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Washington, D.C.; OPAS; 2024-05-29. (OPAS/NMH/RF/21-0031).
Não convencional em Português | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-60082


O consumo de ácidos graxos trans é uma das principais causas de morbidade e mortalidade em todo o mundo. Os ácidos graxos trans não têm benefícios conhecidos para a saúde e são uma das principais causas de doenças cardíacas em todo o mundo. Estima-se que os ácidos graxos trans causem cerca de 260.000 mortes a cada ano. Para reduzir efetivamente o consumo de ácidos graxos trans, a Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde/Organização Mundial da Saúde recomenda que todos os países eliminem os ácidos graxos trans produzidos industrialmente (IP-TFA) de seu abastecimento alimentar nacional, que constituem a principal fonte de ácidos graxos trans em Nutrição humana. Esta publicação foi elaborada para auxiliar agências governamentais e ministérios no desenvolvimento ou alteração de legislação ou regulamentação nacional com o objetivo de eliminar o IP-TFA do abastecimento de alimentos em seu país. Embora útil para leitores com formação jurídica, esta publicação também se destina a um público não jurídico que deseja promover a eliminação do AGT-IP por meio de regulamentação. As perguntas da árvore de decisão são usadas para ajudar os usuários desta ferramenta a preencher um regulamento de remoção de TFA-IP específico do contexto que seja consistente com as melhores práticas da OPAS/OMS. Abrange disposições importantes que devem ser consideradas no texto do regulamento, como as que dão autoridade legal para adotar um regulamento sobre ácidos graxos trans, a definição do escopo do regulamento, a criação de um quadro de fiscalização e o cumprimento de o regulamento. , e o estabelecimento de uma data de vigência. Esta publicação inclui um modelo de regulamento e oferece uma visão prática dos principais aspectos legais da remoção do AGT-IP, com foco em abordagens comprovadas, eficazes e baseadas em evidências. Ele orienta os leitores sobre como redigir regulamentos para implementar as políticas de remoção de TFA-IP recomendadas pela OPAS/OMS, bem como disposições complementares que se mostraram eficazes.

Ácidos Graxos , Fatores de Risco de Doenças Cardíacas , Mortalidade , Abastecimento de Alimentos , Alimentos, Dieta e Nutrição
Nutr. clín. diet. hosp ; 44(1): 245-253, Feb. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-231294


Introducción: La identificación temprana de la angustiapsicosocial y el impacto de la caquexia permiten intervencio-nes oportunas para mejorar los síntomas.Los PREM (Patient-Reported Experience Measures) aportanvalor a pacientes y organizaciones sanitarias. El poder real delos mismos se encuentra en la posibilidad de cruzarlos con da-tos clínicos. Esto permite identificar puntos críticos y áreas demejora de la calidad asistencial de los procesos. La intervención nutricional en pacientes seleccionadosbrinda un beneficio significativo para algunos aspectos comoel funcionamiento emocional, la disnea, la pérdida de apetitoy el estado de salud global.Por ello, se propone evaluar el grado de satisfacción de lospacientes en los que se ha realizado una intervención nutri-cional durante el tratamiento oncológico activo.Metodología: Estudio retrospectivo, exploratorio, delgrado de satisfacción, en referencia a la intervención nutricio-nal, en pacientes tratados por cáncer en el Hospital de Día deOncología del hospital Universitario Doctor Peset de Valencia,entre enero de 2022 y enero de 2023. Resultados: Se incluyeron un total de 93 pacientes. Seelaboró un cuestionario de 15 preguntas que se ofreció a los50 últimos pacientes incluidos. Respondieron de forma volun-taria y anónima 28 (56%). En el 95% de los casos la inter-vención nutricional se valoró de forma satisfactoria.Conclusiones: La identificación temprana de la desnutri-ción y la intervención oportuna tienen un impacto favorableen el grado de satisfacción del paciente.(AU)

Introduction: Early identification of psychosocial distressand the impact of cachexia allows for timely interventions toimprove symptoms. Patient-Reported Experience Measures(PREMs) add value to patients and healthcare organizations.Their true power lies in the ability to cross-reference themwith clinical data. This enables the identification of criticalpoints and areas for improving the quality of care processes.Nutritional intervention in selected cancer patients providessignificant benefits for aspects such as emotional functioning,dyspnea, loss of appetite, and overall health status. Therefore, we propose to evaluate the satisfaction level ofpatients who have undergone nutritional intervention duringactive oncological treatment. Methodology: Retrospective exploratory study of satisfac-tion levels regarding nutritional intervention in cancer patientstreated at the Oncology Day Hospital of the UniversityHospital Doctor Peset in Valencia, between January 2022 andJanuary 2023.Results: A total of 93 patients were included. A question-naire consisting of 15 questions was developed and offered tothe last 50 included patients. Twenty-eight (56%) respondedvoluntarily and anonymously. In 95% of cases, nutritional in-tervention was evaluated satisfactorily.Conclusions: Early identification of malnutrition andtimely intervention have a favorable impact on patient satis-faction levels.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Dietética , Neoplasias/complicações , Caquexia , Desnutrição , Alimentos, Dieta e Nutrição , Estudos Retrospectivos , Inquéritos e Questionários , Ciências da Nutrição , Espanha
Nutr. clín. diet. hosp ; 44(1): 22-30, Feb. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-231318


