sobre depresión guardaron relación con las puntuaciones sobre vínculos en ambos grupos. Discusión: El ingreso en la UCIN tiene un impacto sobre el vínculo e interactúa de alguna manera con la salud mental posparto de la madre. Por ello se hace necesaria más investigación.(AU)

Objectives: Maternal perinatal depression has been associated with impaired mother-infant bonding. The adverse effect of this impaired bonding has been reported. This study aimed to investigate and compare the posnatal depressive symptoms and the mother-infant bonding in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and of mothers with healthy newborns respectively. Secondly, was to explore the association between depressive symptomatology and bonding in both groups. Methods: In this case study, mothers in the early pospartum period who gave birth in the same perinatal center of Greece were recruited to participate. The cases consisted of 88 mothers of neonates who were hospitalized in the NICU and controls were 100 mothers of full-term healthy neonates. For the collection of the data questionnaires including demographics and perinatal variables were used. For the bonding and posnatal assessment, the Mother to Infant Bonding Scale, the Postpartum Bonding Questionnaire, and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale were used. Results: There was a significant difference between the mean of bonding scores of NICU mothers and the control group (t=-2.696, P=.008). NICU mothers presented lower scores in bonding with the newborn compared to the control group and presented higher depression scores compared to those of controls (χ2=28.588, P=.000). The depression scores were correlated with bonding scores in both groups. Discussion: A NICU admission has an impact on bonding and in some way interacts with maternal pospartum mental health, therefore more research is needed. Conclusions: NICU mothers have been presented as more vulnerable than mothers of healthy infants since they expressed a lower mother-infant bonding and higher depression scores. The support of these vulnerable mothers and the facilitation of mother-infant bonding by the NICU staff is of utmost importance.(AU)

Humanos , Terapia Intensiva Neonatal , Relações Mãe-Filho , Depressão , Recém-Nascido , 29161 , Enfermagem Neonatal , Enfermagem , Enfermagem de Cuidados Críticos , Unidades de Terapia Intensiva , Grécia
Allergol. immunopatol ; 50(5): 114-120, sept. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-208631


Introduction:The contribution of dietary patterns in the occurrence of atopic diseases, mainly asthma, allergic rhinits, and eczema is ambiguous. Our study examined the association between the level of adherence to the Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) and the prevalence of atopic diseases in adolescence. Methods: A total of 1934 adolescents (boys: 47.5%, mean age [standard variation]: 12.7[0.6] years) enrolled voluntarily. Participants completed a validated questionnaire on atopic disease status, dietary habits, and other sociodemographic and lifestyle characteristics. KIDMED score was used for the evaluation of adherence to the MedDiet. Discriminant analysis was applied to the hierarchy of foods and beverages consumed in relation to the presence of atopic diseases. Results:Logistic regression analyses revealed that adolescents with moderate and good adher-ence to the MedDiet had 34 and 60% lower odds of having any asthma symptoms, respectively, and 20 and 41% lower odds of having any allergic rhinitis symptoms, respectively, adjusted for several confounders. The food group with the most important contribution to the MedDiet was cooked and raw vegetables, followed by fruits (Wilk’s λ = 0.881 and λ = 0.957, respectively). Conclusion:Our study provided evidence for a strong and inverse association between the level of adherence to the MedDiet and the occurrence of asthma and allergic rhinitis symp-toms and signified the importance of contribution of fruits and vegetable consumption in this association. Thus, the promotion of MedDiet could be an efficient lifestyle intervention that can contribute to the reduction of the burden of these atopic diseases in adolescents (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Dieta Mediterrânea , Asma/epidemiologia , Rinite Alérgica/epidemiologia , Grécia/epidemiologia , Prevalência
Med. oral patol. oral cir. bucal (Internet) ; 27(5): e426-e433, September 01, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-209808


