ABSTRACT: This study discusses the epidemiological, clinical, and pathological characteristics of two outbreaks of ocular infection in ostriches (Struthio camelus) caused by the trematode Philophthalmus sp. The outbreaks occurred in the states of Ceará and Rio Grande do Norte in Northeast Brazil. Ostrich farming was categorized as semi-intensive farming with free access to the weir and river. The clinical symptoms for infection included nictitating membrane inflammation, epiphora (tearing), eyelid edema, ocular congestion, eyeball destruction, emaciation, and death, and the infection period ranged from 8 to 16 months. Macroscopically, thickening of the eyelids and conjunctiva were observed, with orange parasites infestation. Histologically, the lesions were characterized as lymphoplasmacytic and heterophilic, multifocal to coalescing, moderate, chronic conjunctivitis associated with hyperplasia and ectasia of the Harderian gland, and numerous parasites. The parasites were oval and flattened with an oral suction cup, acetabulum, and thick cuticle containing spicules. The diagnosis of philophthalmiasis was based on epidemiological, clinical, and pathological findings associated with the morphological characteristics of the parasites present in the conjunctival sacs which were similar to the trematode Philophthalmus sp. Philophthalmiasis can occur in ostriches raised on urban and rural properties in Northeastern Brazil, probably associated with the contact of birds with contaminated water, and is characterized by severe conjunctivitis that can result in the loss of the eyeball and death of the animals.
RESUMO: Descrevem-se as características epidemiológicas, clínicas e patológicas de dois surtos de infecção ocular pelo trematódeo Philophthalmus sp. em avestruzes ocorridos nos estados do Ceará e Rio Grande do Norte no Nordeste do Brasil. As propriedades tinham em comum, a criação semi-intensiva e livre acesso a açude e rio. Os sinais clínicos incluíam protrusão da membrana nictante, lacrimejamento, edema palpebral, congestão ocular, destruição do globo ocular, emagrecimento e morte. A evolução clínica variou de oito a 16 meses. Macroscopicamente, observou-se espessamento das pálpebras e conjuntivas associado a numerosas estruturas parasitárias alaranjadas. No segundo surto, as lesões eram mais graves e consistiam em perda do globo ocular direito e anexos. Histologicamente, as lesões caracterizavam-se por conjuntivite linfoplasmocítica e heterofílica, multifocal a coalescente, moderada, crônica associada a hiperplasia e ectasia da glândula de Harderian e numerosas estruturas parasitárias. Os parasitas eram ovalados, achatados com ventosa oral e acetábulo e cutícula espessa contendo espículas. O diagnóstico de filoftalmíase foi realizado com base nos achados epidemiológicos, clínicos e patológicos associadas as características morfológicas dos parasitas presentes nos sacos conjuntivais compatíveis com o trematódeo Philophthalmus sp. A filoftalmíase pode ocorrer em avestruzes criados em propriedades urbanas e rurais no Nordeste do Brasil, provavelmente associado ao contato das aves com água contaminada e caracteriza-se por quadros de conjuntivite grave que pode resultar com a perda do globo ocular e morte dos animais.
The case of an equine with nodular lymphocytic conjunctivitis is described. A 14-year-old crossbred mare was seen presenting with development of a mass in the nasal angle of the right eye, behind the third eyelid. The tutor reported slow growth over 4 years, always accompanied by epiphora, and that no treatment had been performed prior to consultation. The histopathological and immunohistochemical results found a nodular, subepithelial structure, composed predominantly of densely packed small lymphocytes. Through the exams, associated with studies with monoclonal anti B lymphocyte antibodies and polyclonal anti T lymphocyte antibodies, the diagnosis of nodular lymphocytic conjunctivitis was reached. Only clinical pharmacological treatment was chosen, based on the use of topical and intralesional hydrocortisone acetate. After one month of treatment the mass completely disappeared without sequelae.
Descreve-se o caso de um equino com conjuntivite linfocítica nodular. Uma égua, mestiça, de 14 anos, foi atendida apresentando desenvolvimento de uma massa no ângulo nasal do olho direito, atrás da terceira pálpebra. O tutor relatou um crescimento lento durante 4 anos, sempre acompanhado de epífora, para o qual não foi realizado tratamento prévio à consulta. Os resultados histopatológico e imuno-histoquímico constataram uma estrutura nodular e subepitelial, composta predominantemente por linfocitos pequenos densamente agrupados. Por meio dos exames, associados a estudos com anticorpos monoclonais antilinfocitos B e anticorpos policlonais antilinfocitos T, chegou-se ao diagnóstico de conjuntivite linfocítica nodular. Optou-se apenas pelo tratamento clínico farmacológico, baseando-se na utilização de acetato de hidrocortisona tópica e intralesional. Após um mês de tratamento, a massa involuiu por completo, sem deixar sequelas.
