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Rev. med. cine ; 19(3): 249-253, sep. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-225629


El manuscrito hace una revisión sobre la historia de la Academia de Los Linceanos creada a principios de siglo XVII con todas las vicisitudes que rodearon una existencia la cual ya supera los 500 años. Como una muestra cabal de sus claroscuros se efectúa un repaso de las peripecias atravesadas en los años del fascismo, la política antisemita que la atravesó y la posterior reconstitución concluida la guerra. Vayan pues para ella, los deseos de una travesía en plena armonía y no más sobresaltos. (AU)

The manuscript reviews the history of the Academy of the Linceans created at the beginning of the 17th century with all its ups and downs surrounding an existence that already exceeds 500 years. As a clear example of such chiaroscuro, an account of the threats experienced during the fascist period together with its piercing anti-Semitic policy, and the subsequent reconstitution after the war, is also made. Long live then to the Academy, and our very best wishes for a consonant future devoid of upsetting facts. (AU)

História do Século XVI , História do Século XVII , História do Século XX , Fascismo , Academias e Institutos/história , Universidades , Disciplinas das Ciências Naturais , Itália
Asclepio ; 74(2)dic. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-212887


En la primera década del siglo XX la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, fundada en 1905, creó un moderno y bien dotado Instituto de Física. En este trabajo estudiamos el impacto que esa iniciativa tuvo sobre la modernización de la enseñanza de la física a nivel medio y universitario en la Argentina. Nos concentramos en dos de los egresados más representativos del Instituto de aquellos años, Ramón G. Loyarte y Enrique Loedel Palumbo, y analizamos sus trabajos pedagógicos más importantes y la recepción pública que tuvieron. Estos trabajos son una muestra del aporte del Instituto de Física a la elevación del nivel de educación nacional en el campo de las ciencias físicas en la primera mitad del siglo XX.(AU)

In the first decade of the 20th century, the Universidad Nacional de La Plata, founded in 1905, created a modern and well-equipped Physics Institute. In this paper we study the impact that this initiative had on the modernisation of physics teaching at secondary and university level in Argentina. We focus on two of the most representative graduates of the Institute in those years, Ramón G. Loyarte and Enrique Loedel Palumbo, and analyse their most important pedagogical works and the public reception they received. These works are a sample of the contribution of the Institute of Physics to the raising of the level of national education in the field of physical sciences in the first half of the 20th century.(AU)

Humanos , Física/educação , Ensino , Disciplinas das Ciências Naturais/educação , História do Século XX , História da Medicina
Asclepio ; 74(2)dic. 2022. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-212901


Los museos de historia natural han vivido una gran transformación a lo largo de su historia, y se han consolidado hoy en día como verdaderos centros de investigación y divulgación social de la ciencia. El caso concreto del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales de Madrid no ha sido una excepción. El presente trabajo pretende analizar una época y un relato clave de este Museo: los primeros años de la posguerra española y las consecuencias que tuvo la Guerra Civil para la evolución de esta institución. Se trató de una etapa en la que el Museo tuvo que hacer frente a grandes pérdidas de material, experimentó cambios administrativos, sufrió depuraciones de personal y contó con una sensación generalizada de desinterés y descomposición. El inicio de este periodo de dificultades se alejó del ambiente modernizador que se venía fraguando durante la Edad de Plata y, en definitiva, paralizó rotundamente la actividad científica y museográfica de la institución.(AU)

Natural history museums have undergone a great transformation throughout their history, and have consolidated themselves today as true centers of research and social dissemination of science. The specific case of the National Museum of Natural Sciences in Madrid has not been an exception. This paper aims to analyze a key period and a story of this Museum, the first decade of the Spanish post-war period, and the consequences of the Civil War for the evolution of this institution. This was a period in which the Museum had to deal with large losses of material, underwent administrative changes, suffered staff purges, and a general feeling of disinterest and decay. The beginning of this difficult period moved away from the modernizing environment that was developing during the Silver Age, and ultimately halted the scientific and museography activity of the institution was stopped.(AU)

