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Am J Phys ; 90(3)2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36619177


The dynamics of a swinging payload suspended from a stationary crane, an unwanted phenomenon on a construction site, can be described as a simple pendulum. However, an experienced crane operator can deliver a swinging payload and have it stop dead on target in a finite amount of time by carefully modulating the speed of the trolley. Generally, a series of precisely timed stop and go movements of the trolley are implemented to damp out the kinetic energy of the simple harmonic oscillator. Here, this mysterious crane operator's trick will be revealed and ultimately generalized to capture the case where the load is initially swinging. Finally, this modus operandi is applied to a torsion balance used to measure G, the universal gravitational constant responsible for the swinging of the crane's payload in the first place.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32863578


A mathematical approach is introduced for predicting quantized resistances in graphene p-n junction devices that utilize more than a single entry and exit point for electron flow. Depending on the configuration of an arbitrary number of terminals, electrical measurements yield nonconventional, fractional multiples of the typical quantized Hall resistance at the v = 2 plateau (R H ≈ 12906 Ω) and take the form: a b R H . This theoretical formulation is independent of material, and applications to other material systems that exhibit quantum Hall behaviors are to be expected. Furthermore, this formulation is supported with experimental data from graphene devices with multiple source and drain terminals.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33335332


This work presents one solution for long-term storage of epitaxial graphene (EG) in air, namely through the functionalization of millimeter-scale devices with chromium tricarbonyl - Cr(CO)3. The carrier density may be tuned reproducibly by annealing below 400 K due to the presence of Cr(CO)3. All tuning is easily reversible with exposure to air, with the idle, in-air, carrier density always being close to the Dirac point. Precision measurements in the quantum Hall regime indicate no detrimental effects from the treatment, validating the pursuit of developing air-stable EG-based QHR devices.

IEEE Trans Instrum Meas ; 1.633481E62020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33335333


Precision quantum Hall resistance measurements can be greatly improved when implementing new electrical contact geometries made from superconducting NbTiN. The sample designs described here minimize undesired resistances at contacts and interconnections, enabling further enhancement of device size and complexity when pursuing next-generation quantized Hall resistance devices.

IEEE Trans Instrum Meas ; 69: 9374-9380, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33335334


A graphene quantized Hall resistance (QHR) device fabricated at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) was measured alongside a GaAs QHR device fabricated by the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) by comparing them to a 1 kΩ standard resistor using a cryogenic current comparator. The two devices were mounted in a custom developed dual probe that was then assessed for its viability as a suitable apparatus for precision measurements. The charge carrier density of the graphene device exhibited controllable tunability when annealed after Cr(CO)3 functionalization. These initial measurement results suggest that making resistance comparisons is possible with a single probe wired for two types of quantum standards - GaAs, the established material, and graphene, the newer material that may promote the development of more user-friendly equipment.

Carbon N Y ; 1542019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32165760


We have demonstrated the millimeter-scale fabrication of monolayer epitaxial graphene p-n junction devices using simple ultraviolet photolithography, thereby significantly reducing device processing time compared to that of electron beam lithography typically used for obtaining sharp junctions. This work presents measurements yielding nonconventional, fractional multiples of the typical quantized Hall resistance at ν = 2 (R H ≈ 12906 Ω) that take the form: a b R H . Here, a and b have been observed to take on values such 1, 2, 3, and 5 to form various coefficients of R H. Additionally, we provide a framework for exploring future device configurations using the LTspice circuit simulator as a guide to understand the abundance of available fractions one may be able to measure. These results support the potential for drastically simplifying device processing time and may be used for many other two-dimensional materials.

Carbon N Y ; 1422019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31097837


Monolayer epitaxial graphene (EG) has been shown to have clearly superior properties for the development of quantized Hall resistance (QHR) standards. One major difficulty with QHR devices based on EG is that their electrical properties drift slowly over time if the device is stored in air due to adsorption of atmospheric molecular dopants. The crucial parameter for device stability is the charge carrier density, which helps determine the magnetic flux density required for precise QHR measurements. This work presents one solution to this problem of instability in air by functionalizing the surface of EG devices with chromium tricarbonyl -Cr(CO)3. Observations of carrier density stability in air over the course of one year are reported, as well as the ability to tune the carrier density by annealing the devices. For low temperature annealing, the presence of Cr(CO)3 stabilizes the electrical properties and allows for the reversible tuning of the carrier density in millimeter-scale graphene devices close to the Dirac point. Precision measurements in the quantum Hall regime show no detrimental effect on the carrier mobility.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32116346


In this paper, we show that quantum Hall resistance measurements using two terminals may be as precise as four-terminal measurements when applying superconducting split contacts. The described sample designs eliminate resistance contributions of terminals and contacts such that the size and complexity of next-generation quantized Hall resistance devices can be significantly improved.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34877178


The growth of transition metal dichalcogenide (TMDC) alloys provides an opportunity to experimentally access information elucidating how optical properties change with gradual substitutions in the lattice compared with their pure compositions. In this work, we performed growths of alloyed crystals with stoichiometric compositions between pure forms of NbSe2 and WSe2, followed by an optical analysis of those alloys by utilizing Raman spectroscopy and spectroscopic ellipsometry.