Animais , Hidrocortisona/administração & dosagem , Linfócitos , Conjuntivite/veterinária , Cavalos/virologia , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterináriaResumo
Background: Nasolacrimal duct tumors are divided into primary and secondary, with primary tumors being rare in all species. Secondary involvement of the lacrimal sac and duct can occur from any skin lesion involving the eyelid and/or conjunctiva and from any neoplastic process involving the paranasal sinuses. Lacrimal sac metastatic lesions may originate from any distant site and include carcinomas or melanomas, with squamous cell carcinoma being the most common type. The objectives of the present report were to describe a case of squamous cell carcinoma in the nasolacrimal duct and to emphasize the importance of a good ophthalmic evaluation. Case: A 16-year-old spayed bitch white poodle was presented to the veterinary clinic. The owner complained that the animal had epiphora and mucoid secretion in the right eye, eyelid hyperemia in both eyes, and sporadic sneezing with blood. On ophthalmic examination, the animal was initially diagnosed with nasolacrimal duct obstruction and right eye (OD) blepharitis and OU uveitis. Fourteen days after the first evaluation, the nasolacrimal duct region increased, with the presence of bloody secretion. Biomicroscopy showed nodules inside the lacrimal duct, in the punctum region. The animal was sedated to obtain a fragment of the nodule for histopathological analysis, and a subsequent oral cavity evaluation identified a nodule in the transition region between the 4th premolar and 1st molar, which was sent for cytology. Cytology of the medial corner region of the RE showed epithelial and mesenchymal cells with malignancy characteristics, and the biopsy was suggestive of malignant epithelial neoplasia (carcinoma). A surgical procedure for nodule resection was ruled out because bone involvement was extensive, and chemotherapy was selected. The patient died 2 months after the 1st consultation. The diagnosis was confirmed through necropsy via immunohistochemical tests, demonstrating squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) both in the mouth and the nasal and ocular sinuses. Discussion: The most common conditions affecting the nasolacrimal drainage system in dogs are those causing obstructions. These may be congenital, arising from a developmental defect of micropunctum or agenesis of the punctum, they may be acquired, arising from infection and inflammation. SCC is a malignant neoplasm originating in the stratified squamous epithelium. The predisposing factors in cats and dogs include lack of adnexal pigmentation and, possibly, chronic irritation of the ocular surface. A light coat is considered a relevant factor, especially in regions with little hair coverage. In addition to a mass lesion, other clinical signs of eyelid or ocular surface tumors may include epiphora, conjunctival vascular injection, mucopurulent ocular discharge, 3rd eyelid protrusion, conjunctival/corneal roughness or ulceration, and corneal neovascularization or pigmentation. Clinical presentations are nonspecific. Neoplasms, whether nasal and/or in the maxillary sinus, can invade the nasolacrimal duct and spread to the nasal cavity, and neoplasms in the nasal cavity can invade the nasolacrimal duct. Ophthalmic evaluation along with good inspection of the oral cavity is a useful tool in the diagnosis of eye neoplasms that may have effects on the oral cavity or vice versa due to the strong association between them. Early diagnosis is crucial for the clinical or surgical management of each case of ophthalmic neoplasia and for therapeutic success.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas de Cabeça e Pescoço/veterinária , Doenças do Aparelho Lacrimal/veterinária , Ducto Nasolacrimal/patologiaResumo
Background: Episcleral inflammation may be assumed to be primary immune-mediated, secondary to intra- or extraocular diseases, or systemic abnormalities. We aimed to report a confirmed and another suspect case of nodular episclerokeratites (NEK) due to its rarity in the clinical setting and the paucity of case reports in Brazilian literature. Cases: Case 1. Refers to a 7-year-old castrated male, Collie-mixed breed, presenting with epiphora and an irregular ocular surface shape in the left eye (LE). Ophthalmic evaluation of this eye revealed mucoid discharge, conjunctival hyperemia, episcleral injection, and a gelatinous mass in the temporal limbic region. Biomicroscopic evaluation of the anterior chamber, lens, and vitreous was impaired in the LE because of corneal vessels and a mild flare in the aqueous humor. Histopathology of a scleral biopsy revealed the presence of lymphocytes, histiocytes, and some plasma cells. Positive CD3-lymphocytes were observed by immunohistochemistry, confirming the diagnosis of NEK. Case 2. Refers to a 8-year-old, spayed female Border Collie with a history of exophthalmos, conjunctival hyperemia, and inability to close the eyelid of the LE. During ophthalmic examination, an irregular espicleral nodule of approximately 9 mm was also found in the temporal limbic region, along with enlargement of episcleral vessels and scleral thinning at the equatorial region. The cornea showed mild and diffuse edema, and white crystal-like deposits were distributed in a band-like fashion at the dorsal aspect. Ultrasonography revealed scleral thinning without evidence of a mass effect arising from the iris, ciliary body, or retrobulbar space. Based on these findings, NEK was suspected. In both cases, the clinical signs reduced significantly after seven days of topical treatment with corticosteroids and cyclosporine. Discussion: It is assumed that scleral disorders are primarily immune mediated. However, such conditions may develop secondary to ocular trauma (surgery and foreign bodies), Ehrlichia canis, and Onchocerca spp. Infections and situations were ruled out in both cases. In case 1, additional histological and immunohistochemical findings supported a primary and immune-mediated scleral disease. Although the definitive diagnosis was not confirmed by histology in case 2, one can assume that the episcleral inflammation may have arisen due to an immune-mediated disorder once the eye responded positively to corticosteroid therapy. Additionally, secondary glaucoma was excluded as a possible diagnosis in case 2, because the intraocular pressure of the affected eye was below the reference range for dogs, coupled with the irregular appearance of the episclera, which is not characteristic of canine glaucoma. Moreover, in case 2, because remission of the masses of neoplastic origin after corticotherapy was not expected, the tumor was discarded. NEK has a characteristic ploriferative behavior and resistance to topical immunosuppression; clinical recurrence was not observed in the LE of either patient who remained on treatment after 60 days of follow-up. Regarding prognosis, one study showed a correlation between cellular contingent and therapeutic responses. The percentage of positive CD79a cells (B-lymphocytes) was significantly higher in cases of epicleritis and NEK, in which a poor response was achieved after topical immunosuppressive treatment. As shown by the veterinary literature and the cases described here, the complete remission of NEK is more common in unilateral cases, as confirmed after a 12-month follow-up. The 2 reported cases are useful for clarifying the common findings, diagnosis, and long-term management of NEK. Scleral abnormalities, such as NEK, must be included in the list of differential diagnoses of glaucoma, neoplasia, and endophthalmitis during ophtalmic examination.
Animais , Cães , Esclera/patologia , Uveíte/veterinária , Ceratite/veterinária , Tolerância ImunológicaResumo
Este estudo descreve-se o caso de um canino com cisto de inclusão epitelial corneal. Um cão, sem raça definida, macho de 12 anos, foi atendido apresentando uma massa em seu olho esquerdo, a qual apresentava uma evolução de 5 meses sem resposta positiva a diferentes protocolos terapêuticos. O tutor relatou não haver lesão prévia ou trauma, assim como nenhum sinal de desconforto apresentado pelo animal, como epífora ou blefaroespasmo. O exame oftalmológico revelou uma deformação na estrutura corneana, sem sinais de dor. Alterações em outras estruturas oculares não foram observadas. Associado ao exame oftalmológico e ao resultado da citologia, chegou-se ao diagnóstico de cisto corneal e foi feita a excisão completa por meio de uma ceratectomia lamelar. Devido ao fato da massa não ultrapassar a porção média do estroma, o recobrimento da superfície não foi realizado. Dois meses após a cirurgia, o paciente não apresentou qualquer tipo de secreção ocular ou sinais de dor. Além disso, a córnea não continha neovascularização nem sequelas do processo cicatricial, recuperando sua transparência.