Introducción: Durante la anterior contingencia sanitariaocasionada por el COVID-19, se presenció una amplia difu-sión de supuestos tratamientos para esta y otras enfermeda-des. Esto dio pie al empleo de suplementos alimenticios (SA)como una posible alternativa para la prevención de esta en-fermedad. El consumo de SA confiere un riesgo en aquellaspoblaciones donde la prevalencia de uso es elevada. Tal es elcaso de la comunidad deportiva, donde su consumo es unaactividad frecuente debido a sus efectos en el rendimiento de-portivo y composición corporal. Objetivo: Conocer la prevalencia del consumo de SA endeportistas mexicanos durante el COVID-19 e identificaraquellos que lo emplearon con la finalidad de prevenir la in-fección. Asimismo, explorar la asociación de consumo con lasvariables sexo, edad y ocupación. Materiales y métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio des-criptivo transversal correlacional en una muestra no probabi-lística por conveniencia compuesta por 351 deportistas de laregión noroeste de México. Se aplicó una encuesta a travésde la plataforma Google Forms que incluía preguntas relacio-nadas con la frecuencia de consumo de SA además de varia-bles sociodemográficas. Resultados: El 22,5% de los participantes estaba consu-miendo algún tipo de SA durante el confinamiento y 67,1%sostuvo la creencia de que el consumo de estos suplementoscontribuyó a la prevención del COVID-19. Se encontró unaasociación entre consumo y creencia (χ2(2) = 26,256, p < 0,05;Phi = 0,274). El uso de SA fue recomendado principalmentepor nutriólogos (39,2%), entrenadores (21,5%) y médicos(20,3%). Conclusiones: El consumo de SA fue relativamente bajocomparado con otras poblaciones. Sin embargo, la mayoríade los consumidores refirió que los SA contribuyen a la pre-vención del contagio por COVID-19. Gran parte de los consu-midores de SA acudió a un profesional de la salud para su re-comendación.(AU)

Introduction: During the previous health contingencycaused by COVID-19, there was a widespread disseminationof alleged treatments for this and other diseases. This led tothe use of dietary supplements (DS) as a possible alternativefor the prevention of this disease. DS consumption poses arisk in populations where the prevalence of use is high. Suchis the case in the sports community, where its consumption isa common activity due to its effects on sports performanceand body composition.Objective: To determine the prevalence of DS consump-tion in Mexican athletes during COVID-19 and identify thosewho used them to prevent infection. Additionally, to explorethe association between consumption and the variables ofgender, age, and occupation.Materials and Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional cor-relational study was conducted in a non-probabilistic conven-ience sample composed of 351 athletes from the northwest re-gion of Mexico. A survey was administered through the GoogleForms platform that included questions related to the frequencyof DS consumption as well as sociodemographic variables. Results: 22.5% of the participants were consuming sometype of DS during the lockdown, and 67.1% believed that theconsumption of these supplements contributed to the pre-vention of COVID-19. An association between consumptionand belief was found (χ2(2) = 26.256, p < 0.05; Phi = 0.274).The use of DS was primarily recommended by nutritionists(39.2%), coaches (21.5%), and physicians (20.3%). Conclusions: DS consumption was relatively low com-pared to other populations. However, the majority of DS con-sumers reported that DS contributed to the prevention ofCOVID-19 infection. A significant proportion of DS consumerssought recommendations from healthcare professionals.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Atletas , Suplementos Nutricionais , Pandemias , Alimentos, Dieta e Nutrição , Prevenção de Doenças , México , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Transversais , Ciências da Nutrição
Nutr. clín. diet. hosp ; 44(1): 188-193, Feb. 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-231321


Introduction: Obesity is caused by an imbalance betweenincoming energy due to the consumption of more caloriesthan energy expended. Excessive fat accumulation has seri-ous and long-term health effects. This can be supported bylifestyles such as consumption of roadside snacks that arehigh in sugar, salt, and fat, but low in micronutrients and fiber.This study aims to determine the characteristics of respon-dents and analyze the relationship of street food snackinghabits, physical activity, and exposure to electronic mediawith the incidence of obesity in elementary school students atSD Adabiah Kota Padang in 2023.Methods: Research with cross sectional design. The pop-ulation in this study were students of SD Adabiah Padanggrades 1-5 with a total sample of 141 students, selected byproportional random sampling technique. Data on street foodsnacking habits and exposure to electronic media were ob-tained using a questionnaire, physical activity measured byPAQ-C (Physical Activity Questionnaire for Children), and obe-sity measured by IMT/U. Data were analyzed using the Chi-Square test.Results: The number of respondents with obese nutritionalstatus (19.9%), frequent street food snacking habits (62.4%),less physical activity (65.2%), and high exposure to electronicmedia (53.9%). Statistical test results showed that there wasno significant relationship between street food snacking habits(p-value=0.281), physical activity (p-value=0.443), and expo-sure to electronic media (p-value=0.701) with the incidence ofobesity in elementary school students.Conclusion: The results showed no association betweenstreet food snacking habits, physical activity, and exposure toelectronic media with the incidence of obesity in elementaryschool students.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Obesidade Infantil , Qualidade de Vida , Comportamento Alimentar , Comportamento Sedentário , Exercício Físico , Alimentos, Dieta e Nutrição , Ciências da Nutrição Infantil , Indonésia , Inquéritos e Questionários , Estudos Transversais
Nutr. clín. diet. hosp ; 44(1): 290-294, Feb. 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-231325


Background: The consumption of macronutrients rich insugars, mainly fructose, promote metabolic changes and in-duce insulin resistance, hepatic and extrahepatic fatty aciddeposits, as well as an increase in the generation of free rad-icals and oxidative stress.Methods: Randomized clinical study, 74 subjects partici-pated, divided into 2 group: a calorie-restricted diet (n=37)and a low-fructose diet (n=37). They were evaluated at thebeginning and 6 weeks after the implementation of the diet,using anthropometric and biochemical parameters. Descriptivestatistics were used to analyze the data, Student’s t test fortwo independent samples considering unequal variances andfor means of two paired samples. Level p<0.05 was consid-ered in each analysis test.Results: The body mass index (BMI) shows statisticallysignificant differences p< 0.05 in the group with calorie re-striction after applying the diet. The waist and hip circumfer-ence were modified by the implementation of the diet in eachindependent group (p<0.001 for each statistical difference,respectively), only the waist-hip index (WHR) was modifiedwhen the results were compared between both groups,p<0.05. In the biochemical parameters after the implementa-tion of the diets, in the low-fructose diet group an increase inblood glucose was observed from 175.97 to 187.40 mg/dl,cholesterol from 34.05 to 36.89 mg/dl and HDL from 104.77to 115.47 mg/dl. However, no statistically significant differ-ences were found when comparing both groups. No statisti-cally significant differences were observed in lipid peroxida-tion parameters or oxidized carbonyls.Conclusion: The modifications in hepatic metabolismcould be related to the energy quantity and the source ofmacronutrients.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Restrição Calórica , Frutose , Resistência à Insulina , Comportamento Alimentar , Ingestão de Alimentos , Obesidade , Ciências da Nutrição , Alimentos, Dieta e Nutrição
Nutr. clín. diet. hosp ; 44(1): 310-317, Feb. 2024. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-231327


