Background: Peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia is a rare pathogenesis of congenital origin, which occurs due to a failure in the communication between the diaphragm and the pericardium during embryogenesis. Symptoms may be non-existent or non-specific, depending on the herniated organ involved and, in most cases, the diagnosis is incidental. Regarding the most indicated treatment, there are still divergences in the literature concerning the indication of conservative or surgical treatment. This study reports the case of a feline peritoneopericardial hernia, for which surgical correction was the treatment of choice. Case: A 3-month-old female kitten, no defined racial pattern, was referred to the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco for treatment of a peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia. This condition was diagnosed through radiographic examination after the patient having been submitted to pediatric castration and presented anesthetic complications in the transsurgery. Blood count, biochemical profile and Doppler echocardiogram were performed, which showed no significant changes. To obtain a better study and surgical planning, computed tomography was performed to observe the heart located cranially in the pericardial cavity. Caudally to the heart, hepatic parenchyma located in the pericardial cavity was observed; and hepatic vessels presenting slightly enlarged dimensions. These tomographic findings suggested peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia; being the liver present in the pericardial cavity and signs of congestion in the hepatic parenchyma. Due to the likelihood of future worsening of the hernia, surgical correction was performed, with an abdominal midline incision in the preumbilical region to reposition the liver to its normal anatomy, followed by diaphragm reconstitution through a herniorrhaphy. After the surgical procedure, the patient was referred for observation in internment and, after 15 days, the skin sutures were removed. Complete correction of the hernial defect was observed on radiography performed 30 days after the surgical procedure. However, the examination showed the presence of deviation/ deformity in the topography of the sternum and costal cartilages, with slight cardiac displacement to the right hemithorax, suggesting the presence of pectus excavatum. Discussion: Peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia is considered rare and, despite being one of the most common causes of congenital pericardial anomaly in felines, it has a low prevalence ranging from 0.06% to 1.45%. They are usually diagnosed from two years of age, with prevalence for older animals. However, due to having presented anesthetic changes, the patient of this case report could be diagnosed early. Among the most common organs that migrate to the thoracic cavity, the liver is the most commonly observed, which is also the hernia content of the present report. Peritoneopericardial hernia is often diagnosed through radiography and ultrasound, and these imaging tests proved to be sufficient for the diagnosis in this report. However, computed tomography was important for providing a better study of case and for the adoption of median celiotomy as a treatment. Associations with other malformations are described in the literature, with pectus excavatum being the most common and also observed in this report. Peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia is a rare anomaly, rarely reported in the literature and with divergences regarding its treatment. The adoption of early surgical treatment performed in this report showed satisfactory evolution and the possibility of a favorable prognosis.
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Pericárdio/anormalidades , Peritônio/cirurgia , Hérnias Diafragmáticas Congênitas/veterinária , Radiografia/veterináriaResumo
Abstract A serological, molecular and histopathological study was carried out in order to investigate occurrences of Toxoplasma gondii in pigs slaughtered with and without inspection service. Serum samples were collected from 60 pigs to detect anti-T. gondii antibody by indirect fluorescent antibody (IFAT). Tongue, masseter and diaphragm fragments were also collected for parasite DNA detection by means of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and histopathological analysis. The serological results showed that 77% (44/60) of the pigs were positive. Regarding PCR, 66.67% (40/60) were positive for T. gondii. Among the tissues evaluated, the diaphragm was the one with the highest frequency of positivity (40%; 24/60), followed by the masseter (38.33%; 23/60) and tongue (33.3%; 20/60). Histopathological changes were only observed in the diaphragm, which presented inflammatory infiltrates of lymphohistiocytic and neutrophilic types. These results not only show the potential threat of T. gondii to human health, but also demonstrate the dynamic epidemiological situation of toxoplasmosis in pigs in the city of São Luís, providing support for food security regarding pigs and for T. gondii control programs in Brazil.
Resumo Realizou-se um estudo sorológico, molecular e histopatológico com o objetivo de verificar a ocorrência de Toxoplasma gondii em suínos abatidos com e sem serviço de inspeção. Foram coletados soros de 60 suínos para a pesquisa de anticorpos anti-T. gondii pela reação de imunofluorescência indireta (RIFI). Também foram coletados fragmentos de língua, masseter e diafragma para a detecção do DNA do parasito por meio da reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) e análise histopatológica. A análise sorológica demonstrou que 77% (44/60) dos suínos apresentaram anticorpos anti-T. gondii. Com relação ao PCR, 66,67% (40/60) foram positivos para T. gondii. Dentre os tecidos avaliados, o diafragma foi o que obteve maior frequência de positividade (40%; 24/60), seguidos de masseter (38,33%; 23/60) e língua (33,3%; 20/60). Alterações histopatológicas foram observadas apenas no diafragma, que apresentou infiltrado inflamatório do tipo linfohistiocitário e neutrofílico. Esses resultados não evidenciam apenas a ameaça potencial de T. gondii à saúde humana, mas também demonstram a dinâmica situação epidemiológica da toxoplasmose em suínos na região da cidade de São Luís, fornecendo suporte para a segurança alimentar de suínos e programas de controle de T. gondii no país.
Animais , Doenças dos Suínos/diagnóstico , Doenças dos Suínos/epidemiologia , Toxoplasma , Toxoplasmose Animal/diagnóstico , Toxoplasmose Animal/epidemiologia , Suínos , Brasil/epidemiologia , Anticorpos Antiprotozoários , Técnica Indireta de Fluorescência para Anticorpo/veterináriaResumo
This paper describes a spontaneous outbreak of toxic myopathy in finishing pigs due to the ingestion of feed with salinomycin associated with tiamulin and addresses the control methods performed during the outbreak to minimize economic losses resulting from the intoxication. A lot of 940 pigs fed feed containing 30 ppm salinomycin received 100 ppm tiamulin (via water) to control recurrent respiratory diseases on the farm. After ingesting tiamulin, some animals manifested clinical signs of motor incoordination, stiff gait, reluctance to move, muscle weakness and tremors, dyspnea, depression, and decubitus, remaining in "sitting-dog position" or with the abduction of the pelvic limbs, and rested on tip-toes when in a standing position. Two animals were euthanized for macro-and microscopic evaluation. The other sick animals received supportive anti-inflammatory treatment. The most relevant macroscopic finding observed during necropsy was the slight pallor of the pelvic limb muscles. The main histopathological findings consisted of multifocal areas of hyaline degeneration and marked necrosis of skeletal myofibers, with macrophage infiltrate associated with cell regeneration and skeletal fiber phagocytosis. These lesions were more intense in the longissimus dorsi, diaphragm, and masseter muscles. The definitive diagnosis was based on epidemiological aspects and clinical lesional conditions compatible with toxic myopathy secondary to ionophore intoxication.(AU)
Este trabalho descreve um surto espontâneo de miopatia tóxica em suínos na fase de terminação, decorrente da ingestão de ração contendo salinomicina associada a tiamulina e aborda os métodos de controle realizados durante o surto, para minimizar os prejuízos econômicos decorrentes da intoxicação. Um lote de 940 suínos alimentados com ração contendo 30 ppm de salinomicina recebeu tiamulina na dose de 100 ppm (via água) para controle de doenças respiratórias recorrentes na granja. Após a ingestão da tiamulina, alguns animais manifestaram sinais clínicos de incoordenação motora, andar rígido, relutância ao movimento, fraqueza e tremores musculares, dispneia, depressão e decúbito, permanecendo em "posição de cão sentado" ou com abdução dos membros pélvicos, e quando em estação, apoiavam-se nas pinças dos cascos. Dois animais foram eutanasiados para avaliação macro e microscópica. Os demais animais doentes receberam tratamento suporte com anti-inflamatório. O achado macroscópico mais relevante observado durante a necropsia foi palidez leve dos músculos dos membros pélvicos. Os principais achados histopatológicos foram áreas multifocais de degeneração hialina e necrose acentuada de miofibras esqueléticas, com infiltrado de macrófagos associado às figuras de regeneração celular e à fagocitose de fibras esqueléticas. Essas lesões foram mais intensas nos músculos longissimus dorsi, diafragma e masseter. O diagnóstico definitivo baseou-se nos aspectos epidemiológicos e no quadro clínico-lesional compatíveis com miopatia tóxica secundária a intoxicação por ionóforo.(AU)
Animais , Fagocitose , Suínos , Miotoxicidade , IonóforosResumo
This is the case of a specimen of Didelphis albiventris with signs of respiratory difficulty after a dog attack. Thoracic radiographic examination revealed pneumothorax, pulmonary contusion, and rib fracture, but no alteration compatible with diaphragmatic hernia was observed. Pneumothorax was reduced and the other alterations were treated. However, clinical manifestations persisted, and thus a contrast-gastrointestinal radiographic study was performed, showing abdominal organs in the thoracic cavity and loss of diaphragmatic line. The surgical approach was instituted, with access to the diaphragm through median laparotomy. Through the diaphragmatic rupture, present in the left antimere, there were herniated liver and gastric portions, intestinal segments, and omentum. After inspection and repositioning of the abdominal organs, the diaphragm raffia was performed with single sutures interrupted with 3-0 Nylon thread. The patients complete recovery occurred 14 days after the surgical procedure, with remission of clinical manifestations and normality of thoracic images in radiographic studies.