This study described the case of a canine with a corneal epithelial inclusion cyst. A twelve-year-old male dog of undefined race was attended presenting a mass on his left eye, which did not respond to any therapeutic protocols for the last five months. The tutor reported that there was no previous injury or trauma, as well as no signs of discomfort presented by the animal, such as epiphora or blepharospasm. The ophthalmological examination revealed a deformity in the corneal structure, without signs of pain. Alterations in other ocular structures were not observed. Regarding the ophthalmological exam and cytology result, a diagnosis of corneal cyst was obtained and the complete excision by a lamellar keratectomy was done. Since the mass did not exceed the middle portion of the stroma, the surface covering was not performed. Two months after surgery, the patient did not present any type of ocular secretion or signs of pain. Moreover, the cornea did not contain neovascularization or sequelae of the healing process, recovering its transparency.
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Epitélio Corneano/cirurgia , Epitélio Corneano/patologia , Cisto Epidérmico/veterinária , Ceratectomia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Although the etiology of hepatogenous photosensitization has not yet been fully elucidated, it is known that hepatotoxic substances (saponins) present in grasses of the genus Brachiaria spp. are responsible for intoxication of ruminants and horses, causing great economic losses in the whole world. Since this grass is the source of food for the herd in Brazil, and other countries of the world, the aim of this paper is to describe the epidemiological, clinical, laboratory and anatomopathological aspects of a steer with this disease. Case: A 3-year-old Nellore steer was referred to veterinary care at a property in Bahia, with a 3-week history of swelling, loss of cutaneous tissue in the ear and scrotum region, and dry faeces. The animal was raised in pasture with Brachiaria decumbens along with five animals of different age and sex; however, it was the only one to present symptoms. Although the animal had been treated at the farm, there was no clinical improvement. On clinical examination, the steer was apathetic with jaundiced mucous membranes, nasal and ocular discharge, epiphora, and ulcers on the labial and gum commissure. The steer had leukocytosis with neutrophilia, anemia, and hyperfibrinogemia. The body condition score (BCS) was 2 (BCS ranges from 1 to 5), and the skin lesions observed were bedsores, necrosis and scabs in several regions. The increase in liver enzymes (GGT, AST) indicated hepatic impairment, suggesting a case of hepatogenous photosensitization. The therapeutic protocol instituted was enteral hydration, electrolyte replacement, topical application of ointment in the injured areas. In addition, it was recommended to maintain the animal in the shade, supply of good quality grass, and a new clinical evaluation in seven days. On new examination, it was observed that there was no satisfactory clinical improvement of the animal, and persistence of laboratory changes. Despite the poor prognosis, treatment was continued for another month with the same recommendations. However, in view of the severe clinical condition and unfavorable prognosis, the animal was submitted euthanasia. Necropsy revealed extensive areas of bedsores, erythema, severe jaundice in the mucous membranes, eyeballs and opaque corneas. The liver had an enlarged volume with bulging edges and a greenish color. The kidneys had a pale brownish color, with an irregular and mottled subcapsular surface, with blackened and depressed spots. Histologically, the cytoplasm of the hepatocytes was finely vacuolated, sometimes refringent and with an abundant presence of bile pigment. It was also observed in the middle of the liver parenchyma, multiple foci of accumulation of macrophages filled with vacuoles of different sizes containing saponins and crystals of saponins inside bile ducts. Furthermore, it was possible to observe hypertrophy and hyperplasia of Kupffer cells, disarrangement of hepatocytes with individual necrosis of hepatocytes. Discussion: The diagnosis of hepatogenous photosensitization was based on history, clinical, laboratory and anatomopathological findings. Serum biochemistry was important to measure hepatic impairment and possible secondary lesions, which were confirmed by the necropsy. Although hepatogenous photosensitization is less common in adult cattle, it must be considered in the differential diagnosis of skin lesions, reduced appetite, and jaundice. Since it was a sporadic case, individual predisposition is probably a preponderant factor.
Animais , Bovinos , Transtornos de Fotossensibilidade/veterinária , Saponinas/toxicidade , Brachiaria/toxicidade , Fígado/lesões , Ração Animal/análise , Hepatopatias/veterináriaResumo
Background: Eversion of the cartilage of the third eyelid is a rare congenital disease in cats. It is caused by the anterioreversion of the cartilage edge of the third eyelid. Clinical signs may be associated with secondary keratoconjunctivitis,third eyelid gland protrusion, and ocular surface irritation. The diagnosis is made by ophthalmic examination, and treatment consists of surgical resection of the everted cartilage portion. The goal of the present study was to report a case ofeversion of third eyelid cartilage in a cat, given that it is an unusual abnormality in this animal species, and an importantdifferential diagnosis to be considered in the disorders of the third eyelid.Case: A 6-year-old neutered female Persian cat was presented with a presumptive diagnosis of protrusion of the thirdeyelid gland, history of ocular irritation, and epiphora in the left eye. The disorder had been intermittently present sincethe animal was 1-year-old, with spontaneous disappearance after approximately 15 days. The owner related the reappearance of the disorder to stressful situations, with no previous history of trauma or other ocular alteration. During theophthalmic examination, suspended solute was observed through biomiscroscopic examination in both eyes, as well asan increase in volume of the third eyelid in the left eye, without other changes. A thorough examination, under generalanesthesia, indicated the protruding volume of the cartilage of the everted third eyelid. The third eyelid was pleated inits upper portion, demonstrating that the cartilage of the third eyelid was folded instead of following the curvature of theocular surface. Under general anesthesia, the cartilage was partially removed through two parallel incisions on the bulbarconjunctival surface, divulsioning 5 mm in length in the vertical portion of the cartilage in a T shape, and separating the...