Introducción: En años reciente se señalado que trastor-nos como la obesidad, la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DMT-II) es-tán asociados a deterioro cognitivo. Una posibilidad para com-prender la relación entre la cognición y estos trastornos sonlos biomarcadores en sangre. Objetivo: El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinarla relación de la hemoglobina glucosilada (HbA1c) y lípidoscon el desempeño cognitivo de pacientes que están expues-tos varios factores de riesgo vascular en comparación con pa-cientes que tienen menos factores de riesgo. Metodología: Se llevó a cabo un muestreo no probabilís-tico por conveniencia. Se consideraron a adultos de ambossexos que tuvieran una edad mayor a 18 años y que conta-ran con algún factor de riesgo como un estilo de vida seden-tario y/o diagnóstico de DMT-II, hipertensión u obesidad. Losparticipantes (n=28) fueron evaluados mediante EvaluaciónCognitiva Montreal (MoCA) y tareas para evaluar memoria detrabajo verbal y visoespacial (Dspan y Mspan). Asimismo, sedeterminaron los niveles de hemoglobina glicosilada (HbA1c),colesterol (HDL y LDL) y triglicéridos (TG). Resultados: Se encontró que los niveles elevados deHbA1c y TG se asociaron con una menor puntuación en laprueba MoCA, mientras que los niveles elevados de HDL seasociaron con mejor desempeño cognitivo en dicha prueba.Al dividir a la muestra en función de la cantidad de factoresde riesgo vascular a los que han sido expuestos se encon-tró que a mayor presencia de factores de riesgo la relaciónde la HbA1c y TG con un menor desempeño cognitivo esmás fuerte. Conclusión: Se concluye que la relación entre biomarca-dores y funciones cerebrales es fuerte y dependiente de lacantidad de factores de riesgo vascular a los que están ex-puestos los pacientes.(AU)

Introduction: In recent years it has been reported thatdisorders such as obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM)are associated with cognitive impairment. One possibility tounderstand the relationship between cognition and these dis-orders is blood biomarkers. Objective: The aim of this research was to determine therelationship of glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and lipidswith cognitive performance in patients who are exposed tovarious vascular risk factors compared with patients who havefewer risk factors. Methodology: Non-probability convenience sampling wasperformed. Adults of both sexes who were older than 18 years of age and who had some risk factor such as a sedentarylifestyle and/or diagnosis of T2DM, hypertension, or obesitywere considered. Participants (n=28) were assessed byMontreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) and tasks to evaluateverbal and visuospatial working memory (Dspan and Mspan).Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), cholesterol (HDL and LDL)and triglycerides (TG) levels were also determined. Results: It was found that elevated HbA1c and TG levelswere associated with a lower score on the MoCA test, whileelevated HDL levels were associated with better cognitive per-formance on the MoCA test. When the sample was divided ac-cording to the number of vascular risk factors to which theyhad been exposed, it was found that the greater the presenceof risk factors the stronger the relationship of HbA1c and TGwith poorer cognitive performance. Conclusion: We conclude that the relationship betweenbiomarkers and brain function is strong and dependent on thenumber of vascular risk factors to which patients are exposed.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Cognição , Biomarcadores , Lipídeos , Obesidade , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 , Ciências da Nutrição , Estilo de Vida , Glucose , Alimentos, Dieta e Nutrição
Washington, D.C.; PAHO; 2024-02-26.
em Inglês | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-59313


In 2009, PAHO convened a Regional Expert Group to work toward reducing dietary salt/sodium intake in the Region and develop recommendations for policies and actions in line with WHO recommendations. In a second phase, during 2012-2015, the Technical Advisory Group supported the development of resources and tools to empower civil society and public health authorities in establishing national strategies to reduce population salt/sodium intake. The third phase of the TAG, during 2016-2018, focused on policy implementation and dissemination of technical materials and protocols developed during the first two phases. This report summarizes the work of the TAG and presents the progress made to date by countries in the Region to reduce population dietary salt intake and meet the 2025 global target of a 30% relative reduction in the mean population salt intake, highlighting the importance of regulatory interventions to reduce salt/sodium intake, including sodium reduction targets for reformulation of processed and ultraprocessed foods, front-of-pack warning labelling, marketing restrictions for foods high in sodium and supportive environment in public institutions.

Fatores de Risco , Alimentos, Dieta e Nutrição , Sódio na Dieta
Iberoam. j. med ; 6(1): 10-16, 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-229285


Introduction: The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the initial 6 months of life, followed by the introduction of supplementary foods together with breast milk after 6 months, and then continuing to breastfeed until the child reaches 2 years of age. Iowa Infant Feeding Attitude Scale (IIFAS) was developed to identify which infant feeding methods pregnant women are more inclined towards during the early stages of pregnancy. In our study, we aimed to assess the feeding practices of mothers using the IIFAS. Material and methods: The study was planned with consenting pregnant women who applied to the gynaecology clinic, pregnancy outpatient clinic and pediatric outpatient clinic of our hospital. Those who had problems such as drug use, chronic disease, psychological disorder, anatomical disorder that would prevent breastfeeding, syndromic condition, indication for hospitalisation were excluded from the study. A questionnaire regarding the demographic profile of the mothers and the IIFAS was filled out. Subsequently, face-to-face interviews were conducted with the mothers on the seventh day, third month, and sixth month to gather information. Results: The study was completed with 96 mothers. According to the IOWA infant feeding scale scores of the mothers, there were 26 (27.1%) mothers in the breastfeeding-prone group with a score of 70 and above and 70 (72.9%) mothers in the undecided group with a score between 49-69. Since none of the pregnant women scored between 17-48, the group predisposed to formula feeding was not formed. There were no significant variations observed between the groups with regard to age, family type, and mode of delivery; however, there was a notable disparity in the educational and informational statuses of the mothers. Conclusions: The fact that mothers were mostly undecided about the recommendations related to the IIFAS indicates the need for information about breast milk. (AU)