Esse é o caso de um espécime de Didelphis albiventris com sinais de dificuldade respiratória após ataque por cão. O exame radiográfico torácico revelou pneumotórax, contusão pulmonar e fratura de costelas, porém nenhuma alteração com-patível com hérnia diafragmática foi observada. O pneumotórax foi reduzido e as demais alterações tratadas. Contudo; houve a persistência das manifestações clínicas, e dessa forma um estudo radiográfico gastrointestinal contrastado foi realizado, sendo evidenciados órgãos abdominais na cavidade torácica e perda da linha diafragmática. A abordagem cirúrgica foi instituída, com acesso ao diafragma por meio de laparotomia mediana. Através da ruptura diafragmática, presente no antímero esquerdo, estavam herniadas porções hepáticas e gástricas, segmentos intestinais e omento. Após inspeção e reposicionamento dos órgãos abdominais, a rafia do diafragma foi realizada com suturas simples interrompidas com fio Nylon 3-0. A recuperação completa do paciente ocorreu 14 dias após o procedimento cirúrgico, com remissão das manifestações clínicas e normalidade das ima-gens torácicas nos estudos radiográficos.
Animais , Didelphis/anatomia & histologia , Hérnia Diafragmática Traumática/cirurgia , Hérnia Diafragmática Traumática/diagnóstico , Hérnia Diafragmática Traumática/veterinária , Radiografia , Técnicas de Laboratório Clínico , Herniorrafia , LaparotomiaResumo
This is the case of a specimen of Didelphis albiventris with signs of respiratory difficulty after a dog attack. Thoracic radiographic examination revealed pneumothorax, pulmonary contusion, and rib fracture, but no alteration compatible with diaphragmatic hernia was observed. Pneumothorax was reduced and the other alterations were treated. However, clinical manifestations persisted, and thus a contrast-gastrointestinal radiographic study was performed, showing abdominal organs in the thoracic cavity and loss of diaphragmatic line. The surgical approach was instituted, with access to the diaphragm through median laparotomy. Through the diaphragmatic rupture, present in the left antimere, there were herniated liver and gastric portions, intestinal segments, and omentum. After inspection and repositioning of the abdominal organs, the diaphragm raffia was performed with single sutures interrupted with 3-0 Nylon thread. The patients complete recovery occurred 14 days after the surgical procedure, with remission of clinical manifestations and normality of thoracic images in radiographic studies.(AU)
Esse é o caso de um espécime de Didelphis albiventris com sinais de dificuldade respiratória após ataque por cão. O exame radiográfico torácico revelou pneumotórax, contusão pulmonar e fratura de costelas, porém nenhuma alteração com-patível com hérnia diafragmática foi observada. O pneumotórax foi reduzido e as demais alterações tratadas. Contudo; houve a persistência das manifestações clínicas, e dessa forma um estudo radiográfico gastrointestinal contrastado foi realizado, sendo evidenciados órgãos abdominais na cavidade torácica e perda da linha diafragmática. A abordagem cirúrgica foi instituída, com acesso ao diafragma por meio de laparotomia mediana. Através da ruptura diafragmática, presente no antímero esquerdo, estavam herniadas porções hepáticas e gástricas, segmentos intestinais e omento. Após inspeção e reposicionamento dos órgãos abdominais, a rafia do diafragma foi realizada com suturas simples interrompidas com fio Nylon 3-0. A recuperação completa do paciente ocorreu 14 dias após o procedimento cirúrgico, com remissão das manifestações clínicas e normalidade das ima-gens torácicas nos estudos radiográficos.(AU)
Animais , Técnicas de Laboratório Clínico , Radiografia , Didelphis/anatomia & histologia , Hérnia Diafragmática Traumática/diagnóstico , Hérnia Diafragmática Traumática/cirurgia , Hérnia Diafragmática Traumática/veterinária , Herniorrafia , LaparotomiaResumo
O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar o primeiro caso de tuberculose miliar em bovino no estado de Sergipe, seus achados clínicos e patológicos. Um bovino, fêmea, com histórico de que há dez dias apresentava emagrecimento progressivo e no oitavo dia de evolução clínica começou a apresentar incoordenação e anorexia. No exame clínico do sistema nervoso foi observado desvio lateral da cabeça, déficit proprioceptivo com dismetria, ataxia, redução do tônus lingual, flacidez de mandíbula, ausência do reflexo de deglutição e compressão da cabeça contra objeto. Macroscopicamente foram observados múltiplos nódulos nos pulmões, diafragma, linfonodos mediastínicos, glândula mamária, encéfalo e medula espinhal, amarelados, de tamanhos variados e consistência firme que, ao corte, apresentavam conteúdo amarelado pastoso com aspecto arenoso. O coração continha abundante líquido serosanguinolento no saco pericárdico, com presença de fibrina livre no líquido e aderida ao epicárdio. Histologicamente, as lesões nodulares caracterizavam-se pela formação de lesão granulomatosa caracterizada por uma área central de necrose, rodeada por macrófagos epitelióides, poucos linfócitos e abundantes células gigantes multinucleadas do tipo Langhans, exibindo áreas multifocais de calcificação caracterizando o quadro de tuberculose miliar, confirmado com a coloração de Ziehl Neelsen. A tuberculose miliar deve ser considerada no diagnóstico diferencial de enfermidades que acometem o sistema nervoso em bovinos oriundos de rebanhos com elevados índices de animais positivos para tuberculose, reforçando a importância do inquérito a respeito da prevalência desta enfermidade.