Feminino , Animais , Gatos , Doenças Palpebrais/veterinária , Gatos/anormalidades , Gatos/cirurgia , Membrana Nictitante/anormalidades , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária , Cartilagem/anormalidadesResumo
Background: Eversion of the cartilage of the third eyelid is a rare congenital disease in cats. It is caused by the anterioreversion of the cartilage edge of the third eyelid. Clinical signs may be associated with secondary keratoconjunctivitis,third eyelid gland protrusion, and ocular surface irritation. The diagnosis is made by ophthalmic examination, and treatment consists of surgical resection of the everted cartilage portion. The goal of the present study was to report a case ofeversion of third eyelid cartilage in a cat, given that it is an unusual abnormality in this animal species, and an importantdifferential diagnosis to be considered in the disorders of the third eyelid.Case: A 6-year-old neutered female Persian cat was presented with a presumptive diagnosis of protrusion of the thirdeyelid gland, history of ocular irritation, and epiphora in the left eye. The disorder had been intermittently present sincethe animal was 1-year-old, with spontaneous disappearance after approximately 15 days. The owner related the reappearance of the disorder to stressful situations, with no previous history of trauma or other ocular alteration. During theophthalmic examination, suspended solute was observed through biomiscroscopic examination in both eyes, as well asan increase in volume of the third eyelid in the left eye, without other changes. A thorough examination, under generalanesthesia, indicated the protruding volume of the cartilage of the everted third eyelid. The third eyelid was pleated inits upper portion, demonstrating that the cartilage of the third eyelid was folded instead of following the curvature of theocular surface. Under general anesthesia, the cartilage was partially removed through two parallel incisions on the bulbarconjunctival surface, divulsioning 5 mm in length in the vertical portion of the cartilage in a T shape, and separating the...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Gatos/anormalidades , Membrana Nictitante/anormalidades , Doenças Palpebrais/veterinária , Gatos/cirurgia , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária , Cartilagem/anormalidadesResumo
Background: Bullous Keratopathy (BK) is characterized by decompensation of the corneal stroma resulting in visual impairment by corneal opacity, discomfort, excessive tearing, blepharospasm and pain. The aim of this study was to report a case of BK in a dog and the complete recovery of the ocular structure and visual function, with a third eyelid flap associated with the use of autologous blood serum topically. Case: A 2-year-old Shih Tzu male dog, weighing 4.3 kg, with recurrent bilateral eye discomfort was brought to Ophthalmologist Veterinarian Assistance. The patient had already been seen by other veterinarians, but the signs returned in a short period of time after the prescription was suspended. During physical examination it was observed moderate blepharospasm in the right eye, epiphora in the left eye, and in both eyes was noted exophthalmos, medial corneal entropion, caruncle trichiasis and ectopic cilia in the upper and lower eyelids. Fluorescein test was positive in both eyes, and a large bullous, opaque and gelatinous lesion with irregular appearance was observed occupying a large part of the cornea of the right eye. Superficial corneal ulcer was diagnosed in left eye and BK in right eye, both probably in consequence of ectopic cilia presence. Surgical intervention was made, with the cauterization and excision of the ectopic cilia and third eyelid flap in the right eye. The cauterization of caruncle trichiasis was not authorized by the owner. Moxifloxacin eye drops in the dose of one drop four times a day in both eyes, lubricant based on hyaluronic acid in the dose of one drop four times a day in both eyes, and autogenous blood serum, obtained from the centrifugation of a blood sample of the dog itself, in the dose of one drop every hour in the right eye for 24 h, and meloxicam in the dose of...
Masculino , Animais , Cães , Opacidade da Córnea/cirurgia , Opacidade da Córnea/terapia , Opacidade da Córnea/veterinária , Substância Própria/patologia , Angiofluoresceinografia/veterinária , Blefarospasmo/veterinária , Doenças do Aparelho Lacrimal/veterinária , Exoftalmia/veterinária , Triquíase/veterináriaResumo
Background: Bullous Keratopathy (BK) is characterized by decompensation of the corneal stroma resulting in visual impairment by corneal opacity, discomfort, excessive tearing, blepharospasm and pain. The aim of this study was to report a case of BK in a dog and the complete recovery of the ocular structure and visual function, with a third eyelid flap associated with the use of autologous blood serum topically. Case: A 2-year-old Shih Tzu male dog, weighing 4.3 kg, with recurrent bilateral eye discomfort was brought to Ophthalmologist Veterinarian Assistance. The patient had already been seen by other veterinarians, but the signs returned in a short period of time after the prescription was suspended. During physical examination it was observed moderate blepharospasm in the right eye, epiphora in the left eye, and in both eyes was noted exophthalmos, medial corneal entropion, caruncle trichiasis and ectopic cilia in the upper and lower eyelids. Fluorescein test was positive in both eyes, and a large bullous, opaque and gelatinous lesion with irregular appearance was observed occupying a large part of the cornea of the right eye. Superficial corneal ulcer was diagnosed in left eye and BK in right eye, both probably in consequence of ectopic cilia presence. Surgical intervention was made, with the cauterization and excision of the ectopic cilia and third eyelid flap in the right eye. The cauterization of caruncle trichiasis was not authorized by the owner. Moxifloxacin eye drops in the dose of one drop four times a day in both eyes, lubricant based on hyaluronic acid in the dose of one drop four times a day in both eyes, and autogenous blood serum, obtained from the centrifugation of a blood sample of the dog itself, in the dose of one drop every hour in the right eye for 24 h, and meloxicam in the dose of...(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Substância Própria/patologia , Opacidade da Córnea/cirurgia , Opacidade da Córnea/terapia , Opacidade da Córnea/veterinária , Blefarospasmo/veterinária , Doenças do Aparelho Lacrimal/veterinária , Exoftalmia/veterinária , Triquíase/veterinária , Angiofluoresceinografia/veterináriaResumo
A córnea é a primeira estrutura do olho a receber luz, sendo localizada na parte mais externado bulbo ocular. Devido a sua localização está sujeita, com maior frequência, a processos lesivos, como a úlcera de córnea, também chamada de ceratite ulcerativa. É a patologia com maior ocorrência dentre as afecções oftalmológicas em equinos, e caso não tenha o tratamento adequado, pode levar a perda da visão do animal. Diante desse contexto, objetivo do estudo foi relatar um caso clínico de ceratite ulcerativa em equino tratado com plasma rico em plaquetas (PRP) associado a colírios. Um equino, macho, de 3 anos de idade, raça Quarto de Milha, pelagem alazã foi encaminhado para atendimento veterinário por ter sofrido uma pancada em um caibro. Durante o exame clínico foi constatado que o cavalo apresentava quemose, epífora, blefaroespasmo e perda temporária da capacidade visual. Baseado nos sinais clínicos e histórico a suspeita clínica foi de ceratite ulcerativa. O tratamento indicado foi instilação de Ocucan® colírio, Ciprovet® e PRP, duas gotas de cada, duas vezes ao dia, além de lavagem com solução fisiológica. O animal apresentou evolução significativa ao tratamento e com 30 dias foi liberado para retornar a propriedade e as atividades físicas gradativamente. Dessa forma, podemos concluir que o uso de plasma rico em plaquetas constitui uma ferramenta importante e acessível no tratamento de ceratite ulcerativa em equinos, inclusive demonstrando bons resultados na caraterística da cicatrização e no tempo da mesma.