Introducción: La Organización Mundial de la Salud recomienda la lactancia materna exclusiva durante los 6 meses iniciales de vida, seguida de la introducción de alimentos suplementarios junto con la leche materna a partir de los 6 meses, y luego continuar con la lactancia materna hasta que el niño cumpla los 2 años de edad. La Escala de actitud hacia la alimentación infantil de Iowa (IIFAS) se desarrolló para identificar a qué métodos de alimentación infantil se inclinan más las mujeres embarazadas durante las primeras etapas del embarazo. En nuestro estudio, nuestro objetivo fue evaluar las prácticas de alimentación de las madres utilizando el IIFAS. Material y métodos: El estudio se planificó con el consentimiento de mujeres embarazadas que postularon a la consulta de ginecología, consulta externa de embarazo y consulta externa pediátrica de nuestro hospital. Fueron excluidos del estudio aquellos que presentaban problemas como consumo de drogas, enfermedad crónica, trastorno psicológico, trastorno anatómico que impediría la lactancia materna, condición sindrómica, indicación de hospitalización. Se llenó un cuestionario sobre el perfil demográfico de las madres y el IIFAS. Posteriormente, se realizaron entrevistas cara a cara con las madres los días séptimo día, tercer mes y sexto mes para recolectar información. Resultados: El estudio se completó con 96 madres. Según las puntuaciones de las madres en la escala de alimentación infantil de IOWA, había 26 (27,1%) madres en el grupo propenso a amamantar con una puntuación de 70 o más y 70 (72,9%) madres en el grupo indeciso con una puntuación entre 49- 69. Dado que ninguna de las mujeres embarazadas obtuvo una puntuación entre 17 y 48, no se formó el grupo predispuesto a la alimentación con fórmula. No se observaron variaciones significativas entre los grupos con respecto a la edad, tipo de familia y modo de parto; sin embargo, ... (AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Aleitamento Materno/etnologia , Alimentos Formulados , Inquéritos e Questionários , Alimentos, Dieta e Nutrição , Demografia
Washington, D.C.; OPS; 2024.
em Espanhol | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-59289


El objetivo de esta publicación es proporcionar un protocolo integral y mundial armonizado para medir el contenido de grasa y el perfil de ácidos grasos de los alimentos. El protocolo permitirá generar datos exactos y comparables a nivel mundial sobre los ácidos grasos, con énfasis en los ácidos grasos trans, derivados de aceites parcialmente hidrogenados preparados a partir de aceites vegetales y grasas animales (manteca de cerdo y sebo). Estos datos pueden utilizarse con fines de vigilancia y seguimiento.

Alimentos, Dieta e Nutrição , Fatores de Risco , Ácidos Graxos , Protocolos Clínicos
Brasília; Fiocruz Brasília; 2024. 56 p.
Não convencional em Português | LILACS, Coleciona SUS, PIE | ID: biblio-1551232


O mapa de evidências foi desenvolvido tendo como referência as nove diretrizes da Política Nacional de Alimentação e Nutrição (PNAN). O objetivo foi identificar intervenções efetivas para melhorar as condições de saúde, alimentação e nutrição da população. Foram analisadas 101 revisões sistemáticas. As intervenções foram classificadas em 5 categorias e 80 subcategorias. Os desfechos foram classificados em 8 categorias e 119 subcategorias. Foram relatados efeitos positivos de 71 subcategorias de intervenção para 94 subcategorias de desfecho. Lacunas: poucas revisões sistemáticas abordaram "Atenção Nutricional" e "Força de Trabalho". Não foram identificadas revisões sistemáticas sobre "Vigilância Alimentar e Nutricional", "Gestão das Ações de Alimentação e Nutrição", "Participação e Controle Social", "Pesquisa, Inovação e Conhecimento em Alimentação e Nutrição".

The evidence map was developed with reference to the nine guidelines of the National Food and Nutrition Policy (PNAN). The objective was to identify effective interventions to improve the health, food and nutrition conditions of the population. 101 systematic reviews were analyzed. Interventions were classified into 5 categories and 80 subcategories. Outcomes were classified into 8 categories and 119 subcategories. Positive effects of 71 intervention subcategories were reported for 94 outcome subcategories. Gaps: few systematic reviews addressed "Nutritional Care" and "Workforce". No systematic reviews were identified on "Food and Nutrition Surveillance", "Management of Food and Nutrition Actions", "Participation and Social Control", "Research, Innovation and Knowledge in Food and Nutrition".

Programas de Nutrição Aplicada/organização & administração , Alimentos, Dieta e Nutrição , Política Informada por Evidências , Revisões Sistemáticas como Assunto
Rev. Bras. Cancerol. (Online) ; 70(1)Jan-Mar. 2024.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS, Sec. Est. Saúde SP | ID: biblio-1537378


A assistência nutricional em cuidados paliativos possui papel preventivo e visa assegurar as necessidades nutricionais do paciente na tentativa de auxiliar o controle dos sintomas, manter a hidratação satisfatória, ressignificar a alimentação, reduzir a ansiedade, retardar o desenvolvimento da caquexia, preservar o peso e a composição nutricional. Objetivo: Desenvolver e validar o mnemônico NUTRIFICO como abordagem de assistência nutricional e comunicação de notícias difíceis em cuidados paliativos. Método: Pesquisa de desenvolvimento e validação de conteúdo que utilizou a técnica Delphi com a aplicação do delineamento misto com abordagens qualitativas e quantitativas para a coleta e análise dos dados. Os participantes, nutricionistas com atuação em cuidados paliativos e/ou formação na área, foram recrutados por amostragem do tipo bola de neve. O percentual de concordância mínimo definido para validação foi de 80% pela escala Likert de cinco pontos. Resultados: Quarenta participantes, incluindo oito "sementes", foram convidados a participar do estudo. Destes, 16 assinaram o Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido (TCLE). A análise de conteúdo seguiu duas rodadas Delphi e foi obtida uma taxa de concordância superior a 80% entre os participantes para todos os componentes. A versão final do mnemônico NUTRIFICO resultou em dois princípios-chave, oito componentes e 12 recomendações. Conclusão: O mnemônico NUTRIFICO foi considerado válido quanto ao conteúdo e, portanto, pertinente à aplicação na abordagem nutricional e comunicação de notícias difíceis em cuidados paliativos.