The objective of this work is to report the first case of miliary tuberculosis in cattle in the state of Sergipe, Brazil, with its clinical and pathological findings. A female bovine with a ten-day history had progressive weight loss and on the eighth day of clinical evolution showed incoordination and anorexia. The clinical examination of the nervous system indicated lateral deviation of the head, proprioceptive deficit with dysmetria, ataxia, reduced lingual tone, flaccidity of the jaw, absence of the swallowing reflex and compression of the head against an object. After euthanasia, multiple nodules were observed in the lungs, diaphragm, mediastinal lymph nodes, mammary glands, brain and spinal cord. Yellowish of varying sizes and firm consistency were observed at the macroscopic level and when cut, had a pasty yellowish content with a sandy aspect. The heart contained abundant serosanguinous fluid in the pericardial sac, with the presence of free fibrin in the liquid and adhered to the epicardium. In the histological analysis, the nodular lesions were characterized by the formation of granulomatous lesions with a distinctive central area of necrosis, surrounded by epithelioid macrophages, few lymphocytes and abundant giant multinucleated cells of the Langhans type, showing multifocal areas of calcification characterizing miliary tuberculosis, confirmed with the Ziehl Neelsen stain. Miliary tuberculosis must be considered in the differential diagnosis of diseases that affect the nervous system in cattle from herds with high levels of animals positive for tuberculosis, reinforcing the importance of the investigation regarding the prevalence of this disease.
Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Encéfalo/fisiopatologia , Mycobacterium bovis/patogenicidadeResumo
O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar o primeiro caso de tuberculose miliar em bovino no estado de Sergipe, seus achados clínicos e patológicos. Um bovino, fêmea, com histórico de que há dez dias apresentava emagrecimento progressivo e no oitavo dia de evolução clínica começou a apresentar incoordenação e anorexia. No exame clínico do sistema nervoso foi observado desvio lateral da cabeça, déficit proprioceptivo com dismetria, ataxia, redução do tônus lingual, flacidez de mandíbula, ausência do reflexo de deglutição e compressão da cabeça contra objeto. Macroscopicamente foram observados múltiplos nódulos nos pulmões, diafragma, linfonodos mediastínicos, glândula mamária, encéfalo e medula espinhal, amarelados, de tamanhos variados e consistência firme que, ao corte, apresentavam conteúdo amarelado pastoso com aspecto arenoso. O coração continha abundante líquido serosanguinolento no saco pericárdico, com presença de fibrina livre no líquido e aderida ao epicárdio. Histologicamente, as lesões nodulares caracterizavam-se pela formação de lesão granulomatosa caracterizada por uma área central de necrose, rodeada por macrófagos epitelióides, poucos linfócitos e abundantes células gigantes multinucleadas do tipo Langhans, exibindo áreas multifocais de calcificação caracterizando o quadro de tuberculose miliar, confirmado com a coloração de Ziehl Neelsen. A tuberculose miliar deve ser considerada no diagnóstico diferencial de enfermidades que acometem o sistema nervoso em bovinos oriundos de rebanhos com elevados índices de animais positivos para tuberculose, reforçando a importância do inquérito a respeito da prevalência desta enfermidade.(AU)
The objective of this work is to report the first case of miliary tuberculosis in cattle in the state of Sergipe, Brazil, with its clinical and pathological findings. A female bovine with a ten-day history had progressive weight loss and on the eighth day of clinical evolution showed incoordination and anorexia. The clinical examination of the nervous system indicated lateral deviation of the head, proprioceptive deficit with dysmetria, ataxia, reduced lingual tone, flaccidity of the jaw, absence of the swallowing reflex and compression of the head against an object. After euthanasia, multiple nodules were observed in the lungs, diaphragm, mediastinal lymph nodes, mammary glands, brain and spinal cord. Yellowish of varying sizes and firm consistency were observed at the macroscopic level and when cut, had a pasty yellowish content with a sandy aspect. The heart contained abundant serosanguinous fluid in the pericardial sac, with the presence of free fibrin in the liquid and adhered to the epicardium. In the histological analysis, the nodular lesions were characterized by the formation of granulomatous lesions with a distinctive central area of necrosis, surrounded by epithelioid macrophages, few lymphocytes and abundant giant multinucleated cells of the Langhans type, showing multifocal areas of calcification characterizing miliary tuberculosis, confirmed with the Ziehl Neelsen stain. Miliary tuberculosis must be considered in the differential diagnosis of diseases that affect the nervous system in cattle from herds with high levels of animals positive for tuberculosis, reinforcing the importance of the investigation regarding the prevalence of this disease.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Mycobacterium bovis/patogenicidade , Encéfalo/fisiopatologiaResumo
Background: Peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia is a congenital defect characterized by an anomalous communication between the abdominal cavity and pericardial sac, which can lead to displacement of the abdominal viscera into the thoracic cavity. The occurrence in felines is higher among long-haired breeds, mainly the Persian breed, possibly based onan autosomal recessive inheritance. The diagnosis of PPDH is performed by means of chest radiography with or without contrast, in association with other imaging tests such as ultrasonography and echocardiography. Our objective in this study was to report the occurrence and macroscopic changes in a case of peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia in a Persian feline. Case: A 9-year-old male Persian cat weighing 3.4 kg was referred to the HPET-Private Veterinary Clinic, Salvador, Bahia, with an history of weight loss and chronic intermittent vomiting during the preceding 6 months, with lateral decubitus and breathing difficulties. Ultrasonography revealed findings suggestive of an infiltrative process in the stomach and duodenum, enlarged gastric lymph nodes, and some nodular images indicating slight displacement of the liver. Chest radiography revealed a cardiac silhouette with markedly enlarged dimensions associated with a dorsal deviation of the terminal trachea, and echocardiography revealed a small amount of pericardial effusion. The patient showed initial clinical improvement after blood transfusion; however, after 2 days, he exhibited significant clinical worsening and was therefore euthanized with the owner's consent. Post mortem evaluation revealed partial herniation of the liver and gallbladder into the chest cavity through a diaphragmatic hernia ring. The heart was partially surrounded by the left medial lobe of the liver, which was displaced into the pericardial sac. Herniated hepatic lobes had an irregular capsular surface with evident lobulation and tension lipidosis. In the abdominal cavity, the remainder of the liver (right lateral and medial lobes) was observed to be slightly enlarged, with an irregular surface, diffusely reddish with intense evidence of the lobular pattern and white and firm multifocal areas (fibrosis). In the duodenum, close to the pylorus, there was a nodule measuring 2.8 x 2.5 x 1.0 cm, with a whitish and ulcerated surface. When cut, it was soft and exhibited a homogeneous, whitish compact surface. Histopathological examinationshowed marked proliferation of fibrous connective tissue, which for the most part separated the lobes by septa and surrounded the portal space (fibrosis), a marked diffuse chronic inflammatory infiltrate composed of lymphocytes and plasma cells. In addition, marked bile duct hyperplasia and multifocal areas of fatty degeneration (steatosis). Discussion: The diagnosis was based on the association of clinical and pathological findings. Considering the age and clinical signs presented by the patient in this report, as well as the presence of few radiographic signs that were indicative of PPDH, the first differential diagnosis thought was pericardial neoplasia. Peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia in felines is always of congenital origin and may occur asymptomatically depending on the number and involvement of herniated viscera. In this case, the patient's diagnosis of peritoneopericardial hernia was a necropsy finding; the fact that in agreement with previous reports of high rates of incidental diagnoses reinforces the importance of performing necropsy for confirmation or diagnosis of unexpected pathologies. In the present case, peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia in isolation may not have led to severe anemia that culminated in the patient's death. The anatomopathological findings were compatible with biliary cirrhosis and multifocal liver fibrosis, accompanied by the presence of anemia and consequent hypovolemia.