The cornea is the first structure of the eye receiving light, being located at the outermost part of the ocular bulb. Due to its location is subject, more often, the harmful processes such as corneal ulcer, also called keratitis Ulcerative. It is the disease with higher incidence among ophthalmologic diseases in horses, and if no proper treatment, can lead to the animal vision loss. In this context, objective of the study was to report a case of keratitis Ulcerative equinus treated with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) associated with eye drops. A horse, male, 3 years old, Quarter Horses, sorrel coat was referred to veterinary care after suffering a stroke on a rafter. During the clinical examination revealed that the horse had chemosis, epiphora blepharospasm and temporary loss of vision. Based on clinical signs and history clinical suspicion was keratitis Ulcerative. The treatment was Ocucan® instillation of eye drops, Ciprovet® PRP and two drops each, twice a day, and washing with saline solution. The animal showed evolution significant treatment and was released 30 days to return the property and physical activity gradually. Thus, we conclude that the use of platelet rich plasma is an important tool and accessible in the treatment of ulcerative keratitis in horses, including demonstrating good results in healing characteristic and time thereof.
Animais , Doenças dos Cavalos , Plasma Rico em Plaquetas , Soluções Oftálmicas/uso terapêutico , Úlcera da Córnea/terapia , Úlcera da Córnea/veterináriaResumo
A córnea é a primeira estrutura do olho a receber luz, sendo localizada na parte mais externado bulbo ocular. Devido a sua localização está sujeita, com maior frequência, a processos lesivos, como a úlcera de córnea, também chamada de ceratite ulcerativa. É a patologia com maior ocorrência dentre as afecções oftalmológicas em equinos, e caso não tenha o tratamento adequado, pode levar a perda da visão do animal. Diante desse contexto, objetivo do estudo foi relatar um caso clínico de ceratite ulcerativa em equino tratado com plasma rico em plaquetas (PRP) associado a colírios. Um equino, macho, de 3 anos de idade, raça Quarto de Milha, pelagem alazã foi encaminhado para atendimento veterinário por ter sofrido uma pancada em um caibro. Durante o exame clínico foi constatado que o cavalo apresentava quemose, epífora, blefaroespasmo e perda temporária da capacidade visual. Baseado nos sinais clínicos e histórico a suspeita clínica foi de ceratite ulcerativa. O tratamento indicado foi instilação de Ocucan® colírio, Ciprovet® e PRP, duas gotas de cada, duas vezes ao dia, além de lavagem com solução fisiológica. O animal apresentou evolução significativa ao tratamento e com 30 dias foi liberado para retornar a propriedade e as atividades físicas gradativamente. Dessa forma, podemos concluir que o uso de plasma rico em plaquetas constitui uma ferramenta importante e acessível no tratamento de ceratite ulcerativa em equinos, inclusive demonstrando bons resultados na caraterística da cicatrização e no tempo da mesma.(AU)
The cornea is the first structure of the eye receiving light, being located at the outermost part of the ocular bulb. Due to its location is subject, more often, the harmful processes such as corneal ulcer, also called keratitis Ulcerative. It is the disease with higher incidence among ophthalmologic diseases in horses, and if no proper treatment, can lead to the animal vision loss. In this context, objective of the study was to report a case of keratitis Ulcerative equinus treated with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) associated with eye drops. A horse, male, 3 years old, Quarter Horses, sorrel coat was referred to veterinary care after suffering a stroke on a rafter. During the clinical examination revealed that the horse had chemosis, epiphora blepharospasm and temporary loss of vision. Based on clinical signs and history clinical suspicion was keratitis Ulcerative. The treatment was Ocucan® instillation of eye drops, Ciprovet® PRP and two drops each, twice a day, and washing with saline solution. The animal showed evolution significant treatment and was released 30 days to return the property and physical activity gradually. Thus, we conclude that the use of platelet rich plasma is an important tool and accessible in the treatment of ulcerative keratitis in horses, including demonstrating good results in healing characteristic and time thereof.(AU)
Animais , Doenças dos Cavalos , Plasma Rico em Plaquetas , Soluções Oftálmicas/uso terapêutico , Úlcera da Córnea/terapia , Úlcera da Córnea/veterináriaResumo
Background: Indolent corneal ulcers have been described as superficial ulcers with an associated rim of loose peripheral epithelium Treatment for indolent ulcers include debridement, grid keratotomy, multiple punctate keratotomy, third eyelid flaps, application of cyanoacrylate tissue adhesives, superficial keratectomy, and a debridement with a diamond burr. Case: A 2-month-old female American Quarter Horse was referred to the Ophthalmology Veterinary Section of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, Brazil, presenting epiphora and blepharospasm. A local veterinarian doctor had prescribed broad spectrum topical antibiotic and anti-inflammatory drops, although there was no positive response to the treatment for the past two weeks. Ophthalmic examination reveals and moderate discomfort in the left eye, epiphora, and mild corneal edema in the area of the defect. Slit lamp biomicroscopy revealed a superficial corneal ulcer with about 6 mm. Corneal epithelium did not adhere to underlying corneal stroma. The remainder of the ophthalmic examination of the left eye was unremarkable. The diagnosis of a corneal ulcer was made based on these clinical signs and fluorescein staining of the cornea where the stain dissects under the unattached epithelial lip. A handheld battery-operated motorized diamond burr, with a 3.5 mm medium grit tip, was utilized to remove the epithelium. The medical treatment included tobramycin eye drops, and flurbiprofen sodium ophthalmic solution, being applied six times daily, after the procedure, during two weeks, and atropine sulphate 1% was applied once a day, during three days. The foal was hospitalized until healing the corneal ulcer. For two weeks, the foal was assessed daily, and, after that, follow-up visits were scheduled weekly for four months. Healing was defined as the point at which the cornea no longer retained fluorescein. [ ]
Animais , Cavalos , Instrumentos Cirúrgicos/veterinária , Úlcera da Córnea/terapia , Úlcera da Córnea/veterinária , Infecções Oculares/veterináriaResumo