Background: Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is one of the most frequent inflammatory disorders of theoral mucosa. Cytokines, which play an important role in RAS pathogenesis, participate directly or indirectly innormal, immunological and inflammatory processes and are secreted from cells belonging to innate and adaptiveimmunity as a consequence of microbial and antigenic stimuli. Gene polymorphisms in specific cytokines maypredispose to RAS development. The aim of this study was the investigation and association of IL-10 and TGF-β1gene polymorphisms with RAS.Material and Methods: Study’s cohort consisted of 60 Greek patients diagnosed with RAS, including 40 patientswith minor, 10 patients with major and 10 with herpetiform aphthous ulcers. Forty age- and sex-matched controlsubjects were included in this study. DNA was extracted from whole blood samples of all patients and sequencespecific primers (SSP)-based polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used for genotyping. Gene polymorphisms forcytokines IL-10 at loci -592 and -819 and for TGF-β1 at codon 10 were detected.Results: Significant differences between patients with minor RAS and healthy controls were recorded for IL-10genotypes distribution at position -592 (p=0.042) and -819 (p=0.045) with predominance of C/A and C/T genotypes in RAS patients, respectively. Also, in patients with minor and herpetiform aphthous ulcerations, heterozygousTGF-β1 genotype C/T at codon 10 was associated with increased risk of RAS (p=0.044 and p=0.020, respectively).Conclusions: These data provide evidence that genetic predisposition for RAS and possibly its specific clinical variants is related with the presence of gene polymorphisms for specific cytokines, including IL-10 and TGF-β1, which,in turn, may vary according to geographic origin and genetic background. (AU)

Humanos , Códon , Predisposição Genética para Doença , Genótipo , Interleucina-10/genética , Polimorfismo de Nucleotídeo Único , Estomatite Aftosa/genética , Fator de Crescimento Transformador beta1/genética , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Grécia
Allergol. immunopatol ; 50(2): 65-74, mar. 03, 2022. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-203102


Pollen calendars have been proved clinically important in allergic disease management, as differences in airborne allergens exist not only between different countries but also between regions of the same country as well. This study aims to provide new data regarding the atmospheric pollen and fungi content of a Mediterranean region (Western Thrace/North-East Greece) and discuss seasonal trends, differences in pollen grains and fungi spores’ circulation over the years, and correlations with climate parameters.A 7-day continuously running volumetric trap was used to collect circulating pollen grains and fungi spores. Pollen taxa and fungi were characterized by standard protocols and counted as grains /m3 and average total grains and spores. The primary allergenic pollen season was discovered, and their 10-day averages were measured over time. Correlations with temperature, rain, and humidity were assessed by single linear regression analysis.Results Pollen grains from nine pollen families were identified, including five arboreal, two nonarboreal taxa, and spores from two fungi species. The three most prevalent taxa were Oleaceae, Poaceae, Pinaceae, and Cladosporium in the fungi. Peak pollen concentrations were detected during April and May, with daily averages exceeding 170 grains/m3. Poaceae presented the longest pollen season of 342 days and Oleaceae the shortest, extending to only 110 days, during the 3years. Cladosporium was the fungus with the highest spore concentration (180,129.9 spores) compared with Alternaria (28,026.1 spores). Correlations with meteorological parameters showed variable associations among different taxa, with rainfall and relative humidity being the most significant determinants.Conclusion In this study, the pollenic and fungal spectrum of a Mediterranean region and information that can be proved clinically significant for the appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic approach of allergic patients was presented

Humanos , Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos , Alérgenos/classificação , Pólen/classificação , Grécia , Estações do Ano
Actas urol. esp ; 45(8): 537-544, octubre 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-217012


Contexto y objetivos: Esta es la primera encuesta nacional que evalúa los programas de la residencia de Urología en Grecia. El objetivo principal de este estudio es evaluar el nivel de confianza y la percepción de los residentes griegos de Urología respecto a su programa educativo y detectar las áreas susceptibles a ser mejoradas.Material y métodosSe elaboró una encuesta de 51 preguntas a través de una plataforma electrónica y fue respondida por 91 de 104 residentes griegos desde marzo de 2019 hasta mayo de 2019. Se utilizó el test exacto de Fisher, el test de chi-cuadrado y el test de Kruskal-Wallis, con una significación estadística establecida en p=0,05.ResultadosLa satisfacción global de la formación quirúrgica obtuvo una media de 6/10, independientemente de la jornada laboral, de trabajar en un departamento universitario, el año de posgrado (postgraduate year) o el número de residentes en el centro. La mayoría de los residentes no había realizado ninguna ecografía escrotal ni estudios de flujo-presión, pero estaba familiarizado con la ecografía de vías urinarias (KUB). La inserción del catéter doble J y la cistoscopia eran procedimientos conocidos para los residentes. El 70,4% de los residentes señalaron la burocracia como un problema importante. El 80,2% no había realizado ninguna litotricia extracorpórea por ondas de choque, y el 58,2% de los residentes había realizado menos de 10 ureteroscopias. Solo en el último año, los residentes realizaron más de 10 procedimientos de resección transuretral de tumor vesical y de resección transuretral de la próstata. (AU)