Animais , Masculino , Gatos , Peritônio/anormalidades , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária , Hérnias Diafragmáticas Congênitas/veterinária , Radiografia Torácica/veterinária , Ultrassonografia/veterináriaResumo
A túnica vaginal possui características ideais para enxertia e já foi empregada na reparação de diversos tecidos, inclusive do diafragma pélvico. Objetivou-se avaliar a aplicabilidade da túnica vaginal como enxerto autógeno livre, em dupla camada, para a reparação do diafragma pélvico em 14 cães portadores de hérnia perineal, das quais, nove eram unilaterais e cinco, bilaterais. Após a orquiectomia, as túnicas de ambos os testículos foram coletadas, sobrepostas e fixadas entre si por meio de quatro pontos de reparo. Foi realizada abordagem ao saco herniário, inspeção, redução do conteúdo herniário, desbridamento muscular e síntese primária mediante sutura. O enxerto foi fixado à musculatura remanescente por meio de pontos simples separados e, posteriormente, encoberto pela sutura intradérmica e por síntese cutânea. Observações transoperatórias e, posteriormente, avaliações clínicas e ultrassonográficas, por período de um ano, permitiram sugerir que a túnica vaginal possui atributos ideais para a reparação do diafragma pélvico. Conclui-se que o enxerto autógeno livre de túnica vaginal, em dupla camada, é exequível e aplicável para o reparo do diafragma pélvico no tratamento da hérnia perineal em cães.(AU)
The tunica vaginalis has ideal characteristics for grafting and has already been used to repair several tissues, including the pelvic diaphragm. The aim of this study was to evaluate the applicability of the tunica vaginalis as a free double-layer autogenous graft to repair the pelvic diaphragm in 14 dogs with perineal hernia, of which, nine were unilateral and five, bilateral. After orchiectomy, the tunics of both testicles were collected, overlapped and fixed to each other by four repair points. The hernial sac was approached, followed by inspection, reduction of the hernia content, muscle debridement and primary synthesis through suture. The graft was attached to the remaining musculature by simple interrupted stitches and later hidden by intradermal suture and cutaneous synthesis. Intraoperative observations and, later, clinical and sonographic evaluations over a one-year period, allow to suggest that the tunica vaginalis has ideal attributes for the pelvic diaphragm repair. It is concluded that the autogenous graft-free of tunica vaginalis in double layer is feasible and applicable in order to repair the pelvic diaphragm in the perineal hernia treatment in dogs.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Peritônio/transplante , Diafragma da Pelve/cirurgia , Hérnia/veterinária , Herniorrafia/veterináriaResumo
A túnica vaginal possui características ideais para enxertia e já foi empregada na reparação de diversos tecidos, inclusive do diafragma pélvico. Objetivou-se avaliar a aplicabilidade da túnica vaginal como enxerto autógeno livre, em dupla camada, para a reparação do diafragma pélvico em 14 cães portadores de hérnia perineal, das quais, nove eram unilaterais e cinco, bilaterais. Após a orquiectomia, as túnicas de ambos os testículos foram coletadas, sobrepostas e fixadas entre si por meio de quatro pontos de reparo. Foi realizada abordagem ao saco herniário, inspeção, redução do conteúdo herniário, desbridamento muscular e síntese primária mediante sutura. O enxerto foi fixado à musculatura remanescente por meio de pontos simples separados e, posteriormente, encoberto pela sutura intradérmica e por síntese cutânea. Observações transoperatórias e, posteriormente, avaliações clínicas e ultrassonográficas, por período de um ano, permitiram sugerir que a túnica vaginal possui atributos ideais para a reparação do diafragma pélvico. Conclui-se que o enxerto autógeno livre de túnica vaginal, em dupla camada, é exequível e aplicável para o reparo do diafragma pélvico no tratamento da hérnia perineal em cães.(AU)
The tunica vaginalis has ideal characteristics for grafting and has already been used to repair several tissues, including the pelvic diaphragm. The aim of this study was to evaluate the applicability of the tunica vaginalis as a free double-layer autogenous graft to repair the pelvic diaphragm in 14 dogs with perineal hernia, of which, nine were unilateral and five, bilateral. After orchiectomy, the tunics of both testicles were collected, overlapped and fixed to each other by four repair points. The hernial sac was approached, followed by inspection, reduction of the hernia content, muscle debridement and primary synthesis through suture. The graft was attached to the remaining musculature by simple interrupted stitches and later hidden by intradermal suture and cutaneous synthesis. Intraoperative observations and, later, clinical and sonographic evaluations over a one-year period, allow to suggest that the tunica vaginalis has ideal attributes for the pelvic diaphragm repair. It is concluded that the autogenous graft-free of tunica vaginalis in double layer is feasible and applicable in order to repair the pelvic diaphragm in the perineal hernia treatment in dogs.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Peritônio/transplante , Diafragma da Pelve/cirurgia , Hérnia/veterinária , Herniorrafia/veterináriaResumo
Trichinella spiralis causes severe infections in humans, resulting in various clinical symptoms and even death, in several countries worldwide. Human trichinellosis has been reported in 55 countries, and mainly affects certain ethnic groups and tourists. It is caused by the ingestion of raw, undercooked meat or pork, or their by-products containing parasitic larvae. Infections in swine especially occur due to the parasitic contamination of food containing animal products, predation by rodents and other animals infected with T. spiralis, and due to the frequent habit of cannibalism in intensive production systems. This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of T. spiralis in pig carcasses from a slaughterhouse located in the midwestern region of Paraná State, Brazil. Pools of 100 g of diaphragm, containing at least 1 g of tissue from each test animal, were collected, ground, and subjected to acid digestion with pepsin (1:10,000) and 25% hydrochloric acid. Sampling was performed in accordance to the methodology recommended by the European Union. All the 735,902 samples collected between 2010 and 2013, and in 2018, were negative for Trichinella spp. larvae. The pigs came from 483 farms from 90 municipalities from the three states of southern Brazil (Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul). The absence of the parasite in different animal species, reported by surveys conducted in Brazil, could confirm the country as free from trichinellosis. Although T. spiralis is not endemic to Brazil, it is necessary to subject the meat of adult pigs slaughtered here and exported to other countries to inspections and parasitological examinations. It is therefore necessary to continually inspect pig carcasses for T. spiralis in slaughterhouses worldwide.