Humanos , Exposições Científicas , Disciplinas das Ciências Naturais , História Natural , Espanha , História da Medicina , Ciência/história
Asclepio ; 71(2): 0-0, jul.-dic. 2019.
Artigo em Português | IBECS | ID: ibc-191058


Este artigo centra-se no vasto e complexo processo científico e institucional ligado à recolha de artefactos e à formação de colecções científico-naturais, etnológicas e antropológicas, provenientes de vários espaços coloniais extra-europeus em Portugal durante a segunda metade do século XVIII. Faz ainda referência às instituições que albergaram estes materiais. Neste período em que a ciência era, por definição, útil e devia servir ao interesse público na prossecução do bem-estar, do progresso e da felicidade dos povos, os estudos produzidos tiveram como objectivo contribuir para um levantamento científico com pretensões enciclopedistas, destinado a produzir um conhecimento minucioso dos espaços imperiais através da identificação, recolecção e estudo das produções naturais e das "características físicas e morais" dos indígenas. A curiosidade científica que caracterizou os grupos sociais envolvidos neste processo permitiu a corporização dum conjunto de práticas que era pensado em Lisboa e implementado pelos vassalos da coroa em todo o império. Deste conjunto de práticas, quero destacar as viagens filosóficas, explorações científicas vocacionadas para a descrição física e económica dos territórios e para a inventariação dos recursos naturais, consideradas como instrumento de modernização política e administrativa do império numa altura em que a ciência e a técnica eram vistas como ferramentas imprescindíveis ao desenvolvimento do Estado Moderno

This article focuses on the vast and complex scientific and institutional process related to the collection of artefacts and the formation of scientific-natural, ethnological and anthropological collections from various extra-European colonial spaces in Portugal during the second half of the eighteenth century. It also addresses the institutions that housed these materials. In a period when science was, by definition, useful and should serve the public interest in the pursuit of welfare, progress and the happiness of peoples, scientific studies had the objective of contributing to a scientific survey with encyclopaedic pretensions of the imperial spaces through the identification, collection and study of the natural productions and the "physical and moral characteristics" of the natives. The scientific curiosity that characterized the social groups involved in this process allowed the embodiment of a set of practices that was thought in Lisbon and implemented by Portuguese subjects throughout the empire. From this set of practices, I would like to highlight the philosophical voyages, scientific explorations aimed at the physical and economic description of the territories and the inventory of natural resources, considered as an instrument of political and administrative modernization of the empire at a time when science and technology were considered as essential tools for the development of the Modern State

No disponible

Humanos , Viagem/história , Museus/organização & administração , Coleções como Assunto , História Natural/história , Ciência/história , Portugal , História do Século XVIII , Exposições Científicas , Disciplinas das Ciências Naturais/história , Universidades/história
Asclepio ; 71(2): 0-0, jul.-dic. 2019.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-191063


Los edificios culturales y científicos de Madrid se vieron muy perjudicados por la guerra civil española (1936-1939). Madrid fue una ciudad asediada y bombardeada por los sublevados. En la capital se encontraban los más importantes museos, la Biblioteca Nacional y las principales instituciones científicas y de humanidades, en donde trabajaban los más relevantes investigadores de la época. A comienzos de la guerra tuvo lugar la incautación de bibliotecas y colecciones de ciencias naturales en palacios y edificios pertenecientes a aristócratas, financieros, personas contrarias a la República y colegios de religiosos. Los naturalistas del Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Naturales organizaron la conservación y protección de las colecciones biológicas, mientras que bombas y obuses impactaban en las instituciones científicas de la zona republicana