Background and objectives: This is the first national survey assessing Greek Urology residency programs. The main objective of this study is to assess the level of confidence and perception of Greek Urology residents regarding their educational program and detect areas of improvement.Material and methodsA 51-question survey was developed via an electronic platform and answered by 91 out of 104 Greek residents from March 2019 until May 2019. Fisher's exact test, chi-squared test and Kruskal–Wallis test were used with statistical significance set at p=.05.ResultsThe median overall satisfaction regarding surgical training was 6/10 regardless of working schedule, working in a University Department, PGY or number of residents in clinic. Most residents have not performed any scrotal ultrasound or pressure-flow-studies; however, they are more familiar with KUB ultrasound. Double-J stent insertion and cystoscopy were common procedures for residents. Bureaucracy was reported as a major issue by 70.4% of residents. ESWL has not been performed by 80.2% of residents, 58.2% residents performed less than 10 ureteroscopies, and only the last year trainees performed more than 10 TURBT and TURP. Most residents mentioned to rarely perform basic steps in many open or laparoscopic urological procedures. Surprisingly, 59.3% of residents have not published any study in peer-reviewed journals. Regarding satisfaction, 44% rarely feel satisfied at work and 59.3% sometimes suffer from burnout. Response rate reached 87.5%. (AU)

Humanos , Currículo , Urologia/educação , Cistoscopia , Inquéritos e Questionários , Grécia
Med. oral patol. oral cir. bucal (Internet) ; 26(1): e36-e42, ene. 2021. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-200536


BACKGROUND: To investigate the relative frequency of localized mucosal swellings of the upper and lower labial mucosa, the clinical-pathological diagnosis agreement and whether patient's age and gender and tumor's site and size may raise the suspicion of neoplasm. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Retrospective analysis was performed on upper or lower labial mucosal tumors, histopathologically diagnosed between 2009-2018. The diagnostic categories developmental/reactive tumors, benign and malignant neoplasms were associated with patient's age and gender and tumor's site and size; clinical-pathological diagnosis agreement was, also, evaluated. RESULTS: Overall, 1000 (95.7%) developmental/reactive tumors, 35 (3.3%) benign and 10 (1%) malignant neoplasms were found. Upper/lower lip tumor ratio was 0.14:1. The diagnostic category was significantly associated with age (p < 0.0001), site (p < 0.0001) and diameter (p < 0.0001). Age ≥60 years, tumor's location on the upper lip and diameter >1cm were independent predictors for neoplasms. Patients presenting 2 or 3 of these variables were 20.2 times (p < 0.0001) or 33.6 times (p < 0.0001), respectively, more likely to have a neoplasm. Complete/partial agreement between clinical and pathological diagnosis was seen in 96.3% of the cases. CONCLUSIONS: Most lip tumors involve the lower lip and are reactive, but upper lip tumors measuring > 1 cm in patients ≥ 60 years have significantly higher probability to be neoplasms

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Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Neoplasias Labiais/epidemiologia , Neoplasias Labiais/patologia , Mucosa Bucal/patologia , Estudos Retrospectivos , Lipoma/epidemiologia , Lipoma/patologia , Adenoma/epidemiologia , Adenoma/patologia , Cistos/epidemiologia , Cistos/patologia , Distribuição por Idade e Sexo , Gradação de Tumores , Grécia/epidemiologia
Enferm. clín. (Ed. impr.) ; 30(1): 23-30, ene.-feb. 2020. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-186280