Trichinella spiralis causa infecções graves em humanos, resultando em vários sintomas clínicos e até morte, em vários países do mundo. A triquinelose humana foi relatada em 55 países e afeta principalmente certos grupos étnicos e turistas. É causada pela ingestão de carne crua ou malpassada, ou seus subprodutos contendo larvas parasitas. As infecções em suínos ocorrem principalmente devido à contaminação parasitária de alimentos contendo produtos de origem animal, predação de roedores e outros animais infectados com T. spiralis, além do hábito frequente de canibalismo em sistemas de produção intensiva. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar a prevalência de T. spiralis em carcaças de suínos de um abatedouro localizado na região centro-oeste do Estado do Paraná. Conjuntos de 100 g de diafragma, contendo pelo menos 1 g de tecido de cada animal testado, foram coletados, triturados e submetidos a digestão ácida com pepsina (1:10.000) e ácido clorídrico a 25%. A amostragem foi realizada de acordo com a metodologia recomendada pela União Europeia. Todas as 735.902 amostras coletadas entre 2010 e 2013, e em 2018, foram negativas para larvas de Trichinella spp. Os suínos foram provenientes de 483 fazendas, de 90 municípios, dos três estados do sul do Brasil (Paraná, Santa Catarina e Rio Grande do Sul). A ausência do parasita em diferentes espécies animais, relatada por pesquisas realizadas no Brasil, poderia confirmar o país como livre de triquinelose. Embora T. spiralis não seja endêmica no Brasil, é necessário submeter a carne de suínos adultos abatidos aqui e exportados para outros países, a inspeções e exames parasitológicos. É, portanto, necessário inspecionar continuamente carcaças de suínos para T. spiralis em abatedouros de todo o mundo.
Animais , Doenças dos Suínos/parasitologia , Infecções por Nematoides/epidemiologia , Suínos/parasitologia , Trichinella spiralis , Triquinelose/epidemiologia , MatadourosResumo
Trichinella spiralis causes severe infections in humans, resulting in various clinical symptoms and even death, in several countries worldwide. Human trichinellosis has been reported in 55 countries, and mainly affects certain ethnic groups and tourists. It is caused by the ingestion of raw, undercooked meat or pork, or their by-products containing parasitic larvae. Infections in swine especially occur due to the parasitic contamination of food containing animal products, predation by rodents and other animals infected with T. spiralis, and due to the frequent habit of cannibalism in intensive production systems. This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of T. spiralis in pig carcasses from a slaughterhouse located in the midwestern region of Paraná State, Brazil. Pools of 100 g of diaphragm, containing at least 1 g of tissue from each test animal, were collected, ground, and subjected to acid digestion with pepsin (1:10,000) and 25% hydrochloric acid. Sampling was performed in accordance to the methodology recommended by the European Union. All the 735,902 samples collected between 2010 and 2013, and in 2018, were negative for Trichinella spp. larvae. The pigs came from 483 farms from 90 municipalities from the three states of southern Brazil (Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul). The absence of the parasite in different animal species, reported by surveys conducted in Brazil, could confirm the country as free from trichinellosis. Although T. spiralis is not endemic to Brazil, it is necessary to subject the meat of adult pigs slaughtered here and exported to other countries to inspections and parasitological examinations. It is therefore necessary to continually inspect pig carcasses for T. spiralis in slaughterhouses worldwide.(AU)
Trichinella spiralis causa infecções graves em humanos, resultando em vários sintomas clínicos e até morte, em vários países do mundo. A triquinelose humana foi relatada em 55 países e afeta principalmente certos grupos étnicos e turistas. É causada pela ingestão de carne crua ou malpassada, ou seus subprodutos contendo larvas parasitas. As infecções em suínos ocorrem principalmente devido à contaminação parasitária de alimentos contendo produtos de origem animal, predação de roedores e outros animais infectados com T. spiralis, além do hábito frequente de canibalismo em sistemas de produção intensiva. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar a prevalência de T. spiralis em carcaças de suínos de um abatedouro localizado na região centro-oeste do Estado do Paraná. Conjuntos de 100 g de diafragma, contendo pelo menos 1 g de tecido de cada animal testado, foram coletados, triturados e submetidos a digestão ácida com pepsina (1:10.000) e ácido clorídrico a 25%. A amostragem foi realizada de acordo com a metodologia recomendada pela União Europeia. Todas as 735.902 amostras coletadas entre 2010 e 2013, e em 2018, foram negativas para larvas de Trichinella spp. Os suínos foram provenientes de 483 fazendas, de 90 municípios, dos três estados do sul do Brasil (Paraná, Santa Catarina e Rio Grande do Sul). A ausência do parasita em diferentes espécies animais, relatada por pesquisas realizadas no Brasil, poderia confirmar o país como livre de triquinelose. Embora T. spiralis não seja endêmica no Brasil, é necessário submeter a carne de suínos adultos abatidos aqui e exportados para outros países, a inspeções e exames parasitológicos. É, portanto, necessário inspecionar continuamente carcaças de suínos para T. spiralis em abatedouros de todo o mundo.(AU)
Animais , Trichinella spiralis , Suínos/parasitologia , Triquinelose/epidemiologia , Infecções por Nematoides/epidemiologia , Doenças dos Suínos/parasitologia , MatadourosResumo
O interesse pelo estudo de animais silvestres vem crescendo consideravelmente nos últimos anos, seja em decorrência do riscode extinção ou visando o controle de doenças, especialmente as zoonoses. A ordem Rodentia apresenta o maior número deespécies da classe Mammalia. Apesar de ampla distribuição e importância, dados sobre sua anatomia vascular renal são escassosna literatura. O objetivo deste artigo é relatar o aparecimento de variação numérica na artéria renal esquerda em Sphiggurusvillosus com enfoque nas possibilidades de implicações clínico-cirúrgicas, como, anastomoses cirúrgicas, estudos imaginológicos,nefrectomias e planejamento pré-operatório para redução de riscos e complicações como hemorragia. O cadáver foi devidamenteformolizado no Laboratório de Ensino e Pesquisa em Morfologia de Animais Domésticos e Selvagens e posteriormente dissecado.O rim esquerdo apresentou três artérias renais, uma cranial, uma intermediaria e outra caudal, ambas posicionadas em nível de L2emergindo de forma impar lateralmente da aorta abdominal. A primeira artéria, mais cranial, apresentou 10,52 mm de comprimentoe se dirigiu diretamente para o hilo renal, emitindo ramo para adrenal, diafragma e musculatura sublombar. A segunda artéria,intermediária, mediu 7,77 mm, emitiu ramo cranial e caudal para o hilo renal e ramo ureteral. A terceira artéria, caudal, mediu10,11 mm e se dirigiu para o hilo renal. A veia renal esquerda era única e apresentou 9,25 mm de comprimento, posicionada emnível de L1. Este é o primeiro relato de artéria renal tripla em mamífero silvestre.(AU)
Interest in the study of wild animals has grown considerably in recent years, either due to the risk of extinction or to control diseases,especially zoonoses. The order Rodentia has the largest number of species in the Mammalia class. Despite its wide distributionand importance, data on its renal vascular anatomy are scarce in the literature. The aim of this paper is to report the appearanceof numerical variation in the left renal artery in porcupine focusing on the possibilities of clinical and surgical implications, suchas surgical anastomoses, imaging studies, nephrectomies and preoperative planning to reduce risks and complications such asbleeding. The animal was duly formalized in the Laboratory of Teaching and Research in Morphology of Domestic and Wild Animalsand subsequently dissected. The left kidney had three renal arteries, one cranial, one intermediate, and one caudal, both positionedat L2 level, emerging unevenly laterally from the abdominal aorta. The first more cranial artery was 10.52 mm long and directeddirectly into the renal hilum, emitting a branch to the adrenal, diaphragm and sub lumbar muscles. The second intermediate arterymeasured 7.77 mm, emitting a cranial and caudal branch to the renal hilum and ureteral branch. The third caudal artery measured10.11 mm and headed straight for the renal hilum. The left renal vein was unique, measured 9.25 mm long, and positioned at L1level. This is the first report of triple renal artery in wild mammals.(AU)
Animais , Porcos-Espinhos/anatomia & histologia , Porcos-Espinhos/classificação , Artéria Renal/anatomia & histologia , Rim/anatomia & histologiaResumo
O interesse pelo estudo de animais silvestres vem crescendo consideravelmente nos últimos anos, seja em decorrência do riscode extinção ou visando o controle de doenças, especialmente as zoonoses. A ordem Rodentia apresenta o maior número deespécies da classe Mammalia. Apesar de ampla distribuição e importância, dados sobre sua anatomia vascular renal são escassosna literatura. O objetivo deste artigo é relatar o aparecimento de variação numérica na artéria renal esquerda em Sphiggurusvillosus com enfoque nas possibilidades de implicações clínico-cirúrgicas, como, anastomoses cirúrgicas, estudos imaginológicos,nefrectomias e planejamento pré-operatório para redução de riscos e complicações como hemorragia. O cadáver foi devidamenteformolizado no Laboratório de Ensino e Pesquisa em Morfologia de Animais Domésticos e Selvagens e posteriormente dissecado.O rim esquerdo apresentou três artérias renais, uma cranial, uma intermediaria e outra caudal, ambas posicionadas em nível de L2emergindo de forma impar lateralmente da aorta abdominal. A primeira artéria, mais cranial, apresentou 10,52 mm de comprimentoe se dirigiu diretamente para o hilo renal, emitindo ramo para adrenal, diafragma e musculatura sublombar. A segunda artéria,intermediária, mediu 7,77 mm, emitiu ramo cranial e caudal para o hilo renal e ramo ureteral. A terceira artéria, caudal, mediu10,11 mm e se dirigiu para o hilo renal. A veia renal esquerda era única e apresentou 9,25 mm de comprimento, posicionada emnível de L1. Este é o primeiro relato de artéria renal tripla em mamífero silvestre.