Background: Indolent corneal ulcers have been described as superficial ulcers with an associated rim of loose peripheral epithelium Treatment for indolent ulcers include debridement, grid keratotomy, multiple punctate keratotomy, third eyelid flaps, application of cyanoacrylate tissue adhesives, superficial keratectomy, and a debridement with a diamond burr. Case: A 2-month-old female American Quarter Horse was referred to the Ophthalmology Veterinary Section of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, Brazil, presenting epiphora and blepharospasm. A local veterinarian doctor had prescribed broad spectrum topical antibiotic and anti-inflammatory drops, although there was no positive response to the treatment for the past two weeks. Ophthalmic examination reveals and moderate discomfort in the left eye, epiphora, and mild corneal edema in the area of the defect. Slit lamp biomicroscopy revealed a superficial corneal ulcer with about 6 mm. Corneal epithelium did not adhere to underlying corneal stroma. The remainder of the ophthalmic examination of the left eye was unremarkable. The diagnosis of a corneal ulcer was made based on these clinical signs and fluorescein staining of the cornea where the stain dissects under the unattached epithelial lip. A handheld battery-operated motorized diamond burr, with a 3.5 mm medium grit tip, was utilized to remove the epithelium. The medical treatment included tobramycin eye drops, and flurbiprofen sodium ophthalmic solution, being applied six times daily, after the procedure, during two weeks, and atropine sulphate 1% was applied once a day, during three days. The foal was hospitalized until healing the corneal ulcer. For two weeks, the foal was assessed daily, and, after that, follow-up visits were scheduled weekly for four months. Healing was defined as the point at which the cornea no longer retained fluorescein. [ ](AU)
Animais , Úlcera da Córnea/terapia , Úlcera da Córnea/veterinária , Cavalos , Instrumentos Cirúrgicos/veterinária , Infecções Oculares/veterináriaResumo
A avaliação da epífora pode ser feita por exames clínicos, testes de excreção lacrimal, exames contrastados, como avaliação radiológica e estudo tomográfico; estes dois últimos permitem análise minuciosa das estruturas. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a via lacrimal excretora com uso de radiografia e tomografia computadorizada contrastadas, feitas em animais com epífora, comparando-se com animais sadios, sem essa afecção. Foram utilizados 20 cães, de raças e pelagens variadas, machos e fêmeas, com peso de 1 a 20 kg, com 0,7 a 8 anos de idade, apresentando epífora (grupo epífora - GE). Como grupo de controle (GC), foram utilizados 15 cães, sem alterações clínicas de drenagem do sistema lacrimonasal de raças e pelagens variadas, machos e fêmeas, pesando 1 a 20 kg, com 0,7 a 8 anos. Foi proposta a divisão do sistema de drenagem lacrimal em quatro regiões. Na região 1, o GE teve 29 (76,3%) animais com dilatação visibilizada pelo R-X e 32 (84,2%) pela TC; no GC, 4 (12,5%) no R-X e 1 (3,1%) na TC demonstraram dilatação. Na região 3, 13 (34,2%) cães evidenciaram dilatação do DLN no R-X e 14 (36,8%) na TC; e 21 (55,3%) comunicação do ducto lacrimonasal com o seio nasal pelo R-X e 28 (73,7%) pela TC. Já no GC, 15 (46,9%) pelo R-X e 22 (68,7%) pela TC possuíam comunicação do ducto lacrimonasal com o seio nasal. Concluiu-se que: dilatações também podem ser observadas em alguns cães sem sinal clínico da afecção; comunicação do ducto lacrimonasal com o seio nasal não indica alteração causadora de epífora, pois está presente em animais com e sem afecção; os dados do presente estudo confirmam que o exame DCG por si pode dar importantes informações, de forma semelhante à TC, devendo-se recorrer à ela apenas quando houver dúvidas sobre lesões ósseas, fraturas e corpos estranhos não detectados pelo primeiro.(AU)
Epiphora evaluation can be done through clinical exams, lachrymal excretion tests, contrasted exams, like radiologic evaluation and tomography studies; those last two allow a detailed analysis of the structures. The present study had as the objective to evaluate the lacrimal drainage system through radiography and contrasted computed tomography, which were made with animals presenting epiphora, comparing them to healthy animals, without the mentioned condition. Twenty dogs were used for tests, from a variety of breeds and coatings, males and females, weight varying from 1kg to 20kg, ages varying from 0.7 to 8 years old, presenting epiphora (epiphora group - GE*). As a control group (GC*) 15 dogs were used, with no clinical alterations of naso-lachrymal drainage system, from different breeds and coatings, males and females, weighing from 1kg to 20kg and ages varying from 0.7 to 8 years old. It was propoused the division of the lacrimal drainage system in four regions. On region 1, the GE had 29 (76.3%) animals with dilation visualized by the RX and 32 (84.2%) by CT, the GC, 4 (12.5%) in the RX and 1 (3.1% ) CT showed dilation. In region 3, 13 (34.2%) dogs showed dilatation of the DLN in RX and 14 (36.8%) on CT, and 21 (55.3%) nasolacrimal duct communication with the sinus and the X-ray 28 (73.7%) by CT. For the CG, 15 (46.9%) the X-ray and 22 (68.7%) by CT had nasolacrimal duct communication with the nasal sinus. It has been concluded that dilations can also be observed in some dogs with no clinical signs of disease; nasolacrimal duct communication to sinus does not indicate epiphora causing alteration, as it is present in animals with and without affection; the present study data confirm that DCG itself can provide important informations, in a similar manner to CT, and should resort to it just in case of doubts about bone lesions, fractures and foreign bodies undetected at first.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Dacriocistite/veterinária , Dacriocistite/diagnóstico , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X/veterinária , Radiografia/veterinária , Tecnologia Radiológica/veterinária , Doenças do Aparelho Lacrimal/diagnóstico , Doenças do Aparelho Lacrimal/veterináriaResumo
Background: The squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the second most common cancer in the oral epithelium of dogs and rarely involves the retrobulbar area. The diagnosis is confirmed with cytological and histopathological exam. Faced with the unusual occurrence of retrobulbar tumors in dogs, we report a case of SCC in the left maxilla, with ipsilateral retrobulbar metastasis, and also highlight clinical aspects of the neoplasia, exams, early diagnosis and therapeutic possibilities.Case: A male dog, 17 years old, with a history of visual loss, enlargement of left eye and prostration after 25 days of a dental treatment. The patient had exophthalmia of the left eye with mild lateral deviation, meibomitis, lagophthalmos, moderate conjunctival hyperemia and episcleral congestion, protrusion of the third eyelid, epiphora, moderate purulent discharge, paracentral corneal degeneration, absence of pupillary reflex to light (direct and consensual) and presence of immature cataract. The Schirmer test and intraocular pressure were normal, as well as complete blood count and biochemical profile. Due to the testy temperament of the animal, the intraoral examination was limited to two-thirds of the jaw in the first appointment. Ocular vitreous ultrasound was performed showing moderate amount of membranous and punctate echoes, as well as medium-high reflectivity were present in all meridians...(AU)