Nutritional assistance in palliative care has a preventive role and seeks to ensure the patient's nutritional needs in an attempt to help to control the symptoms, maintain satisfactory hydration, reframe food, reduce anxiety, delay the development of cachexia, preserve weight and nutritional composition. Objective: To develop and validate the NUTRIFICO mnemonic as an approach to nutritional assistance and communication of dismal news in palliative care. Method: Research development and validation of content utilizing the Delphi technique with the application of a mixed design with qualitative and quantitative approaches for data collection and analysis. The participants, nutritionists with experience in palliative care and/or training in the area, were recruited by sampling using the snowball method. The minimum agreement percentage defined for validation was 80% on the five-point Likert scale. Results: Forty participants were invited to participate in the study, including eight "seeds" and 16 signed the Informed Consent Form (ICF). The content analysis followed two Delphi rounds, an agreement rate greater than 80% was obtained among participants for all the components. The final version of the NUTRIFICO mnemonic presented two key principles, eight components and twelve recommendations. Conclusion: The mnemonic NUTRIFICO was validated in terms of content and relevant for the application in the nutritional approach and communication of dismal news in palliative care

Cuidados Paliativos , Alimentos , Técnica Delphi , Comunicação , Estudo de Validação , Alimentos, Dieta e Nutrição
Actual. nutr ; 24(4): 240-246, Oct-Dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1531394


Introducción: Se considera a la carne de guanaco y sus derivados un producto cárnico consumible (Art. 261, CAA). El objetivo fue evaluar los aspectos nutricionales en cortes de uso comercial (lomo y peceto) de la carne de guanaco (Lama guanicoe guanicoe), del departamento Escalante (Chubut, Argentina) durante los años 2022 y 2023. Materiales y métodos: Se obtuvieron las muestras de 10 ejemplares machos adultos. Se determinó humedad (AOAC 950.46), proteínas (AOAC 928.08), grasas totales (AOAC 960.39), cenizas (AOAC 920.153), carbohidratos (cálculo por diferencia) y colesterol (Wiener lab®). Resultados: La composición centesimal de lomo y peceto, expresada en g/100 g en base húmeda, y el contenido de colesterol, expresado en mg/100 g en base húmeda, para el año 2022, en animales faenados en la estancia La Paulina, fue: humedad 75,1±0,13 y 5,2±0,06; proteínas 22,2±0,23 y 22,3±0,18; grasas totales 0,69±0,01 y 0,68±0,02; cenizas 0,85±0,03 y 0,88±0,04; carbohidratos 1,14 y 0,95; y colesterol 58,9±4,52 y 64,4±4,20, respectivamente. No se observaron diferencias estadísticas entre la composición de ambos cortes (p>0,05). La composición centesimal de lomo y peceto, expresada en g/100 g en base húmeda, y el contenido de colesterol, expresado en mg/100 g en base húmeda, para el año 2023 fue: humedad 76,6±0,14 y 76,7±0,17; proteínas 20,6±0,21 y 20,5±0,25; grasas totales 0,58±0,03 y 0,53±0,03; cenizas 1,07±0,04 y 1,02±0,02; carbohidratos 1,21 y 1,19; y colesterol 43,5±3,17 y 37,8±2,10, respectivamente. Se observó un mayor contenido de grasa en el corte lomo (p<0,05), mientras que no se observaron diferencias estadísticas (p>0,05) para el resto de los nutrientes. Conclusiones: El guanaco es una especie abundante y silvestre, muy atractiva para el consumo humano por sus cualidades nutritivas. Este alimento autóctono representa una opción alimentaria regional, con un potencial posicionamiento en el mercado nacional e internacional como una carne exótica. La carne de guanaco presenta un contenido de proteínas ligeramente mayor, un porcentaje de grasas totales significativamente menor y un nivel de colesterol ligeramente inferior, respecto a otras carnes rojas de consumo habitual

Introduction: Guanaco meat and its derivatives are considered a consumable meat product (Art. 261, CAA). The objective was to evaluate the nutritional aspects of commercially used cuts (loin and round) of guanaco meat (Lama guanicoe guanicoe) from the Escalante department (Chubut, Argentina) during the years 2022 and 2023. Materials and Methods: Samples were obtained from 10 adult male specimens. Moisture (AOAC 950.46), protein (AOAC 928.08), total fat (AOAC 960.39), ash (AOAC 920.153), carbohydrates (calculated by difference), and cholesterol (Wiener lab®) were determined. Results: The proximate composition of loin and round, expressed as g/100 g on a wet weight basis, and the cholesterol content, expressed as mg/100 g on a wet weight basis, for the year 2022, in animals slaughtered at La Paulina ranch, was as follows: moisture 75.1±0.13 and 75.2±0.06; protein 22.2±0.23 and 22.3±0.18; total fat 0.69±0.01 and 0.68±0.02; ash 0.85±0.03 and 0.88±0.04; carbohydrates 1.14 and 0.95; and cholesterol 58.9±4.52 and 64.4±4.20, respectively. No statistical differences were observed between the composition of both cuts (p>0.05). The proximate composition of loin and round, expressed as g/100 g on a wet weight basis, and the cholesterol content, expressed as mg/100 g on a wet weight basis, for the year 2023 was as follows: moisture 76.6±0.14 and 76.7±0.17; protein 20.6±0.21 and 20.5±0.25; total fat 0.58±0.03 and 0.53±0.03; ash 1.07±0.04 and 1.02±0.02; carbohydrates 1.21 and 1.19; and cholesterol 43.5±3.17 and 37.8±2.10, respectively. A higher fat content was observed in the loin cut (p<0.05), while no statistically significant differences were observed (p>0.05) for the rest of the nutrients. Conclusions: The guanaco is an abundant and wild species, highly attractive for human consumption due to its nutritional qualities. This native food represents a regional dietary option, with potential positioning in the national and international markets as an exotic meat. Guanaco meat has a slightly higher protein content, significantly lower total fat percentage, and a slightly lower cholesterol level compared to other commonly consumed red meats