Objetivo: Nuestro objetivo es investigar la relación entre calidad de vida, síntomas psicopatológicos y formas de afrontamiento en el personal de enfermería en dos hospitales generales en Grecia. Método: Estudio transversal con 302 profesionales de enfermería de dos hospitales generales en Grecia realizado entre octubre y noviembre de 2015. La recopilación de los datos se realizó mediante tres cuestionarios: el cuestionario calidad de vida, versión breve (BREF) de la Organización Mundial de la Salud; el cuestionario de autoevaluación de Falk para la detección de posibles comorbilidades psiquiátricas, y la escala de formas de afrontamiento de situaciones estresantes. Resultados: De una muestra de 302 enfermeras, cuanto peor era la salud mental y física del personal de enfermería, más se deterioró su calidad de vida en todos los aspectos (físico, psicológico, social y ambiental) (p < 0,001; p = 0,047; p = 0,001). Además, mientras las puntuaciones en las estrategias de afrontamiento «enfoque positivo-reevaluación positiva», «enfoque positivo-solución de problemas» y «enfoque positivo (en general)» van aumentando, la puntuación en la escala general es cada vez menor; en concreto, la salud general de los empleados va mejorando. Conclusión: Las estrategias de afrontamiento, como el enfoque positivo, mejoraron la salud general de los profesionales de enfermería. Por el contrario, su salud mental se deterioró cuando adoptaron las estrategias ilusiones/ensueño y/o escape/evitación. Finalmente, como la salud general va empeorando, su calidad de vida se ve afectada en todas las dimensiones, mientras que la mala salud mental de las enfermeras se asoció con una menor calidad de vida con respecto a las dimensiones física y psicológica

Objective: Our aim was to investigate the relationship of quality of life, psychopathological symptoms and ways of coping of nursing staff in two General Hospitals in Greece. Method: This was a cross-sectional study of 302 nurses in two General Hospitals in Greece between October and November of 2015. Data collection was performed using three questionnaires: the World Health Organisation Quality Of Life BREF; the Falk Self-Reporting Questionnaire for the detection of possible psychiatric comorbidity, and the Ways of Coping Scale for Stressful Situations. Results: From a sample of 302 nurses, the poorer the mental and physical health of the nursing staff, the more their quality of life was impaired in all dimensions (physical, psychological, social and environmental) (P < .001, P = .047, P = .001). Also, while the scores in coping strategies "positive approach-positive reappraisal", "positive approach-problem solving" and "positive approach (overall)" rose, the score in the General Scale dropped; in other words, the employees' general health improved. Conclusion: Coping strategies such as positive approach, improved the nurses' general health. In contrast, their mental health deteriorated when they adopted the wishful thinking/daydream and/or the escape/avoidance strategies. Finally, as their general health worsened, their quality of life was impaired in all dimensions, whereas poor mental health of nurses was associated with lower quality of life in the physical and psychological dimensions

Humanos , Psicopatologia , Qualidade de Vida , Adaptação Psicológica , Recursos Humanos de Enfermagem/estatística & dados numéricos , Estresse Psicológico , Grécia , Estudos Transversais , Inquéritos e Questionários , Saúde Mental
Gac. sanit. (Barc., Ed. impr.) ; 33(3): 263-267, mayo-jun. 2019. tab, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-183747


Objective: Until 2016, around 3 million persons had limited access to health care in Greece due to the economic crisis. We describe a massive solidarity movement of community clinics and pharmacies in Greece. Method: We conducted a survey in 2014-15 and describe the characteristics of community clinics and pharmacies spontaneously established all over Greece after 2008. Results: A characteristic of the 92 active solidarity clinics is autonomous collective functioning, free services, and funding from non-governmental sources. The largest clinics examined more than 500 uninsured or partly insured patients per month. Clinics covered a wide range of clinical and preventive services. Funding, availability of drugs, vaccines, medical material and their legal status were the main problems identified. The solidarity movement involved thousands of health professionals covering essential population needs. Conclusions: The community outpatient clinics were an outstanding example of solidarity and temporarily alleviated the health needs of a large part of the population

Objetivo: Hasta 2016, alrededor de 3 millones de personas tenían acceso limitado a la atención médica en Grecia debido a la crisis económica. Describimos un movimiento masivo de solidaridad de clínicas comunitarias y farmacias en Grecia. Métodos: Realizamos una encuesta en 2014-15 y describimos las características de las clínicas comunitarias y de las farmacias espontáneamente establecidas en toda Grecia después de 2008. Resultados: Una característica de las 92 clínicas solidarias activas es el funcionamiento colectivo autónomo, con servicios gratuitos y financiación de fuentes no gubernamentales. Las clínicas más grandes examinaron más de 500 pacientes no asegurados o parcialmente asegurados por mes. Las clínicas cubrieron una amplia gama de servicios clínicos y preventivos. La financiación, la disponibilidad de medicamentos, vacunas y material médico, y su estado legal, son los principales problemas identificados. El movimiento de solidaridad involucró a miles de profesionales de la salud que cubrieron las necesidades esenciales de la población. Conclusiones: Las clínicas ambulatorias comunitarias fueron un ejemplo de solidaridad y aliviaron temporalmente las necesidades de salud de una gran parte de la población