The cultural and scientific buildings of Madrid were severely damaged by the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Madrid was a city besieged and bombed by the rebels. In the capital were the most important museums, the National Library and the main scientific and humanities institutions, where the most important researchers of the time worked. At the beginning of the war the confiscation of libraries and collections of natural sciences took place in palaces and buildings belonging to aristocrats, financiers, people opposed to the Republic and religious schools. The naturalists of the National Institute of Natural Sciences organized the conservation and protection of the biological collections, while bombs and howitzers fell on the scientific institutions of the republican zone

Humanos , Guerra/história , Museus/organização & administração , Coleções como Assunto , História Natural/história , Ciência/história , Exposição à Guerra/história , Exposições Científicas , Disciplinas das Ciências Naturais/história , Efeitos de Desastres nas Edificações
Asclepio ; 71(2): 0-0, jul.-dic. 2019.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-191064


Este trabajo quiere mostrar una faceta del papel desempeñado por el coleccionismo y las colecciones científicas en la formación de los naturalistas durante la Edad de Plata de la ciencia española. El objetivo es evidenciar que la Junta para Ampliación de Estudios, principal institución que impulsó ese proyecto, aspiraba a crear intelectuales con capacidad de participar en la gobernanza del país (una nueva cultura política). La JAE encarnó un proyecto científico racionalista que se oponía a las visiones más conservadoras, defensoras de una ciencia católica, en una lucha que no se restringía a la ciencia, sino que alcanzaba lo social, lo político y lo cultural. Para ello recurrimos a la biografía del botánico José Cuatrecasas partiendo del enfoque de una historia sociocultural de la ciencia y una historia de las ideas

This work aims to show a piece of the important role that collecting and scientific collections played in the training to become naturalist during the Silver Age of Spanish science (1900-1936). It attempts to show that the Junta para Ampliación de Estudios (JAE), the main institution that promoted such a modern scientific project, aspired to create an intellectual elite with the capacity to participate in the governance of the State (a new political culture). The JAE incarnated a rationalist scientific model that opposed the ultraconservative positions, which were defenders of a Catholic science. Both of them were involved in a struggle that was not only restricted to science, but it reached all social, political and cultural aspects of national living. This article takes the biography of the botanic José Cuatrecasas as starting point and its analysis will be processed from the sociocultural History of Science and the History of Ideas

Humanos , Museus/organização & administração , Coleções como Assunto , História Natural/história , Ciência/história , Disciplinas das Ciências Naturais/história , Pesquisa/história , Pesquisadores/história , Botânica/história , Flora/história , Religião e Ciência
Asclepio ; 70(1): 0-0, ene.-jun. 2018. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-173505


José María Dusmet (1869-1960) fue un reconocido entomólogo español, especialista en macrohimenópteros, que desarrolló su labor vinculado al Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales aun sin ocupar oficialmente puesto alguno. En 1925 un joven universitario de Valencia, Modesto Quilis (1904-1938), contactó con él para solicitarle consejo para progresar en su afición por los insectos. A partir de ese momento, y durante más de diez años, Dusmet fue iniciando a Quilis en la práctica entomológica profesional. Así, le asesoraba en la adquisición de ejemplares y bibliografía, al tiempo que le facilitaba contactos entre especialistas nacionales y extranjeros y le resolvía dudas de nomenclatura y taxonomía. Además, le inició en un cierto ethos caballeresco de la práctica naturalista. Con el tiempo, Quilis logró una inserción profesional como entomólogo especialista en microhimenópteros y control biológico de las plagas del campo, iniciando una prometedora carrera que frustró su temprana muerte. Las cartas que ambos intercambiaron, conservadas en el Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, ponen de relieve los detalles de un magisterio en la distancia intensamente cargado de admiración mutua y cultivo de la amistad