O carcinoma de células escamosas (CCE) é considerado a segunda neoplasia oral não odontogênica, maligna, mais frequente em cães [6] e raramente acomete a região retrobulbar nesta espécie [3,11]. Neoplasias retrobulbares têm representatividade de 4% quando comparadas as de outras estruturas oculares [2] e em 74% das vezes, representam metástases [8].Diante da ocorrência incomum de neoplasias na região retrobulbar em cães, objetivou-se relatar o caso de CCE na maxila esquerda, com metástase retrobulbar ipsilateral, não obstante, ressaltar importantes aspectos da neoplasia que auxiliem no rápido diagnóstico e na escolha terapêutica...(AU)
Animais , Cães , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/veterinária , Neoplasias Maxilares/veterinária , Exoftalmia/veterinária , Hiperemia/veterinária , Metástase Neoplásica , ética , Doenças do Aparelho Lacrimal/veterináriaResumo
Background: The squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the second most common cancer in the oral epithelium of dogs and rarely involves the retrobulbar area. The diagnosis is confirmed with cytological and histopathological exam. Faced with the unusual occurrence of retrobulbar tumors in dogs, we report a case of SCC in the left maxilla, with ipsilateral retrobulbar metastasis, and also highlight clinical aspects of the neoplasia, exams, early diagnosis and therapeutic possibilities.Case: A male dog, 17 years old, with a history of visual loss, enlargement of left eye and prostration after 25 days of a dental treatment. The patient had exophthalmia of the left eye with mild lateral deviation, meibomitis, lagophthalmos, moderate conjunctival hyperemia and episcleral congestion, protrusion of the third eyelid, epiphora, moderate purulent discharge, paracentral corneal degeneration, absence of pupillary reflex to light (direct and consensual) and presence of immature cataract. The Schirmer test and intraocular pressure were normal, as well as complete blood count and biochemical profile. Due to the testy temperament of the animal, the intraoral examination was limited to two-thirds of the jaw in the first appointment. Ocular vitreous ultrasound was performed showing moderate amount of membranous and punctate echoes, as well as medium-high reflectivity were present in all meridians...
O carcinoma de células escamosas (CCE) é considerado a segunda neoplasia oral não odontogênica, maligna, mais frequente em cães [6] e raramente acomete a região retrobulbar nesta espécie [3,11]. Neoplasias retrobulbares têm representatividade de 4% quando comparadas as de outras estruturas oculares [2] e em 74% das vezes, representam metástases [8].Diante da ocorrência incomum de neoplasias na região retrobulbar em cães, objetivou-se relatar o caso de CCE na maxila esquerda, com metástase retrobulbar ipsilateral, não obstante, ressaltar importantes aspectos da neoplasia que auxiliem no rápido diagnóstico e na escolha terapêutica...
Animais , Cães , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/veterinária , Exoftalmia/veterinária , Hiperemia/veterinária , Metástase Neoplásica , Neoplasias Maxilares/veterinária , Ética , Doenças do Aparelho Lacrimal/veterináriaResumo
Ocular surface diseases are often diagnosed in brachycephalic dogs. The ophthalmic parameters of the Shih Tzu dogs are evaluated in this study since this breed is among the most commonly affected by these diseases. In this study, ophthalmic parameters of this breed were partly studied under physical restraint. Schirmer tear test, breakup time test, aesthesiometry, biomicroscopy, non-contact specular microscopy, laser flaremetry, applanation tonometry, ultrasonography and ophthalmoscopy were carried in 48 eyes of 24 male and female dogs, aged from two to four years, weighing between 5 and 10kg. All dogs were from a breeding kennel. Descriptive statistics were applied to the data. Mean and standard error for Schirmer tear test was 26.145±0.803mm min-1; breakup time test, 13.668±0.538s; and aesthesiometry, 2.395±0.071cm. The biomicroscopy evaluation showed that 70.83% of the eyes had medial entropion; 42% caruncular trichiasis; 33% distichiasis, 27% mild paracentral corneal opacity; and 13% corneal melanosis. Mean and standard error for endothelial cell density was 2221.591±20.161cells mm-2; endothelial cell hexagonality, 63.770±1.805%; endothelial cell area, 451.895±4.179mm2; central corneal thickness, 0.490±0.007 mm; laser flaremetry, 1.720±0.216PC ms-1; applanation tonometry, 16.118±0.460mmHg; axial length, 20.255±0.134mm; lens thickness, 6.624±0.031mm; anterior chamber, 4.064±0.109mm; and vitreous chamber, 9.565±0.054mm. Ophthalmoscopy findings were not different from previous reports for other breeds. The results showed that the ophthalmic Shih Tzu parameters did not differ from other breeds according to data in the literature, except for the breakup time and Cochet-Bonnet aesthesiometry.(AU)
Afecções da superfície ocular são frequentes em cães braquicefálicos. Dentre as raças comumente acometidas, tem-se a Shih Tzu, cujos parâmetros oftálmicos não são conhecidos em sua plenitude e o foram, em parte, avaliados nesta pesquisa. Sob contenção física, empregou-se o teste lacrimal de Schirmer, o de ruptura do filme lacrimal, a estesiometria, a biomicroscopia, a microscopia especular de não contato, a flaremetria a laser, a tonometria de aplanação, a ecografia e a oftalmoscopia. Foram estudados 48 olhos de 24 indivíduos machos ou fêmeas, com idades variando entre dois a quatro anos e peso entre cinco a 10kg. Aos dados, aplicou-se a estatística descritiva. Relativamente às médias e aos erros padrão, encontraram-se, quanto ao teste lacrimal de Schirmer, 26,145±0,803mm min-1 e, quanto à ruptura do filme lacrimal, 13,668±0,538s. À estesiometria, encontraram-se 2,395±0,071cm. À biomicroscopia, observaram-se 70,83% dos olhos com entrópio de canto medial, 42% apresentaram pelos em carúncula medial, 33% distiquíase, 27% opacidade paracentral e 13% melanose corneal. Médias e erros padrão, no que concerne à densidade de células endoteliais, foram de 2221,591±20,161céls mm-2. Quanto à hexagonalidade, foram de 63,770±1,805%; quanto à área, foram de 451,895±4,179mm2; em relação à espessura corneal, foram de 0,490±0,007mm. À flaremetria a "laser", encontraram-se 1,720±0,216PC ms-1. À tonometria, 16,118±0,460mmHg. As médias e os erros padrão, à ultrassonografia, foram de 20,255±0,134mm para diâmetro axial horizontal; de 6,624±0,031mm, para espessura da lente; de 4,064±0,109mm, para profundidade da câmara anterior; e de 9,565±0,054mm, para a câmara vítrea. O padrão de imagens à oftalmoscopia não divergiu do já reportado em cães de outras raças. De consoante com os resultados obtidos, há como admitir que parâmetros de referência para cães adultos da raça Shih Tzu, estudados na presente pesquisa, não divergiram sobremaneira dos conhecidos para outras raças de cães, à exceção do tempo de ruptura do filme lacrimal, cujos valores ficaram aquém da média para a espécie, e os da estesiometria de Cochet-Bonnet, que foram superiores.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Doenças do Cão , Oftalmopatias/veterinária , Oftalmoscopia/veterinária , Doenças do Aparelho Lacrimal/veterináriaResumo