Humanos , Solidariedade , Atenção à Saúde/métodos , Instituições de Assistência Ambulatorial/organização & administração , Mudança Social , Grécia/epidemiologia , Recessão Econômica , Resolução de Problemas , 50207 , Organizações/organização & administração , Setor Privado/organização & administração , Colaboração Intersetorial
Allergol. immunopatol ; 47(3): 209-213, mayo-jun. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-186479


Introduction: There is accumulated evidence supporting a beneficial role of Mediterranean diet (MD) in the control of asthma symptoms. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationships between adherence to MD and serum levels of certain cytokines namely, interleukin (IL)-4, and IL-17 known to have a pathogenetic role in the airway changes associated with asthma. Methods: We measured serum IL-4, IL-33, and IL-17, in 44 asthmatic and 26 healthy children, 5-15 years old. Their adherence to MD was estimated with the Mediterranean Diet Quality Index for children and adolescents (KIDMED) score. Results: KIDMED score did not differ between the two groups (P = 0.59) and was not correlated with any of the three measured cytokines. However, when the analysis was restricted only to asthmatic children, the KIDMED score was correlated with IL-4, IL-33, and IL-17 (Beta: -0.56, P = 0.007; Beta: 0.57, P = 0.010; Beta: -0.62, P = 0.017, respectively). Conclusion: Our results indicate that MD can modulate the production of some of the main inflammatory mediators of asthma, in asthmatic children

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Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Asma/dietoterapia , Dieta Mediterrânea , Cooperação do Paciente/estatística & dados numéricos , Asma/epidemiologia , Grécia/epidemiologia , Mediadores da Inflamação/sangue , Interleucina-17/sangue , Interleucina-4/sangue , Fatores de Risco , Inquéritos e Questionários
Allergol. immunopatol ; 47(3): 260-264, mayo-jun. 2019. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-186487


Aim: To prospectively evaluate interferences between viruses of the upper respiratory tract in asymptomatic preschool children. Methods: Nasal-pharyngeal swabs from 233 preschool aged children were prospectively collected over four consecutive time periods, during one school year. The samples were tested using a RT-PCR DNA/RNA microarray system for nine respiratory viruses. Results: Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) was a predictor of the presence of influenza virus (INFL) (OR: 9.12, CI: 1.52-54.75, p = 0.016), and similarly, INFL predicted the presence of RSV (OR: 4.01, CI: 1.14-14.16, p = 0.030). Also, rhinovirus (RV) was a predictor of adenovirus (ADV) presence (OR: 3.66, CI: 1.10-12.14, p = 0.034), and similarly, ADV predicted the presence of RV (OR: 4.05, CI: 1.02-16.05, p = 0.046). No other significant associations between viruses were observed. Conclusion: Our results indicate that respiratory viruses found in carrier stage in asymptomatic children may interact with other viruses and even facilitate their settling in the upper respiratory tract. The pathophysiological role of these interactions is not yet clear

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Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Adenoviridae/fisiologia , Infecções por Adenoviridae/epidemiologia , Resfriado Comum/epidemiologia , Influenza Humana/epidemiologia , Orthomyxoviridae/fisiologia , Vírus Sinciciais Respiratórios/fisiologia , Infecções por Vírus Respiratório Sincicial/epidemiologia , Infecções Respiratórias/epidemiologia , Rhinovirus/fisiologia , Infecções por Adenoviridae/diagnóstico , Doenças Assintomáticas , Resfriado Comum/diagnóstico , Grécia/epidemiologia , Influenza Humana/diagnóstico , Prognóstico , Estudos Prospectivos , Infecções por Vírus Respiratório Sincicial/diagnóstico , Infecções Respiratórias/diagnóstico
Nutr. hosp ; 35(6): 1275-1286, nov.-dic. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-181467


Background: physical fitness is a powerfull indicator of the health coindition in childhood, adolescence and adulthood. This research is performed in order to determine the age and gender stratified reference values for healthy physical fitness for Macodonian children and adolescents and to identify signicicant gender differences. Methods: a descriptive cross-sectional and population-based study examined the physical fitness among a random and large national representative sample of schoolchildren aged six to 14 years in Macedonia. A sample of 9,241 children and adolescents (4,716 boys and 4,525 girls) was assessed by the EUROFIT fitness test battery. The LMS statistical method was used. Results: smoothed gender and age-specific percentiles for the physical fitness tests in boys and girls aged six to 14 years are reported and expressed as both tabulated and curves values (P5, P10, P25, P50, P75, P90, P95). Figures showed greater physical fitness levels in boys, except for the sit-and-reach test, in which girls performed slightly better. There was also a trend towards increased physical fitness levels as the age increased in both boys and girls. Conclusion: the percentile values provided will enable the correct interpretation and monitoring of fitness status of Macedonion children