José María Dusmet (1869-1960) was a renowned Spanish entomologist. He specialized in big Hymenoptera, developing his tasks at the National Museum of Natural Sciences in Madrid, despite the fact he never occupied an official position. In 1925, Modesto Quilis (1904-1938), a student from Valencia, wrote Dusmet in order to obtain advice on how to make progress in entomological studies. From that moment and for more than a decade, Dusmet gave Quilis guidance to the practice of professional entomology in a diversity of aspects, e.g., acquisition of specimens and bibliography, contacts with other colleagues in Spain and other countries, or questions on taxonomy and nomenclature. He also introduced his young disciple in a certain kind of scientific ethos, based on a chivalric sense of the relationship between natural history practitioners. Some years went by and Quilis obtained an official job as entomologist specialized in microhymenoptera and pest control. His promising career was cut short by his premature death. Exchange letters between both naturalists have been consulted at the Archive of the National Museum of Natural History. This correspondence highlights the details of a sort of teaching-in-distance, pervaded by friendship and mutual admiration

Humanos , Insetos/ultraestrutura , Entomologia/história , História Natural/educação , Disciplinas das Ciências Naturais/história , Correspondência como Assunto/história
Asclepio ; 70(1): 0-0, ene.-jun. 2018.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-173507


En este artículo trataremos de caracterizar las principales razones teóricas del cambio de perspectiva del escolasticismo a la filosofía de la modernidad temprana en lo concerniente al estudio de las facultades cognitivas y emotivas. Para lograr nuestro objetivo, sintetizaremos el contexto intelectual del estudio de las pasiones; después, distinguiremos dos grandes corrientes del pensamiento naturalista: en primer lugar, la tesis reduccionista que fue adoptada, entre otros, por Thomas Hobbes, Pierre Gassendi y René Descartes; en segundo lugar, el proyecto de establecer y describir la "dinámica de la vida mental" que fue desarrollado por Thomas Hobbes, John Locke y David Hume. Al dar cuenta de esto, esperamos también obtener una comprensión más clara sobre los cambios de perspectiva que fueron propuestos por algunos filósofos de la modernidad temprana, cuyas ideas avanzaron hacia la naturalización de la antropología filosófica

In this paper we will try to characterize the main theoretical grounds that promoted the change of view from Scholasticism to Early Modern Philosophy on the emotive and cognitive faculties; to achieve this task, we will summarize the intellectual background for the study of passions; then, we will differentiate two mainly "naturalistic" trends of thought: First, the reductionist thesis, adopted by Thomas Hobbes, Pierre Gassendi and René Descartes, among others; and second, the attempt to establish and describe the dynamics of mental life, which was developed by Thomas Hobbes, John Locke and David Hume. On giving this account, we expect also to gain a clearer comprehension about the changes of perspective that were proposed by some Early Modern thinkers, whose views developed towards a new naturalized philosophical anthropology

Humanos , Filosofia Médica , Emoções , Sintomas Afetivos , Cognição , Impulso (Psicologia) , Motivação , Disciplinas das Ciências Naturais/história , História Natural/história , Antropologia Médica
Apuntes psicol ; 36(1/2): 7-20, 2018. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-178020


El artículo empieza por discutir la autoconcepción de la Psicología como ciencia natural basada en el supuesto método científico. Esta autoconcepción positivista, además de dejar fuera temas irrenunciables de la Psicología que merezca su nombre, está en la base del persistente dualismo y del aclamado cerebrocentrismo con el que se pretende superar aquél. Se muestran variantes del dualismo en distintos enfoques de la Psicología entre ellos la psicología del procesamiento de información, la neurociencia cognitiva y la psicología evolucionista. Se ofrecen algunos puntos para superar el dualismo, así como ejemplos de psicologías actuales no-dualistas. La buena noticia es que del dualismo y del cerebrocentrismo se puede salir, con tal de pensar más allá de los lugares comunes