Interest in the study of wild animals has grown considerably in recent years, either due to the risk of extinction or to control diseases,especially zoonoses. The order Rodentia has the largest number of species in the Mammalia class. Despite its wide distributionand importance, data on its renal vascular anatomy are scarce in the literature. The aim of this paper is to report the appearanceof numerical variation in the left renal artery in porcupine focusing on the possibilities of clinical and surgical implications, suchas surgical anastomoses, imaging studies, nephrectomies and preoperative planning to reduce risks and complications such asbleeding. The animal was duly formalized in the Laboratory of Teaching and Research in Morphology of Domestic and Wild Animalsand subsequently dissected. The left kidney had three renal arteries, one cranial, one intermediate, and one caudal, both positionedat L2 level, emerging unevenly laterally from the abdominal aorta. The first more cranial artery was 10.52 mm long and directeddirectly into the renal hilum, emitting a branch to the adrenal, diaphragm and sub lumbar muscles. The second intermediate arterymeasured 7.77 mm, emitting a cranial and caudal branch to the renal hilum and ureteral branch. The third caudal artery measured10.11 mm and headed straight for the renal hilum. The left renal vein was unique, measured 9.25 mm long, and positioned at L1level. This is the first report of triple renal artery in wild mammals.
Animais , Artéria Renal/anatomia & histologia , Porcos-Espinhos/anatomia & histologia , Porcos-Espinhos/classificação , Rim/anatomia & histologiaResumo
O interesse pelo estudo de animais silvestres vem crescendo consideravelmente nos últimos anos, seja em decorrência do risco de extinção ou visando o controle de doenças, especialmente as zoonoses. A ordem Rodentia apresenta o maior número de espécies da classe Mammalia. Apesar de ampla distribuição e importância, dados sobre sua anatomia vascular renal são escassos na literatura. O objetivo deste artigo é relatar o aparecimento de variação numérica na artéria renal esquerda em Sphiggurusvillosus com enfoque nas possibilidades de implicações clínico-cirúrgicas, como, anastomoses cirúrgicas, estudos imaginológicos, nefrectomias e planejamento pré-operatório para redução de riscos e complicações como hemorragia. O cadáver foi devidamente formolizado no Laboratório de Ensino e Pesquisa em Morfologia de Animais Domésticos e Selvagens e posteriormente dissecado. O rim esquerdo apresentou três artérias renais, uma cranial, uma intermediaria e outra caudal, ambas posicionadas em nível de L2 emergindo de forma impar lateralmente da aorta abdominal. A primeira artéria, mais cranial, apresentou 10,52 mm de comprimento e se dirigiu diretamente para o hilo renal, emitindo ramo para adrenal, diafragma e musculatura sublombar. A segunda artéria, intermediária, mediu 7,77 mm, emitiu ramo cranial e caudal para o hilo renal e ramo ureteral. A terceira artéria, caudal, mediu 10,11 mm e se dirigiu para o hilo renal. A veia renal esquerda era única e apresentou 9,25 mm de comprimento, posicionada em nível de L1. Este é o primeiro relato de artéria renal tripla em mamífero silvestre.
Interest in the study of wild animals has grown considerably in recent years, either due to the risk of extinction or to control diseases, especially zoonoses. The order Rodentia has the largest number of species in the Mammalia class. Despite its wide distribution and importance, data on its renal vascular anatomy are scarce in the literature. The aim of this paper is to report the appearance of numerical variation in the left renal artery in porcupine focusing on the possibilities of clinical and surgical implications, such as surgical anastomoses, imaging studies, nephrectomies and preoperative planning to reduce risks and complications such as bleeding. The animal was duly formalized in the Laboratory of Teaching and Research in Morphology of Domestic and Wild Animals and subsequently dissected. The left kidney had three renal arteries, one cranial, one intermediate, and one caudal, both positioned at L2 level, emerging unevenly laterally from the abdominal aorta. The first more cranial artery was 10.52 mm long and directed directly into the renal hilum, emitting a branch to the adrenal, diaphragm and sub lumbar muscles. The second intermediate artery measured 7.77 mm, emitting a cranial and caudal branch to the renal hilum and ureteral branch. The third caudal artery measured 10.11 mm and headed straight for the renal hilum. The left renal vein was unique, measured 9.25 mm long, and positioned at L1 level. This is the first report of triple renal artery in wild mammals.
Animais , Artéria Renal/anatomia & histologia , Veias Renais/anatomia & histologia , Porcos-Espinhos/anatomia & histologia , Dissecação/veterinária , Variação Anatômica , Rim/anatomia & histologia , Aorta Abdominal/anatomia & histologia , Animais Selvagens/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Background: Diaphragmatic eventration is characterized by weakness of the diaphragmatic muscle, which leads to cranialdislocation of the affected diaphragm and, ultimately, in dyspnea. This condition is rare in humans and even rarer in animals,and may be congenital or acquired. The acquired form is less commom and may be induced by trauma or inflammationand neoplastic invasion of the phrenic nerve. Here, we report a case of acquired diaphragmatic eventration in a dog, withthe aim of increasing the knowledge of this condition in animals and helping others to recognize and treat future cases.Case: A 12-year-old male dachshund presented with severe dyspnea, exercise intolerance and episodes of coughing. Basedon a physical examination and imaging, the main suspicion was a diaphragmatic hernia, and surgery was performed. Whenthe surgeon entered the thoracic cavity, an extremely thin - yet, intact - right hemidiaphragm was observed. The left sideof the diaphragm was normal. A polypropylene mesh was sutured to the affected diaphragm in an attempt to strengthenthe hemidiaphragmatic muscles and prevent further insinuations of viscera into the thoracic cavity. The dog developedbronchopneumonia, postoperatively, and was hospitalized and treated with antibiotics, analgesics and support medication.However, the dog died five days after surgery. A postmortem examination revealed that the right side of the diaphragmwas markedly thin and flaccid. Diaphragm samples were collected for histopathological examination. For comparison, asample of normal diaphragm was collected from a same age, matched dachshund that died due to an unrelated condition.This tissue was called diaphragm control, and it was collected in order to compare the histologic features of a normaldiaphragm muscle with the affected one. Histopathology revealed a marked reduction of muscle fibers...