Antecedentes: la aptitud física es un poderoso indicador del estado de salud en la infancia, la adolescencia y la edad adulta. La investigación se realizó con el fin de determinar los valores de referencia de una aptitud física saludable estratificados por edad y género para niños y adolescentes de Macedonia, así como para identificar diferencias significativas entre géneros. Métodos: mediante un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal y basado en la población se examinó la condición física de una muestra representativa nacional aleatoria y amplia de escolares de seis a 14 años de Macedonia. Se evaluó una muestra de 9.241 niños y adolescentes (4.716 niños y 4.525 niñas) mediante la batería de pruebas de aptitud física de EUROFIT. Se utilizó el método estadístico LMS. Resultados: se informaron los percentiles suavizados de género y edad para las pruebas de aptitud física en niños y niñas de seis a 14 años y se expresaron como valores tabulados y de curvas (P5, P10, P25, P50, P75, P90, P95). Las cifras mostraron mayores niveles de aptitud física en los niños, a excepción de la prueba sit and reach, en la cual las niñas obtuvieron resultados ligeramente mejores. También se observó una tendencia al aumento de los niveles de aptitud física a medida que aumentaba la edad tanto en niños como en niñas. Conclusión: los valores percentiles proporcionados permitirán la correcta interpretación y monitoreo del estado físico de los niños macedonios

Criança , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Teste de Esforço/métodos , Aptidão Física/fisiologia , Fatores Etários , Antropometria , Composição Corporal , Estudos Transversais , Grécia , Nível de Saúde , Valores de Referência , Fatores Sexuais , Estudantes
Nutr. hosp ; 35(6): 1331-1339, nov.-dic. 2018. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-181474


The "Century XXI" Project is a seven-year intervention sport program performed among the best Spanish youth basketball players, who were assigned to one of the following intervention groups based on the following criteria: age, position, mature level, and origin in the country. The study was performed (1996-2001) with a total of 90 players. The main purposes of this study were: a) to describe anthropometric and performance characteristics of top youth international male basketballers in the Spanish national academy; and b) to analyze differences among positions. In summary, the main findings of this study were: a) the anthropometry presented significant differences between groups under (U-) 14 and U-17; and b) in the U-17 group centers presented more arm span. In our study, the most significant changes are in U-16 vs U-14 and U-15 in strength body up values, and the best result in endurance capacity took place in June of the fourth year. Within this context, the results of the present study may be useful for strength and conditioning coaches to plan their programs with youth basketball players

El Proyecto Siglo XXI es un programa deportivo de intervención de siete años realizado con los mejores jugadores de baloncesto juveniles españoles, que fueron asignados a uno de los siguientes grupos de intervención según los siguientes criterios: edad, posición, nivel de madurez y origen en el país. El estudio se realizó entre 1996 y 2001 con un total de 90 jugadores. Por ello, el propósito principal de este estudio fue: a) describir las características antropométricas y de rendimiento de los jugadores; y b) analizar las diferencias de los jugadores en diferentes roles posicionales en el programa de intervención. Los principales hallazgos de este estudio fueron: a) la antropometría presentó diferencias significativas entre los grupos U-14 y U-17; y b) en la medida que los jugadores crecieron, observamos más longitud del brazo. En nuestro estudio, los cambios más significativos se dan en U-16 vs U-14 y U-15 en valores de fuerza y el mejor resultado en la capacidad de resistencia tuvo lugar en junio del 4º año. Los resultados del presente estudio pueden ser útiles para los entrenadores y preparadores físicos para planificar sus programas con jugadores de baloncesto de categorías inferiores en planes a largo plazo

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Teste de Esforço/métodos , Aptidão Física/fisiologia , Fatores Etários , Antropometria , Composição Corporal , Estudos Transversais , Grécia , Estado Nutricional , Valores de Referência , Fatores Sexuais , Estudantes
Eur. j. anat ; 22(5): 397-402, sept. 2018. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-179809