Objetivou-se: 1) investigar a morfometria craniana de felinos domésticos de focinho curto e não curto e 2) descrever o trajeto do ducto nasolacrimal de gatos Persas. Foram mensurados o índice craniano (IC) e o ângulo crânio-facial (CFA) de trinta (30) animais, que foram divididos em dois grupos: gatos pelo curto brasileiro (BSH) e Persas, de acordo com o fenótipo craniano. Para descrição do ducto nasolacrimal, foi utilizado o grupo dos 10 (dez) gatos de focinho curto (Persas). Foi realizada a dacriocistografia computadorizada (DCG-CT) em todo o grupo, e 2 (dois) animais foram submetidos à dissecação craniana, com moldes do ducto nasolacrimal previamente fixados com látex. Foram mensurados o comprimento e o diâmetro do ducto nasolacrimal, dos canalículos lacrimais, e a menor distância entre ducto nasolacrimal e a raiz do dente canino superior, além da avaliação dos pontos de estenose e tortuosidade do ducto. As análises estatísticas incluíram análise descritiva, de variância, de correlação e de regressão, para comparar e melhor compreender possíveis relações entre as variáveis estudadas. Os valores médios de IC e CFA para BSH e gatos Persas foram de 61,7 e 78,7% e 12,0 e 9°, respectivamente. Apenas dois tipos cranianos foram identificados, diferentemente do que ocorre em cães, com base na associação desses dois parâmetros craniométricos: braquicefálicos, em gatos Persas; e não braquicefálicos, em gatos BSH. Esses valores de referência para gatos com focinho curto (Persas) e longo (BSH) foram determinados de maneira inédita e poderiam ser utilizados para classificação fenotípica dos crânios de gatos. Em todos os gatos de focinho curto o ducto nasolacrimal apresentou trajeto tortuoso, estenoses e dilatações. O comprimento do ducto nasolacrimal variou de 1,3 a 1,5 cm, com diâmetro entre 1,5 mm e 2,34 mm. O comprimento médio dos canalículos foi de 3,1 mm e o diâmetro médio, de 0,4 mm. Não foram encontradas aberturas acessórias do ducto nasolacrimal, contrariamente aos relatos anteriores.
This study set out to investigate skull morphometry in short-nosed and long-nosed domestic cats and to describe the nasolacrimal duct trajectory in short-nosed cats. The cephalic index (CI) and the craniofacial angle (CFA) of thirty (30) cats were measured using computed tomography. Cats were allocated to one of two groups according to skull phenotype, as follows: Brazilian short-haired (BSH) and Persian cats. Ten (10) short-nosed (Persian) cats were submitted to computed tomographic dacryocystography (CT-DCG); of these, two (2) were also submitted to skull dissection following latex injection into the nasolacrimal duct. Nasolacrimal duct and lacrimal canaliculi length and width and the shorter distance between the nasolacrimal duct and the root of the upper canine tooth were measured. Nasolacrimal duct tortuosities and stenoses were also investigated. Statistical analyses (descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, correlation and regression analysis) were conducted to compare and investigate potential relationships between variables. Mean IC and CFA corresponded to 61.7 and 78.7% and 12.0 and 9° (BSH and Persian cats respectively). In contrast with dogs, combined craniometric parameters in this study revealed only two skull types: brachycephalic and non-brachycephalic (Persian and BSH cats respectively). Craniometric reference ranges for short- and long-nosed cats (Persian and BSH cats respectively) had not been reported to date and may be used for phenotypic classification of the feline skull. Tomographic assessment revealed tortuous nasolacrimal duct trajectory (middle and rostral portions in particular) determined by shortened facial bones. Stenoses (width reduction equal to or greater than 75%) and dilations (width increase equal to or greater than 50%) were also detected, particularly in the rostral portion of the duct. Nasolacrimal duct length and width ranged from 1.3 to 1.5 cm and 1.5 and 2.34 mm respectively. Mean lacrimal canaliculi length and width corresponded to 3.1 mm and 0.4 mm respectively. The root of the canine tooth interfered with duct trajectory. The short distance (mean distance, 2.4 mm) between the root of the maxillary canine tooth and the nasolacrimal duct predisposes brachycephalic cats to extramural duct inflammation secondary to periodontal disease and tooth extractions. Different from dogs, cats in this study had dilated lacrimal sacs. This feature may be associated with high rates of epiphora and negative responses in the Jones lacrimal drainage assessment test in this species. In contrast with previous reports, no accessory nasolacrimal duct openings were found in this study.
Background: Hemangiosarcoma (HSA) is a malignant tumor of vascular endothelial origin. Primary neoplasms are extremely rare in the third eyelid of dogs. Neoplasia affecting ocular surface has been associated with increased exposure to solar radiation. Treatment reported for dogs with conjunctival neoplasia is surgical excision. Definitive diagnosis is confirmed in the histophatological examination. In this report, we describe a case of HSA of the third eyelid in a dog that was successfully treated with surgical excision.Case: A 5-year-old female Boxer dog was referred to the Ophthalmology Section of the Veterinary Clinics Hospital of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), presenting a red mass in the third eyelid of the right eye. Physical examination it was normal except for the ocular disease. The dog had signs of ocular discomfort an epiphora. On ophthalmic examination a fixed, raised, red mass approximately 4 to 5 mm in diameter was identified on the anterior surface of the third eyelid in the right eye. Under general anesthesia, and using an operating microscope the mass was excised with a gross margin and submitted for histopathological analysis. Microscopic examination revealed a lesion composed of neoplastic mesenchymal cells forming irregular channels containing blood. These plump cells showed moderate anisocytosis and anisokaryosis with a low mitotic...(AU)