Masculino , Animais , Cães , Apatia , Diafragma/patologia , Dispneia/etiologia , Dispneia/veterinária , Eventração Diafragmática/veterinária , Atrofia Muscular/veterináriaResumo
Background: Diaphragmatic eventration is characterized by weakness of the diaphragmatic muscle, which leads to cranialdislocation of the affected diaphragm and, ultimately, in dyspnea. This condition is rare in humans and even rarer in animals,and may be congenital or acquired. The acquired form is less commom and may be induced by trauma or inflammationand neoplastic invasion of the phrenic nerve. Here, we report a case of acquired diaphragmatic eventration in a dog, withthe aim of increasing the knowledge of this condition in animals and helping others to recognize and treat future cases.Case: A 12-year-old male dachshund presented with severe dyspnea, exercise intolerance and episodes of coughing. Basedon a physical examination and imaging, the main suspicion was a diaphragmatic hernia, and surgery was performed. Whenthe surgeon entered the thoracic cavity, an extremely thin - yet, intact - right hemidiaphragm was observed. The left sideof the diaphragm was normal. A polypropylene mesh was sutured to the affected diaphragm in an attempt to strengthenthe hemidiaphragmatic muscles and prevent further insinuations of viscera into the thoracic cavity. The dog developedbronchopneumonia, postoperatively, and was hospitalized and treated with antibiotics, analgesics and support medication.However, the dog died five days after surgery. A postmortem examination revealed that the right side of the diaphragmwas markedly thin and flaccid. Diaphragm samples were collected for histopathological examination. For comparison, asample of normal diaphragm was collected from a same age, matched dachshund that died due to an unrelated condition.This tissue was called diaphragm control, and it was collected in order to compare the histologic features of a normaldiaphragm muscle with the affected one. Histopathology revealed a marked reduction of muscle fibers...(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Eventração Diafragmática/veterinária , Dispneia/etiologia , Dispneia/veterinária , Apatia , Diafragma/patologia , Atrofia Muscular/veterináriaResumo
A hérnia perineal resulta do enfraquecimento e separação dos músculos que formam o diafragma pélvico, promovendo deslocamento caudal de órgãos abdominais ou pélvicos no períneo. Os sinais clínicos mais comuns incluem tumefação da região perineal, tenesmo, disquesia, incontinência urinaria e/ou fecal, anúria e êmese devido a envolvimento urinário e/ou intestinal. O diagnóstico baseia-se no histórico clínico, anamnese, exame físico e exames complementares como radiografia simples ou contrastada e ultrassonografia. O objetivo desse trabalho foi relatar a eficácia do uso da tela de polipropileno na correção de hérnia perineal em paciente da espécie canina. Foi encaminhado ao Hospital Veterinário Metropolitano (HVM) de Caucaia, um canino, da raça Pastor Alemão, macho, 36 kg e 7 anos de idade, apresentando sintomas como apatia, anorexia, tenesmo e aumento da região perianal. A suspeita clínica de hérnia perianal foi confirmada pelo exame ultrassonográfico. O tratamento cirúrgico foi indicado pela técnica de herniorrafia com fixação de tela de polipropileno. Durante o procedimento cirúrgico foi observado um nódulo em meio as estruturas, o qual foi retirado e enviado ao estudo histopatológico. O resultado indicou um quadro de necrose de tecido adiposo (adiponecrose). Para o fechamento do orifício da hérnia, utilizou-se tela de polipropileno fixada com nylon 2.0 em padrão simples interrompido e, posteriormente, foi realizada a orquiectomia. No pósoperatório, fez-se uso de amoxicicilina, cetoprofeno e tramadol. O paciente recebeu alta após 48 horas seguidas do ato cirúrgico, e corridos 12 dias, o animal não apresentou recidiva. Diante do caso relatado, pode-se concluir que a técnica de herniorrafia perineal com tela de polipropileno, associada à orquiectomia, constitui-se em procedimento eficaz sem apresentação de recidivas.
Perineal hernia results from the weakening and separation of the muscles that form thepelvic diaphragm, promoting caudal displacement of abdominal or pelvic organs in the perineum. The most common clinical signs include perineal region swelling, tenesmus, dyskinesia, urinary and / or fecal incontinence, anuria and emesis due to urinary and / or intestinal involvement. Diagnosis is based on clinical history, anamnesis, physical examination and complementary exams such as simple or contrast radiography and ultrasonography. The objective of this study was to report the surgical treatment for the correction of perineal hernia in a dog through the use of synthetic polypropylene mesh. A canine, German Shepherd dog, male, 36 kg and 7 years old, was submitted to the Metropolitan Veterinary Hospital (HVM), presenting symptoms of apathy, anorexia, tenesmus and an increase in the perianal region. Clinical suspicion of perianal hernia was confirmed by ultrasonographic examination. The surgical treatment was indicated by the herniorrhaphy technique with polypropylene mesh fixation. During the surgical procedure, a nodule was observed between the structures, which was removed and sent to the histopathological study. The result indicated an adipose tissue necrosis (adiponecrosis). In order to close the hernia hole, a polypropylene mesh was fixed with nylon 2.0 in a simple interrupted pattern and then the orchiectomy was performed. Postoperatively, amoxicillin, ketoprofen and tramadol were used. The patient was discharged 48 hours after the surgical procedure, and after 12 days, the animal did not present a recurrence. In view of thereported case, it can be concluded that the technique of perineal herniorrhaphy with polypropylene mesh, associated with orchiectomy, constitutes an effective procedure without relapses.