Camelídeos Americanos , Química , Alimentos, Dieta e Nutrição
Rev. biol. trop ; 71(1): e54253, dic. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1550724


Abstract Introduction: Tlaloc hildebrandi is a freshwater killifish, endemic to Southern Mexico and under threat of extinction; the knowledge of the trophic morphology and diet is needed by conservation managers. Objective: To analyse and describe the anatomy of the visceral skeleton, visceral musculature, digestive tract and its adjoining glands of T. hildebrandi; as well as its diet. Methods: We performed the trophic anatomy on 20 adult specimens of both sexes, through manual dissection; as well as gut content analysis in 60 individuals to describe the diet. Results: As notable characters of the visceral skeleton of T. hildebrandi we found the posterior notch of the premaxillary, the presence of the "coronoid cartilage", the tricuspid shape of the gill rakers of the first branchial arch, and the presence of the coronomeckelian bone; some outstanding characters of the visceral musculature are the origin of the retractor dorsalis muscle from the first four vertebral centra, and the division of the pharyngoclavicularis externus muscle into two sections. The notable characters of the digestive tube are the absence of stomach and pyloric caeca, and the presence of the "intestinal valve". Insects (IVI = 66.6 %) and ostracods (13 % IVI) were the dominant prey items of the Tlaloc hildebrandi diet; larvae and adults of the family Chironomidae were the most dominant insects in the diet (53 % IVI). Conclusions: The organization of the digestive system of T. hildebrandi corresponds to the general morphologic pattern of the Cyprinodontiformes; however, we register as new information for these fish, the presence of the "coronoid cartilage" and the "intestinal valve". The structures of the trophic morphology and the components of the diet, confirms us that T. hildebrandi is a carnivorous-insectivorous fish.

Resumen Introducción: Tlaloc hildebrandi es un killi de agua dulce, endémico del sur de México y bajo amenaza de extinción; el conocimiento de la morfología trófica y la dieta son necesarios para los administradores de la conservación. Objetivo: Analizar y describir la anatomía del esqueleto visceral, la musculatura visceral, el tracto digestivo y las glándulas adyacentes de T. hildebrandi; así como los componentes de su dieta. Métodos: Mediante la técnica del descarnado manual, realizamos la descripción de la anatomía trófica en 20 especímenes adultos de ambos sexos, y el análisis del contenido estomacal en 60 individuos para describir la dieta. Resultados: Como caracteres sobresalientes del esqueleto visceral de T. hildebrandi está la escotadura posterior del premaxilar, la presencia del "cartílago coronoides", la forma tricúspide de las branquiespinas del primer arco branquial y la presencia del hueso coronomeckeliano; como caracteres de la musculatura visceral sobresalen el origen del músculo retractor dorsalis de los cuatro primeros centros vertebrales, y la división del músculo pharyngoclavicularis externus en dos secciones. Los caracteres notables del tubo digestivo son la ausencia de estómago y de ciegos pilóricos y la presencia de la "válvula intestinal". Los insectos (IVI = 66.6 %) y ostrácodos (13 % IVI) fueron los componentes dominantes de la dieta de T. hildebrandi; particularmente las larvas y adultos de la familia Chironomidae fueron los insectos más abundantes en la dieta (53 % IVI). Conclusiones: La organización del sistema digestivo de T. hildebrandi corresponde al patrón morfológico general de los Cyprinodontiformes, sin embargo, se registra como nueva información para estos peces, la presencia del cartílago coronoides y la válvula intestinal. Las estructuras de la morfología trófica y los componentes de la dieta nos confirman que T. hildebrandi es un pez carnívoro-insectívoro.

Animais , Ciprinodontiformes/anatomia & histologia , Alimentos, Dieta e Nutrição , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , México
Rev. esp. nutr. comunitaria ; 29(4): 1-12, Octubre-Diciembre, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-229072


Fundamentos: El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la relación entre el estado nutricional, la calidad de vida ylas comorbilidades en individuos con enfermedad cardiovascular.Métodos: El estudio se realizó con 127 pacientes en la consulta de cardiología. Se registraron datosdemográficos, se realizaron mediciones antropométricas. Se utilizaron las puntuaciones NRS-2002 y CONUTpara determinar el riesgo de desnutrición, el índice de comorbilidad de Charlson (ICC) para evaluar el estadode comorbilidad, la escala de calidad de vida SF-12 para evaluar la calidad de vida.Resultados: El valor medio de CCI de los participantes fue 3,96 ± 1,81, la puntuación CONUT fue 2,31 ± 2,27,la puntuación del componente físico SF-12 fue 34,70 ± 8,97, la puntuación del componente mental fue 39,33± 9,56. La puntuación de NRS-2002 se correlacionó positivamente con CCI (r=0,400), la puntuación CONUT(r=0,561) y se correlacionó negativamente con las puntuaciones de los componentes físico (r= 0,502) y mental(r=-0,468) del SF-12. La puntuación del CCI se correlacionó negativamente con las puntuaciones de loscomponentes físico (r=-0,309) y mental (r=-0,296) del SF-12 (p<0,05). Además, se predijo que un aumento de1 DE en la puntuación de NRS reduciría las puntuaciones de los componentes físico y mental del SF-12 en0,185 y 0,215, respectivamente. También se encontró que la puntuación CONUT tenía un efecto negativosobre el componente físico del SF-12 (p<0,05).Conclusiones: Se concluyó que el riesgo de desnutrición es alto en individuos con enfermedadescardiovasculares. (AU)