Metrologia ; 56(6)2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32116392


This work presents precision measurements of quantized Hall array resistance devices using superconducting, crossover-free, multiple interconnections as well as graphene split contacts. These new techniques successfully eliminate the accumulation of internal resistances and leakage currents that typically occur at interconnections and crossing leads between interconnected devices. As a result, a scalable quantized Hall resistance array is obtained with a nominal value that is as precise and stable as that from single-element quantized Hall resistance standards.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34877141


We discuss how the impending redefinition of the SI system of units might affect the ability of students to understand the link between the units and the new system. The redefinition will no longer define a set of base units, but rather a set of constants of nature, such as the elementary charge, e. We point out that this list of constants need not be the only way to introduce students to the subject, either in class or in textbooks. We suggest an alternative way to introduce high school and undergraduate students to the redefined SI, by suggesting a list of experiments for some units; this list would be completely compatible with the redefined SI, and would have all of the same scientific and technological advantages. We demonstrate by questionnaire results that this alternative is more appealing to students. We hope to spur a discussion amongst teachers regarding this important topic for high school and undergraduate physics courses.

Microelectron Eng ; 194: 51-55, 2018 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29881131


Homogeneous, single-crystal, monolayer epitaxial graphene (EG) is the one of most promising candidates for the advancement of quantized Hall resistance (QHR) standards. A remaining challenge for the electrical characterization of EG-based quantum Hall devices as a useful tool for metrology is that they are electrically unstable when exposed to air due to the adsorption of and interaction with atmospheric molecular dopants. The resulting changes in the charge carrier density become apparent by variations in the surface conductivity, the charge carrier mobility, and may result in a transition from n-type to p-type conductivity. This work evaluates the use of Parylene C and Parylene N as passivation layers for EG. Electronic transport of EG quantum Hall devices and non-contact microwave perturbation measurements of millimeter-sized areas of EG are both performed on bare and Parylene coated samples to test the efficacy of the passivation layers. The reported results, showing a significant improvement in passivation due to Parylene deposition, suggest a method for the mass production of millimeter-scale graphene devices with stable electrical properties.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31274879


We report the performance of a quantum Hall resistance standard based on epitaxial graphene maintained in a 5-T tabletop cryocooler system. This quantum resistance standard requires no liquid helium and can operate continuously, allowing year-round accessibility to quantized Hall resistance measurements. The ν = 2 plateau, with a value of R K/2, also seen as R H, is used to scale to 1 kΩ using a binary cryogenic current comparator (BCCC) bridge and a direct current comparator (DCC) bridge. The uncertainties achieved with the BCCC are such as those obtained in the state-of-the-art measurements using GaAs-based devices. BCCC scaling methods can achieve large resistance ratios of 100 or more, and while room temperature DCC bridges have smaller ratios and lower current sensitivity, they can still provide alternate resistance scaling paths without the need for cryogens and superconducting electronics. Estimates of the relative uncertainties of the possible scaling methods are provided in this report, along with a discussion of the advantages of several scaling paths. The tabletop system limits are addressed as are potential solutions for using graphene standards at higher currents.

Small ; 13(26)2017 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28544485


Regarding the improvement of current quantized Hall resistance (QHR) standards, one promising avenue is the growth of homogeneous monolayer epitaxial graphene (EG). A clean and simple process is used to produce large, precise areas of EG. Properties like the surface conductivity and dielectric loss tangent remain unstable when EG is exposed to air due to doping from molecular adsorption. Experimental results are reported on the extraction of the surface conductivity and dielectric loss tangent from data taken with a noncontact resonance microwave cavity, assembled with an air-filled, standard R100 rectangular waveguide configuration. By using amorphous boron nitride (a-BN) as an encapsulation layer, stability of EG's electrical properties under ambient laboratory conditions is greatly improved. Moreover, samples are exposed to a variety of environmental and chemical conditions. Both thicknesses of a-BN encapsulation are sufficient to preserve surface conductivity and dielectric loss tangent to within 10% of its previously measured value, a result which has essential importance in the mass production of millimeter-scale graphene devices demonstrating electrical stability.