Masculino , Animais , Cães , Herniorrafia/veterinária , Hérnia/veterinária , Períneo/cirurgia , Orquiectomia/veterináriaResumo
A hérnia perineal resulta do enfraquecimento e separação dos músculos que formam o diafragma pélvico, promovendo deslocamento caudal de órgãos abdominais ou pélvicos no períneo. Os sinais clínicos mais comuns incluem tumefação da região perineal, tenesmo, disquesia, incontinência urinaria e/ou fecal, anúria e êmese devido a envolvimento urinário e/ou intestinal. O diagnóstico baseia-se no histórico clínico, anamnese, exame físico e exames complementares como radiografia simples ou contrastada e ultrassonografia. O objetivo desse trabalho foi relatar a eficácia do uso da tela de polipropileno na correção de hérnia perineal em paciente da espécie canina. Foi encaminhado ao Hospital Veterinário Metropolitano (HVM) de Caucaia, um canino, da raça Pastor Alemão, macho, 36 kg e 7 anos de idade, apresentando sintomas como apatia, anorexia, tenesmo e aumento da região perianal. A suspeita clínica de hérnia perianal foi confirmada pelo exame ultrassonográfico. O tratamento cirúrgico foi indicado pela técnica de herniorrafia com fixação de tela de polipropileno. Durante o procedimento cirúrgico foi observado um nódulo em meio as estruturas, o qual foi retirado e enviado ao estudo histopatológico. O resultado indicou um quadro de necrose de tecido adiposo (adiponecrose). Para o fechamento do orifício da hérnia, utilizou-se tela de polipropileno fixada com nylon 2.0 em padrão simples interrompido e, posteriormente, foi realizada a orquiectomia. No pósoperatório, fez-se uso de amoxicicilina, cetoprofeno e tramadol. O paciente recebeu alta após 48 horas seguidas do ato cirúrgico, e corridos 12 dias, o animal não apresentou recidiva. Diante do caso relatado, pode-se concluir que a técnica de herniorrafia perineal com tela de polipropileno, associada à orquiectomia, constitui-se em procedimento eficaz sem apresentação de recidivas.(AU)
Perineal hernia results from the weakening and separation of the muscles that form thepelvic diaphragm, promoting caudal displacement of abdominal or pelvic organs in the perineum. The most common clinical signs include perineal region swelling, tenesmus, dyskinesia, urinary and / or fecal incontinence, anuria and emesis due to urinary and / or intestinal involvement. Diagnosis is based on clinical history, anamnesis, physical examination and complementary exams such as simple or contrast radiography and ultrasonography. The objective of this study was to report the surgical treatment for the correction of perineal hernia in a dog through the use of synthetic polypropylene mesh. A canine, German Shepherd dog, male, 36 kg and 7 years old, was submitted to the Metropolitan Veterinary Hospital (HVM), presenting symptoms of apathy, anorexia, tenesmus and an increase in the perianal region. Clinical suspicion of perianal hernia was confirmed by ultrasonographic examination. The surgical treatment was indicated by the herniorrhaphy technique with polypropylene mesh fixation. During the surgical procedure, a nodule was observed between the structures, which was removed and sent to the histopathological study. The result indicated an adipose tissue necrosis (adiponecrosis). In order to close the hernia hole, a polypropylene mesh was fixed with nylon 2.0 in a simple interrupted pattern and then the orchiectomy was performed. Postoperatively, amoxicillin, ketoprofen and tramadol were used. The patient was discharged 48 hours after the surgical procedure, and after 12 days, the animal did not present a recurrence. In view of thereported case, it can be concluded that the technique of perineal herniorrhaphy with polypropylene mesh, associated with orchiectomy, constitutes an effective procedure without relapses.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Herniorrafia/veterinária , Períneo/cirurgia , Hérnia/veterinária , Orquiectomia/veterináriaResumo
ABSTRACT: Cysticercosis is a worldwide zoonosis, which demands proper control and monitoring during all beef production chain. In Brazil, the key point for controlling this zoonosis is the anatomopathological exam conducted in slaughterhouses during the post-morten inspection. This study aimed to describe the cysticerci location in tissues not usually examined during the inspection, and to check their viability in bovines infected with Taenia saginata eggs (group 1: experimental; group 2: natural). After slaughtering, animal from both groups were routinely examined for cysticercosis, according official Brazilian standards; group 1 animals were also examined in additional anatomic regions: end cuts (chuck, rump, strip loin, and shoulder), liver, esophagus, diaphragm and pillars. In group 1, cysticerci were identified in chuck (8.2%), shoulder (6.6%), strip loin (6.2%), and rump (5.8%), and also in tissues that are not usually considered during routine inspection, such as diaphragm (2.7%), liver (12.0%) and esophagus (1.2%). Still in group 1, the routine inspection identified cysticerci in hearth (37.7%), head muscles (17.1%), and tongue (2.3%). In group 2, cysticerci were identified in hearth (61.8%), head muscles (38.2%), and liver (10.2%). The viability of cysticerci were predominant in rump (80.0%), diaphragm (71.4%) and esophagus (66.7%) in animals from group 1, while non-viable cysticerci were more frequent in head muscles (77.3%), hearth (76.3%), liver (71.0%), and tongue (50.0%). In group 2, head muscles presented 68.3% of the viable cysticerci, while non-viable cysticerci were identified in liver (87.5%), tongue (66.7%), and hearth (63.2%). The high frequencies of viable cysticerci in end cuts available for consumers, including natural infected bovines, is a Public Health concern, once in Brazil these products were usually consumed without proper heat treatment, increasing the risks of T. saginata infection. The obtained results demonstrated the anatomopathological distribution of cysticercosis in different tissues in experimental and natural infected bovines, considering tissues that are routinely and not routinely examined during inspection. Then, the inspection procedures could be improved by adding such analysis in its routine procedures, in order to increase the proper control of the taeniasis-cysiticercosis complex and to decrease the Public Health risks.
RESUMO: A cisticercose bovina é uma zoonose de distribuição mundial. No Brasil, o controle é realizado através do diagnóstico anatomopatológico durante a inspeção post-mortem nos matadouros. Objetivou-se neste estudo determinar a localização de cisticercos nos tecidos rotineiramente inspecionados e sobretudo nos tecidos não rotineiramente inspecionados, verificando a viabilidade dos cisticercos em bovinos infectados de forma experimental (grupo 1) e natural (grupo 2) com ovos de Taenia saginata. Em ambos os grupos foram analisados os tecidos rotineiramente inspecionados nas linhas de inspeção, de acordo com os padrões estabelecidos na legislação do Brasil. Adicionalmente, no grupo 1 foram selecionadas outras regiões anatômicas, representadas por quatro cortes comerciais (acém, alcatra, contrafilé, paleta), além do fígado, esôfago, diafragma e pilares. Com relação à frequência dos cisticercos no grupo 1, nos cortes comerciais, foram encontrados 8,2% de cisticercos no acém, 6,6% na paleta, 6,2% no contrafilé e 5,8% na alcatra. Outros tecidos não rotineiramente inspecionados para a exclusiva pesquisa por cisticercos que apresentaram lesões foram o diafragma, fígado e o esôfago, com 2,7%, 12,0% e 1,2% respectivamente. No grupo 1, os sítios rotineiramente inspecionados predominantes foram o coração (37,7%), músculos mastigatórios (17,1%) e língua (2,3%). No grupo 2 foram encontrados 61,8% dos cisticercos totais no coração, seguido dos músculos mastigatórios (38,2%) e fígado (10,2%). Com relação à viabilidade dos cisticercos no grupo 1, os viáveis predominaram na alcatra (80,0%), diafragma (71,4%) e esôfago (66,7%), já os cisticercos inviáveis predominaram nos músculos mastigatórios (77,3%), coração (76,3%), fígado (71,0%) e língua (50%). No grupo 2, o fígado apresentou 87,5% de cisticercos inviáveis, seguidos da língua (66,7%) e coração (63,2%), e nos tecidos mastigatórios foram encontrados 68,3% de cisticercos viáveis (68,3%). O alto percentual de cisticercos viáveis encontrado nos cortes comerciais, inclusive nos bovinos naturalmente infectados, representa um alerta para a Saúde Pública, pois, no Brasil, são frequentemente consumidos sem sofrer o devido tratamento térmico para inativação do cisticerco, aumentando consideravelmente a chance de infecção por teniose. Os resultados revelaram amplo perfil da manifestação anatomopatológica da cisticercose em diferentes tecidos de bovinos experimentalmente e naturalmente infectados, considerando-se tecidos musculares rotineiramente inspecionados ou não. Assim, o aprimoramento da inspeção sanitária das carcaças bovinas pode incrementar o controle do complexo teniose-cisticercose, diminuindo os riscos para a saúde pública.