The article begins by discussing the self-conception of psychology as a natural science based on the supposed scientific method. This positivist self-conception, apart from leaving irrevocable themes of psychology worthy of its name, is at the base of the persistent dualism and the acclaimed brain-centrism with which it is intended to overcome that one. Variants of dualism are shown in different approaches to psychology, including the psychology of information processing, cognitive neuroscience and evolutionary psychology. Some points are offered to overcome the dualism, as well as examples of current non-dualist psychologies. The good news is that we can get out of dualism and brain-centrism, as long you think beyond the commonplaces

Humanos , Autoimagem , Neurociência Cognitiva , Psicologia/métodos , Dominância Cerebral , Disciplinas das Ciências Naturais , Neurociências , Teoria Gestáltica , Neuropsicologia
Int. j. psychol. psychol. ther. (Ed. impr.) ; 17(3): 267-275, oct. 2017. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-166736


The analysis of human behavior is a difficult endeavour, because of its variability, its generativity, and because of the influence of private events in our own acting. Behavior Analysis provided the first experimental bases to study these difficulties from a functional philosophy of behavior and, in 70', unexpected research findings opened the door towards an excellent avenue for the analysis of complex human behavior. Then, Relational Frame Theory began to be rooted and language, as a relational behavior, as framing, was experimentally approached. Several relational behaviors were identified, among others, deictic and hierarchical framing. As well coherence emerged as a historically established function of the behavior of framing. This presentation is focused on coherence and hierarchical framing as the key points of self/one's behavior and responding to the one's own behavior. Its implications extend to a wide range of scientific fields where a contextual human behavior approach is helpful (AU)

No disponible

Humanos , Comportamento/fisiologia , Ego , Psicologia Experimental/métodos , Congressos como Assunto , Disciplinas das Ciências Naturais/métodos , Psicopatologia/métodos , Behaviorismo , Pensamento/fisiologia , Emoções Manifestas/fisiologia , Saúde Mental/tendências
Asclepio ; 68(1): 0-0, ene.-jun. 2016. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-153976


As a supplement to John L. Heilbron’s account, I will argue that, although the label ‘experimental physics’ can be rightfully used to describe aspects of Petrus van Musschenbroek’s (1692-1761) work, the latter’s understanding of ‘physica’ is to be situated within a broader framework in which theological, philosophical and teleological considerations continued to play an important role. First, I will draw attention to Musschenbroek’s views on the scope of physica and especially to his conception of a law of nature. It will be shown that by radicalizing certain aspects of Isaac Newton’s methodological ideas van Musschenbroek no longer considered physics as the discipline that uncovered causes from effects, as Newton did, but as the discipline that studies the effects of unknown causes. In addition, I will show that van Musschenbroek endorsed the view that the laws of nature are contingent on God’s free will and that they are knowable due to his goodness. Second, it will be argued that for van Musschenbroek physics, alongside with teleology, had clear physico-theological repercussions. Along the way, van Musschenbroek’s views on the principle of sufficient reason will be discussed for the first time (AU)

Como complemento al relato de John L. Heilbron, argumentaré que aunque la etiqueta ‘física experimental’ se puede usar legítimamente para describir algunos aspectos de la obra de Petrus van Musschenbroek (1692-1761), la comprensión de la ‘physica’ de este último se ha de entender dentro de un marco más amplio en el que las consideraciones teológicas, filosóficas, y teleológicas continuaron desempeñando una función importante. En primer lugar, me centraré en la concepción de van Musschenbroek en el ámbito de la ‘physica’ y en especial en su concepto de una ley de la naturaleza. Se verá que, al radicalizar algunos aspectos de las ideas metodológicas de Isaac Newton, van Musschenbroek ya no se considera la física como la disciplina que descubre las causas de efectos, como hizo Newton, sino como la disciplina que estudia los efectos de causas desconocidas. Además, se verá que van Musschenbroek pensaba que las leyes de la naturaleza están supeditadas a la libre voluntad de Dios y que son cognoscibles debido a la bondad de Dios. En segundo lugar, argumentaré que para van Musschenbroek la física, junto con la teleología, tenía claras repercusiones físico-teológicas. En el camino, por primera vez discutirá su posición en relación con el principio de razón suficiente (AU)