Background: The aim of the study was to evaluate the relationship between nutritional status, quality of lifeand comorbidities in individuals with cardiovascular disease.Methods: he study was carried out with 127 patients in the cardiology clinic. Demographic data wererecorded, anthropometric measurements were performed. NRS-2002 and CONUT scores were used todetermine the risk of malnutrition, Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) was used to evaluate the comorbiditystatus, SF-12 quality of life scale was used to evaluate the quality of life.Results: The mean CCI value of the participants was 3.96±1.81, CONUT score was 2.31±2.27, SF-12 physicalcomponent score was 34.70±8.97, mental component score was 39.33±9.56. NRS-2002 score was positivelycorrelated with CCI (r=0.400), CONUT score (r=0.561) and negatively correlated with SF-12 physical (r=-0.502),mental (r=-0.468) component scores. CCI score was negatively correlated with both physical (r=-0.309),mental (r=-0.296) component scores of SF-12 (p<0.05). In addition, an increase of 1 SD in NRS score werepredicted to reduce the physical and mental component scores of SF-12 by 0.185 and 0.215, respectively.CONUT score were also found to have a negative effect on the physical component of SF-12 (p<0.05).Conclusions: It was concluded that the risk of malnutrition is high in individuals with cardiovascular diseases.(AU)

Humanos , Cardiologia , Alimentos, Dieta e Nutrição , Comorbidade , Demografia/estatística & dados numéricos , Antropometria
Rev. esp. nutr. comunitaria ; 29(4): 1-7, Octubre-Diciembre, 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-229073


Fundamentos: El síndrome metabólico es un conjunto de factores de riesgo cardiovascular que junto con unestilo de vida inadecuado puede generar una importante morbimortalidad en la población adulta, afectandosu salud y productividad. El objetivo fue determinar la relación entre el estilo de vida y el síndromemetabólico (SM) en el personal de la salud durante la pandemia por COVID-19 en un hospital en el distrito deAte, 2022.Métodos: Diseño no experimental, descriptivo, correlacional y transversal. Los participantes fueron 416trabajadores de un hospital en el distrito de Ate. El SM fue valorado según la definición la FederaciónInternacional de Diabetes (FID) y el estilo de vida mediante el cuestionario Fantástico. Para la asociación devariables se aplicó prueba de chi-cuadrado.Resultados: Participaron 304 (73,1%) mujeres y 112 (26,9%) hombres, con edades entre 30-59 años (n=395,94,9%) y mayores de 60 años (n=21, 5,1%). La prevalencia del SM fue del 52,2%. Se observó una relaciónentre estilos de vida y el SM. Al identificarse las características clínicas del personal de salud se encontrósegún los componentes del SM diferenciado por género, en mujeres y varones que además de presentarObesidad central, HTA, triglicéridos elevados y glicemia alterada.Conclusiones: La prevalencia de SM se presentó en más de la mitad de los participantes, siendo superior enlas mujeres; se encontró asociación entre la presencia de SM y los estilos de vida.(AU)

Background: The metabolic syndrome is a set of cardiovascular risk factors that together with an inadequatelifestyle can generate significant morbidity and mortality in the adult population, affecting their health andproductivity. The objective was to determine the relationship between lifestyle and metabolic syndrome (MS)in health personnel during the COVID-19 pandemic in a hospital in Ate district, 2022.Methods: Non-experimental, descriptive, correlational and cross-sectional design. The participants were 416workers from a hospital in Ate district. MS was assessed according to the definition of the InternationalDiabetes Federation (IDF) and lifestyle using the Fantastic questionnaire. For the association of variables, achi-square test was applied.Results: 304 (73.1%) women and 112 (26.9%) men participated, aged between 30-59 years (n=395, 94.9%)and over 60 years old (n=21, 5.1%). The prevalence of MS was 52.2%. A relationship was observed betweenlifestyles and MS. When the clinical characteristics of the health personnel were identified, it was foundaccording to the components of the MS differentiated by gender, in women and men who, in addition topresenting central obesity, HBP, elevated triglycerides and altered glycemia.Conclusions: The prevalence of MS was present in more than half of the participants, being higher in women;an association was found between the presence of MS and lifestyles.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Estilo de Vida , Síndrome Metabólica , Pessoal de Saúde , Alimentos, Dieta e Nutrição
Rev. esp. nutr. comunitaria ; 29(4): 1-8, Octubre-Diciembre, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-229074


Fundamentos: La dieta familiar influye en el estado de nutrición de sus integrantes, consumir dietas menos diversas, de poca calidad o alimentos con poco o nulo aporte nutricional tendrá repercusiones importantes en el estado de salud. En comunidades rurales la dieta se ve condicionada por los niveles de seguridad alimentaria, por lo que se vuelve de vital importancia evaluar las características de la dieta para revertir la carga de malnutrición concentrada en estas áreas geográficas. Métodos: Se utilizó la información del cuestionario semicuantitativo de frecuencia de consumo familiar de alimentos (de siete días) de un estudio transversal descriptivo observacional del Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición Salvador Zubirán (INCMNSZ) realizado en el año 2017 dentro de dos localidades de la Zona Mazahua, Estado de México. Se analizaron dos características de la dieta (calidad y equilibrio) de 48 familias, para lo cual se estimó el total de kilocalorías obtenidas en su dieta familiar y se dividió en porcentajes según el macronutriente de donde se obtuvieron, categorizando como dieta equilibrada a aquellas que se encontraran dentro los rangos recomendables de los tres macronutrientes. A su vez, se clasificaron los alimentos en: “recomendables para consumo cotidiano”, y “no recomendables para su consumo cotidiano” como criterio para categorizar la característica de calidad. Resultados: Se observó que el 74,21% de la energía obtenida a nivel familiar fue a partir de alimentos “recomendables para consumo cotidiano”, siendo la distribución de macronutrientes obtenidos a partir de los alimentos recomendables el 38,50% a través de carbohidratos, 24,08% lípidos y 11,62% proteínas. El 22,92% de las familias evaluadas mantenía una dieta equilibrada. Conclusión: La calidad de la dieta es adecuada debido a que proviene mayoritariamente de alimentos recomendables para su consumo cotidiano, sin embrago ... (AU)