Small ; 11(1): 90-5, 2015 Jan 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25136792


The transport characteristics of graphene devices with low n- or p-type carrier density (∼10(10) -10(11) cm(-2) ), fabricated using a new process that results in minimal organic surface residues, are reported. The p-type molecular doping responsible for the low carrier densities is initiated by aqua regia. The resulting devices exhibit highly developed ν = 2 quantized Hall resistance plateaus at magnetic field strengths of less than 4 T.

Phys Rev B ; 108(12)2023 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37841515


This work reports the experimental demonstration of single-slit diffraction exhibited by electrons propagating in encapsulated graphene with an effective de Broglie wavelength corresponding to their attributes as massless Dirac fermions. Nanometer-scale device designs were implemented to fabricate a single-slit followed by five detector paths. Predictive calculations were also utilized to readily understand the observations reported. These calculations required the modeling of wave propagation in ideal case scenarios of the reported device designs to more accurately describe the observed single-slit phenomenon. This experiment was performed at room temperature and 190 K, where data from the latter highlighted the exaggerated asymmetry between electrons and holes, recently ascribed to slightly different Fermi velocities near the K point. This observation and device concept may be used for building diffraction switches with versatile applicability.

ACS Nano ; 16(11): 18200-18209, 2022 Nov 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36326218


Photocurrent (PC) measurements can reveal the relaxation dynamics of photoexcited hot carriers beyond the linear response of conventional transport experiments, a regime important for carrier multiplication. Here, we study the relaxation of carriers in graphene in the quantum Hall regime by accurately measuring the PC signal and modeling the data using optical Bloch equations. Our results lead to a unified understanding of the relaxation processes in graphene over different magnetic field strength regimes, which is governed by the interplay of Coulomb interactions and interactions with acoustic and optical phonons. Our data provide clear indications of a sizable carrier multiplication. Moreover, the oscillation pattern and the saturation behavior of PC are manifestations of not only the chiral transport properties of carriers in the quantum Hall regime but also the chirality change at the Dirac point, a characteristic feature of a relativistic quantum Hall effect.

J Phys Chem Ref Data ; 50(3): 033105, 2021 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36726646


We report the 2018 self-consistent values of constants and conversion factors of physics and chemistry recommended by the Committee on Data of the International Science Council. The recommended values can also be found at The values are based on a least-squares adjustment that takes into account all theoretical and experimental data available through 31 December 2018. A discussion of the major improvements as well as inconsistencies within the data is given. The former include a decrease in the uncertainty of the dimensionless fine-structure constant and a nearly two orders of magnitude improvement of particle masses expressed in units of kg due to the transition to the revised International System of Units (SI) with an exact value for the Planck constant. Further, because the elementary charge, Boltzmann constant, and Avogadro constant also have exact values in the revised SI, many other constants are either exact or have significantly reduced uncertainties. Inconsistencies remain for the gravitational constant and the muon magnetic-moment anomaly. The proton charge radius puzzle has been partially resolved by improved measurements of hydrogen energy levels.

Rev Mod Phys ; 93(2)2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36733295


We report the 2018 self-consistent values of constants and conversion factors of physics and chemistry recommended by the Committee on Data of the International Science Council (CODATA). The recommended values can also be found at The values are based on a least-squares adjustment that takes into account all theoretical and experimental data available through 31 December 2018. A discussion of the major improvements as well as inconsistencies within the data is given. The former include a decrease in the uncertainty of the dimensionless fine-structure constant and a nearly two orders of magnitude improvement of particle masses expressed in units of kg due to the transition to the revised International System of Units (SI) with an exact value for the Planck constant. Further, because the elementary charge, Boltzmann constant, and Avogadro constant also have exact values in the revised SI, many other constants are either exact or have significantly reduced uncertainties. Inconsistencies remain for the gravitational constant and the muon magnetic-moment anomaly. The proton charge radius puzzle has been partially resolved by improved measurements of hydrogen energy levels.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34250452


Tantalum diselenide (TaSe2) is a metallic transition metal dichalcogenide whose structure and vibrational behavior strongly depend on temperature and thickness, and this behavior includes the emergence of charge density wave (CDW) states at very low temperatures. In this work, observed Raman modes for mono- and bilayer are described across several spectral regions and compared to those seen in the bulk case. These modes, which include an experimentally observed forbidden Raman mode and low-frequency CDWs, are then matched to corresponding vibrations predicted by density functional theory (DFT). The reported match between experimental and computational results supports the presented vibrational visualizations of these modes. Support is also provided by experimental phonons observed in additional Raman spectra as a function of temperature and thickness. These results highlight the importance of understanding CDWs since they are likely to play a fundamental role in the future realization of solid-state quantum information platforms based on nonequilibrium phenomena.