História do Século XVI , História do Século XVII , Física/história , Teologia/história , Filosofia/história , Manuscritos como Assunto/história , Disciplinas das Ciências Naturais/história , Disciplinas das Ciências Naturais/métodos
Asclepio ; 68(1): 0-0, ene.-jun. 2016. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-153977


Este artículo muestra que en las décadas finales del siglo XVIII, más allá de las relaciones diplomáticas y los conflictos militares entre Portugal y España, existieron importantes conexiones científicas, que han sido poco estudiadas. Teniendo como punto de partida la casi desconocida Specimen Florae Americae Meridionalis (1780), una obra botánica compuesta de cuatro volúmenes, producida en el Real Museu da Ajuda (Lisboa), exploraremos el interés que suscitó en los círculos de estudiosos y aficionados a la botánica en Lisboa la llegada de más de doscientos dibujos de plantas procedentes de la Real Expedición Botánica al Virreinato del Perú (1777-1788). Considerando las personalidades portuguesas, españolas e inglesas que estuvieron implicadas en la presencia de estos diseños en Portugal, recuperaremos algunas de las prácticas que posibilitaban en este período la circulación de conocimientos científicos y el adelanto de la botánica. En este sentido, este estudio pretende realizar una aportación novedosa a la Historia de la Botánica en Portugal y España y apuntar caminos para futuras investigaciones (AU)

This paper shows that in the final decades of the eighteenth century, beyond the diplomatic and military conflicts between Portugal and Spain, there were important scientific connections, which have been little studied. Having as a starting point the almost unknown Specimen Florae Americae Meridionalis (1780), a four volumes botanical work produced in Real Museu da Ajuda (Lisbon), we will explore the interest aroused in the circles of scholars and amateur botanists the arrival in Lisbon of over two hundred drawings of plants from the Royal Botanical Expedition to the Viceroyalty of Peru (1777-1788). Considering the Portuguese, Spanish and English personalities who were involved in the presence of these drawings in Portugal we will recover some of the practices that made possible in this period the circulation of scientific knowledge and the advancement of botany. In this sense, this study aims to make a novel contribution to the History of Botany in Portugal and Spain, and point paths for future research (AU)

História do Século XVIII , Botânica/história , Pinturas/história , Flora/história , Produtos Biológicos/história , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/história , Exploração de Recursos Naturais/história , Expedições/história , Peru/epidemiologia , Fotografia/história , Parques Recreativos/história , Disciplinas das Ciências Naturais/história , Reservas Naturais/história , História Natural/educação , História Natural/história , História Natural/métodos
Sanid. mil ; 72(2): 131-143, abr.-jun. 2016. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-154317


Revisamos la vida y obra científica de D. Antonio Casares Gil (1871-1929), siguiendo una línea cronológica desde su nacimiento en Santiago de Compostela, su paso por Barcelona, la guerra de Cuba, Madrid y la Coruña. Con ello intentamos plantear, simultáneamente, su quehacer profesional asistencial y científico-militar, relacionándolos con sus actividades civiles y académicas. A pesar de la diferencia de métodos y objetivos de la medicina y la botánica, gracias a Laín y Albarracín, conseguimos encontrar un nexo de unión, que podría explicar la dedicación y aptitudes de Casares para ambas ciencias, en el paralelismo entre species morborum y species plantarum, establecido por el gran clínico Thomas Sydenham, padre de la nosología moderna. También hemos fijado la posición de Antonio Casares tanto en la Sanidad militar española como europea, ya que estuvo comisionado en ejércitos extranjeros por el gobierno; como en el concierto de los botánicos nacionales e internacionales. Dado que fue un gran trabajador, exento de obligaciones familiares directas, en su caso, vida y obra se confunden casi por completo