Background: The family diet influences the nutritional status of its members; consuming less diverse diets, of poor quality, or foods with little or no nutritional contribution will have important repercussions on the state of health. In rural communities, the diet is conditioned by the levels of food security, it becomes vitally important to evaluate the characteristics of the diet to reverse the burden of malnutrition concentrated in these geographical areas. Methods: Information from the semi-quantitative questionnaire on family food consumption frequency (seven days) from a descriptive observational cross-sectional study of the Salvador Zubirán National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition (INCMNSZ) carried out in 2017 in two locations in the Zone Mazahua, State of Mexico. Two characteristics of the diet (quality and balance) of 48 families were analyzed, for which the total kilocalories obtained in their family diet were estimated and divided into percentages according to the macronutrient from which they were obtained, categorizing as balanced diet those that they will be within the recommended ranges of the three macronutrients. In turn, the foods were classified as: "recommended for daily consumption" and "not recommended for daily consumption" as a criterion to categorize the quality characteristic. Results: It was observed that 74.21% of the energy obtained at the family level was from foods "recommended for daily consumption", with the distribution of macronutrients obtained from these foods being 38.50% through carbohydrates, 24.08% lipids and 11.62% proteins. 22.92% of the families evaluated maintained a balanced diet. Conclusions: The quality of the diet is adequate because it comes mostly from foods recommended for daily consumption, however, it does not cover the parameters to categorize it as a balanced diet. (AU)

Humanos , Dieta , Alimentos , Qualidade dos Alimentos , Alimentos, Dieta e Nutrição , Alimentos Industrializados , México , Estudos Transversais , Epidemiologia Descritiva
Multimedia | Recursos Multimídia, MULTIMEDIA-SMS-SP | ID: multimedia-11957


Nutrição em Ação mostra que 65% das pessoas que trabalham acabam fazendo suas refeições principais fora de casa como, por exemplo, o almoço. A nossa nutricionista foi em um restaurante por quilo para mostrar como se monta um prato equilibrado.

Ciências da Nutrição , Alimentos, Dieta e Nutrição
Multimedia | Recursos Multimídia, MULTIMEDIA-SMS-SP | ID: multimedia-11961


O Programa Nutrição em Ação foi na feira livre mostrar quais as frutas que a população mias consome, as vitaminas de cada fruta, como elas podem introduzidas na alimentação e os benefícios que trazem à saúde.

Proteínas de Frutas , Ciências da Nutrição , Alimentos, Dieta e Nutrição
Nutr. hosp ; 40(5): 911-918, SEPTIEMBRE-OCTUBRE, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-226290


Introduction: enteral nutrition is an effective method for restoring the nutritional status in patients unable to eat or fulfil nutritional requirements orally. Objectives: the ECONES study aimed to describe the treatment of patients requiring home enteral nutrition (HEN) in routine practice and the experience of specialists with the high-protein hypercaloric formula 2.0 with fiber IS50 (HP/HC 2.0). Methods: Spanish specialists answered a 38-questions survey about their last six patients with HEN and their treatment with HP/HC 2.0 formula. Results: the formulas were chosen based on the patients’ requirements. HP/HC 2.0 was administered in a mean of 31.5 % of patients, and for a mean of 42.2 % of those, it was selected since the beginning of treatment. According to 92.4 % of specialists, the HP/HC 2.0 was considered as adequate based on nutritional requirements. Among adverse reactions, specialists reported diarrhea, bloating and constipation. Specialists reported that caregivers (90.6 %) stated that HP/HC 2.0 was well tolerated by patients (90.6 %) and expressed comfort with the frequency (75.3 %) and administration time (82.9 %).Conclusions: according to the specialists, formulas are chosen based on patients’ characteristics. Patients with high nutritional needs benefit from the HP/HC 2.0 formula as it allows volume restriction, presents few adverse events, and improves the quality of life of the patients. (AU)

Introducción: la nutrición enteral es un método eficaz para restaurar el estado nutricional en pacientes que no pueden comer o satisfacer los requerimientos nutricionales por vía oral.Objetivos: el estudio ECONES tuvo como objetivo describir el tratamiento de pacientes que requieren nutrición enteral domiciliaria (NED) en la práctica habitual y la experiencia de especialistas con la fórmula hipercalórica hiperproteica 2.0 con fibra IS50 (HP/HC 2.0).Métodos: los especialistas españoles respondieron a un cuestionario de 38 preguntas sobre sus últimos seis pacientes con NED y su tratamiento con fórmula HP/HC 2.0.Resultados: las fórmulas fueron elegidas en función de los requerimientos de los pacientes. Se administró HP/HC 2.0 en una media del 31,5 % de los pacientes, y se seleccionó desde el inicio del tratamiento para una media del 42,2 %. Según el 92,4 % de los especialistas, se consideró la HP/HC 2.0 adecuada en función de las necesidades nutricionales. Entre los acontecimientos adversos, destacaron la diarrea, hinchazón y estreñimiento. Los especialistas indicaron que los cuidadores (90,6 %) afirmaron que la HP/HC 2.0 fue bien tolerada por los pacientes (90,6 %) y expresaron comodidad con la frecuencia (75,3 %) y con el tiempo de administración (82,9 %).Conclusiones: según los especialistas, las fórmulas se eligen en función de las características de los pacientes. Los pacientes con altas necesidades nutricionales se benefician de la fórmula HP/HC 2.0, ya que permite la restricción de volumen, presenta pocos acontecimientos adversos y mejora la calidad de vida de los pacientes. (AU)

Humanos , Estado Nutricional , Alimentos, Dieta e Nutrição , Qualidade de Vida , Alimentos Formulados , Inquéritos e Questionários , Nutricionistas/tendências