The fovea capitis femoris receives the distal attachment of the ligamentum teres femoris. Although recent research has shown that the latter may have a number of functions including mechanical stability to the hip joint, there is little published information on the morphological variation of the fovea capitis femoris. The present study investigates the morphological variation of the fovea capitis femoris with respect to sex and age. Morphometric properties were recorded from both left and right femurs of 212 individuals from the Athens skeletal collection. The fovea capitis femoris was photographed en face with a reference scale and a polyline outlining its boundary edges was extracted. Two shape variables and three size variables of the fovea capitis femoris were calculated and used in the morphological analysis. Two variables, one size and one shape variable, exhibited bilateral asymmetry. The sexual dimorphism of fovea capitis femoris is attributed to size variables, while at the same time there are age-related changes in its shape. The fovea capitis area and the fovea capitis maximum diameter have significant higher values in males, while the perimeter of fovea capitis tends to have a more irregular shape in older individuals. However, fovea capitis femoris cannot be used for age estimation or sex determination of a human skeleton

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Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Cabeça do Fêmur/anatomia & histologia , Variação Anatômica , Grécia , Caracteres Sexuais , Determinação do Sexo pelo Esqueleto/métodos
Allergol. immunopatol ; 46(4): 389-393, jul.-ago. 2018. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-177871


BACKGROUND: Obstructive respiratory disorders, such as allergic rhinitis and asthma may impair sleep quality. The aim of this study is to validate the Children's Sleep Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ) for Greek children from 6 to 14 years of age. No validated tool has been developed so far to assess sleep disturbances in Greek school-aged children. METHODS: We examined the reliability and validity of the CSHQ in a sample of children with allergic rhinitis (AR) and a non-clinical population of parents of these children as a proxy measure of children's AR quality of life (QoL) as evaluated by the Pediatric Allergic Rhinitis Quality of Life (PedARQoL) questionnaire. RESULTS: The CSHQ questionnaire Child's Form (CF) had a moderate internal consistency with a Cronbach's alpha 0.671 and Guttman split-half coefficient of 0.563 when correlated with the PedARQoL (CF). There was also a moderate intraclass correlation of ICC = 0.505 between the responses to both questionnaires in the two visits. The CSHQ Parent's Form (PF) had a very good internal consistency with a Cronbach's alpha of 0.928 and Guttman split-half coefficient of 0.798. There was a high intraclass correlation of 0.643 between the responses in the two visits. CONCLUSIONS: The Greek version of the CSHQ CF, but particularly the PF has proved to be a very reliable clinical instrument, which can be used in clinical trials for assessing sleep quality in school-aged children with sleep disturbances because of obstructive airway disorders, such as AR

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Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Qualidade de Vida , Rinite Alérgica/complicações , Sono , Grécia , Psicometria , Inquéritos e Questionários
Cuad. psiquiatr. psicoter. niño adolesc ; 2(65,cong): 13-15, ene.-jun. 2018. tab
Artigo em Francês | IBECS | ID: ibc-173935


Le Service de la Santé Mentale pour les enfants et les adolescents, qui fait partie de la Clinique Psychiatrique de l'Université d'Athènes, en collaboration avec l'Organisation à but non lucratif qui se nomme « Renaissance et Progrès » et son Equipe Médical Mobile participe à l'intervention pour la promotion des soins de santé primaires aux îles périphériques et isolées de la mer d'Égée en Grèce. Les îles périphériques et isolées sont 33 et sont résidées par 55000 habitats de tous âges, parmi eux environs 5000 enfants et ados. Dans les îles qui se trouvent à la frontière de la mer d'Egée, existe des Centres de Santé qui ou il y a des médecins qui font leur internat sans spécialité et parfois avec eux il y a une infirmière, mais ils sont insuffisants pour répondre aux besoins des résidents. Au niveau psychologique, sociale et soins psychiatrique d'enfant il n'y a aucun soin. Les enfants et leurs familles sont obligés de voyager aux grandes îles qui sont proches, ou à la Capitale où ils peuvent faire de consultation psychologique et avoir un diagnostic mais ne peuvent pas avoir un traitement

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Humanos , Criança , Serviços de Saúde da Criança/organização & administração , Serviços de Saúde do Adolescente/organização & administração , Serviços de Saúde Mental/organização & administração , Transtornos do Neurodesenvolvimento/epidemiologia , Grécia/epidemiologia , Necessidades e Demandas de Serviços de Saúde/estatística & dados numéricos , Acessibilidade aos Serviços de Saúde/estatística & dados numéricos