We review the life and scientific labour of Antonio Casares Gil (1871-1929), following a timeline from his birth at Santiago de Compostela, passing through his stay at Barcelona, his intervention in the Spanish-American War, and also referring to his labour in Madrid and La Coruña. It is our intention to present, simultaneously, both his welfare and scientific-militar task and his civil academical activities. Despite the differences between medical and botanic methods and goals we manage to find -thanks to Laín and Albarracín- a nexus which could explain the devotion and ability of Casares for both sciences in the parallelism between species morborum and species planctarum, which was stablished by the famous clinic Thomas Sydenham, father of modern nosology. We also fixed the position of Antonio Casares in both, the Spanish and European Military Health, given that he was commissioned in foreign armies by the government and took part in the concert of national and international botanists. Since he was a hard worker, free of direct family obligations, if any, life and work get confused in his case almost completely

História da Medicina , Medicina Militar/história , Briófitas , Botânica , Disciplinas das Ciências Naturais/história
Dynamis (Granada) ; 36(2): 363-390, 2016. mapas, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-157171


Se estudia la aportación de Alexander von Humboldt a la representación natural que se sitúa entre la visión científica y el sentimiento artístico. Humboldt es considerado como el creador de un ‘arte científico’: la representación artística al servicio de la ciencia. Esta representación iconográfica de la botánica, la zoología y, ante todo, de los restos materiales de las culturas prehispánicas así como su expresión artística, proporcionó una nueva imagen de América que hasta entonces estaba ampliamente dominada por la fantasía europea. En el trabajo se exponen sus criterios para elaborar lo que se ha llamado un arte científico y se profundiza sobre su teoría de la impresión total de la naturaleza. Finalmente, se reflexiona sobre las referencias artísticas que Humboldt pudo incorporar a su sistema de representación y las influencias de éstas en su programa teórico (AU)

This study addresses the contribution of Alexander von Humboldt to the natural representation that is situated between scientific vision and artistic sentiment. Humboldt is considered as the creator of a ‘scientific art’, i.e., artistic representation in the service of science. This iconographic representation of botanic and zoological specimens, and above all of the material remains of Pre-Hispanic cultures and their artistic expression provided a new image of America that had previously been heavily dominated by European fantasy. This paper describes his criteria for developing what he called scientific art and explores his theory of the total representation of nature. Finally, it reflects on the artistic references that Humboldt was able to incorporate into his representation system and their influence on his theoretical program (AU)

Humanos , Expedições/história , Disciplinas das Ciências Naturais/história , Natureza , Características Humanas , Arte/história , Viagem/história , Pinturas/história , América
Dynamis (Granada) ; 36(2): 391-417, 2016. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-157172


Aunque Antoni de Martí i Franquès pasó la mayor parte de su vida en poblaciones alejadas de instituciones científicas, no fue por ello un genio aislado. Participó y presentó cinco memorias en academias de Barcelona, colaboró con algunos de los científicos más destacados de la ciudad, y mantuvo correspondencia con muchos otros. Su actividad en el campo de la ciencia era conocida especialmente en Cataluña, pero también en España y en cierta medida en Europa. Sus investigaciones le llevaron a defender planteamientos sobre la transformación de los organismos, la generación espontánea y la antigüedad de la Tierra, que en algunos puntos estaban en contradicción con las posiciones de la Iglesia católica española más ortodoxa, siendo el miedo a su reacción la causa de que publicara muy pocos textos científicos. No obstante, comunicó a sus amigos más íntimos sus investigaciones y sus conclusiones. Su aceptación de planteamientos muy próximos al evolucionismo de Lamarck, fue determinante para que otros autores como el naturalista Agustí Yáñez o el impresor Bergnes de las Casas, divulgaran estas ideas en Barcelona en la primera mitad del siglo XIX (AU)

Although Antoni de Martí i Franquès spent most of his life in small towns far from scientific institutions, he was not an isolated genius. In fact, he was an active contributor to the Academies in Barcelona, to which he presented five scientific reports, and he collaborated with the most prominent scientists in the city and maintained correspondence with many others. He was especially renowned in Catalonia for his activities, but he was also well known in Spain and to some extent in the rest of Europe. His research led him to defend ideas on the transformation of organisms, spontaneous generation and the antiquity of the earth that very often contradicted orthodox positions of the Spanish Catholic Church, and he published very few scientific papers due to fear of its reaction. Nevertheless, he disseminated his research and conclusions to close colleagues and friends. His acceptance of proposals very close to the evolutionism of Lamarck were decisive in the spread of these ideas among other authors in Barcelona in the first half of the 19th century, including the naturalist Agustí Yáñez and the printer Bergnes de las Casas (AU)

Humanos , História do Século XIX , Disciplinas das Ciências Naturais/história , Evolução Biológica , Características Humanas , Ciência/história , Origem da Vida
Span. j. psychol ; 18: e41.1-e41.10, 2015. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-137230


The aim of this study was to examine whether differences in strategy selection and/or strategy efficiency can explain the modulation of the problem-size effect by arithmetic skill. More specifically, we wondered whether arithmetic skill increases the use of retrieval strategy in large problems, and/or enhances the efficiency of either retrieval or procedural strategies. The performance of highly-skilled (HS) and less highly-skilled (LS) individuals on a subtraction verification task was analyzed according to problem size and to the strategy reported on a trial-by-trial basis after each problem. The problem size effect was larger for LS individuals than for their HS peers, both in response time and in hit rate. Nevertheless, groups did not differ regarding the strategy reported for each subtraction size. As expected, problems in which retrieval strategy was reported were solved more quickly and more accurately than problems solved by procedural strategies. Responses using retrieval strategy were equally fast in the two groups, but HS individuals performed better than LS when using procedural strategies. The results therefore suggest that the differences in behavioral measures between groups might specifically be due to differences in the efficiency of procedural strategies (AU)

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Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Adulto , Feminino , Aptidão/fisiologia , Conceitos Matemáticos , Resolução de Problemas/fisiologia , Disciplinas das Ciências Naturais , Psicologia Experimental/normas
Dynamis (Granada) ; 35(1): 35-55, 2015.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-144237


La traducció llatina dels llibres sobre els animals d’Aristòtil que es va dur a terme durant l’edat mitjana, va comportar la difusió de noves teories de l’àmbit de la biologia i zoologia a la cultura occidental. A partir de la segona meitat del segle XIII, aquest conjunt de llibres va contribuir al desenvolupament d’una nova pràctica mèdica fonamentada en la recuperació dels clàssics i la filosofia natural. Arnau de Vilanova (c. 1240-1311), un dels metges més importants de l’edat mitjana llatina, va utilitzar en diverses ocasions el conjunt de llibres sobre els animals per descriure processos biològics i fisiològics i formular una nova disciplina mèdica en el marc de les discussions entre la filosofia natural i la medicina de Montpeller de finals del segle XIII i principis del XIV (AU)

The Latin translation of Aristotle's books on animals, which was carried out during the middle ages, lead to the dissemination of new theories in the field of biology and zoology in the western culture. From the second half of the 13th century, this group of books contributed to the development of a new medical practice based on the recovery of classical authorities and natural philosophy. On different occasions, Arnau de Vilanova (c. 1240-1311) -one of the most preeminent physicians of the Latin middle ages- used the books on animals to describe biological and physiological processes, and also to formulate a new medical discipline within the framework of discussions between natural philosophy and medicine in Montpellier; this took place at the end of the 13th century and early 14h century (AU)

História Medieval , Disciplinas das Ciências Naturais/história , História Natural/história , Filosofia/história , Modelos Biológicos , Animais , Manuscrito Médico/história , Médicos/história , Tradução , Doenças dos Animais/história , Modelos Animais de Doenças , Espanha